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David Gallop has to go!


First Grade
Misty Bee said:
With, what, 4 stations AT LEAST that we know would happily broadcast games on radio, we have guaranteed that the audience is limited severely, and the market being targetted by radio is the 6 generations inbred 12 fingered banjo players whose life is otherwise consumed with watching the bathwater form little whirlpools as it drains, and trying to light matched with their teeth, just like their 'paww' used to do.

So they're targeting Parra supporters then?


Green Machine said:
David Gallop was just delivering a decision made by the Premiership Partnership committee that also involves the Clubs and the ARL. If it was such a great deal, they would tell us all how much money was involved. One of his comments yesterday really disturbed me:

2GB were keen to remain exclusive

This seems to contradict Ray Hadley’s position on what 2GB should be bidding for. If Ray Hadley is so confident that he can win the ratings on Friday Night, Saturday and Sunday, why would his station need exclusive rights? I wonder if the NRL have any guarantees on Friday night commercial coverage. What will happen if 2GB decide that Friday night is not rating like a 7.30pm Saturday, will they just drop the Friday night coverage? Will there be any coverage of the second Friday night game?

The entire situation is a worry. Listening to Gallop's total disregard for country people yesterday made me sick. It should be the NRL's charter to ensure they get maximum reach, but it appears their are other agendas at play here.

I have no problem with Triple M calling Monday nights, but to totally brush 2SM who also wanted to call Monday nights and have a far greater reach throughout NSW and who give rugby league valuable promotion every day, is farcical.

If the NRL keep ignoring stations who want to play a part in promoting their product then we will end up with a situation of no commercial radio stations showing interest. And why should they? 2UE have already been kicked in the guts several times and they now prefer to call the odd union game. They couldn't be bothered bidding anymore. The same will happen with 2SM and it will be left to 2GB at a bargain price to do whatever they want.

Stupid, stupid decision. Agendas, agendas, agendas.

Mr Saab

Misty Bee said:
All I can say is well done to all the f**ktards that championed pay TV as the savior when C9 broadcast the 1st TNG on 1 hr delay. Those of us without pay TV yet again will suffer because of NRL ineptitude and greed.

And where is Tallis? I recall all his 'fans' applauding the promotion of this brainless fleabag, saying 'he'll stick up for the game'!!!!

f**k you are a dead set idiot.
Tallis..one man on the board...yeah he is reaaaaaaally going to be influential for radio rights.
His main point being there is for a player perspective...
Blame Gallop, dont get on your 1 foot high horse and blame Tallis.
You are the maggot sh*t of LU...


Green Machine said:
David Gallop was just delivering a decision made by the Premiership Partnership committee that also involves the Clubs and the ARL. If it was such a great deal, they would tell us all how much money was involved. One of his comments yesterday really disturbed me:

2GB were keen to remain exclusive

This seems to contradict Ray Hadley’s position on what 2GB should be bidding for. If Ray Hadley is so confident that he can win the ratings on Friday Night, Saturday and Sunday, why would his station need exclusive rights? I wonder if the NRL have any guarantees on Friday night commercial coverage. What will happen if 2GB decide that Friday night is not rating like a 7.30pm Saturday, will they just drop the Friday night coverage? Will there be any coverage of the second Friday night game?



Gallop has done a great job over the past years.

And as far as thai decision is concerned I'm willing to support it. T

he game needs as much money as possible and exposure.

I'm sure Gallop agree and this is why the board has made this decsion.

AFL is rife on triple M this will get rid of it.

The country still will get seven out of eight games.


chunk said:
AFL is rife on triple M this will get rid of it.

The country still will get seven out of eight games.

The country does not get 7 out of 8 games. The country will get a maximum of 6 and a minimum of 3. The AFL states get all 8 AFL games covered every week - guaranteed. People in Sydney will not get every game either, sometimes a minimum of 4 on a weekend when the ABC decide to call big rugby union games instead of the RL.

AFL is rife on Triple M because the NRL allowed it to be by rejecting the Aus Stereo's bids twice in the past.

Just like Super 14 is now the game of 2UE and could well be the game of 2SM in the future.


the more i read these, the more i keep thinking that does david gallop really care about Rugby League in general? all i see here is that gallop being a hypocrite by shutting out the die hard league fans for money


Rocco said:
the more i read these, the more i keep thinking that does david gallop really care about Rugby League in general? all i see here is that gallop being a hypocrite by shutting out the die hard league fans for money

Its not Gallop mate, its News Filth (aka Ltd)

The sooner these evil people DIE from our game, the better off we will all be.


First Grade
Are ABC allowed to broadcast the Monday night game? I know they can't do Friday Night Football.

Being one of those country people, albeit not very far into the "rural" zone, I can't get Sydney radio, and always listen ABC Illawarra. Dragons games always get preference down here, so I'm chuffed, not so good for all the followers of other teams in the South Coast region though.

As for the whole "get pay TV" argument... this is a sport, or it's supposed to be, so the NRL should have the fans of the game foremost in mind. We know the truth though, that the shareholders of News Ltd are always foremost in mind, and the fans are only important as long as they are customers of the preferred NRL vendor, FOXTEL.


Gallop is a flip , he expects 2SM to prop up Triple M when they won't be able to deliver , Hadley & his cronies have Gallop & Co by the balls

The Preacher

First Grade
gotheblues said:
Gallop is a flip , he expects 2SM to prop up Triple M when they won't be able to deliver , Hadley & his cronies have Gallop & Co by the balls

Most of what you say is true, though I think it may be more Singo & Jones rather than Hadley and his cronies.;-)


gotheblues said:
Gallop is a flip , he expects 2SM to prop up Triple M when they won't be able to deliver , Hadley & his cronies have Gallop & Co by the balls

Too true. It also must be a News Limited agenda to restrict as many forms of the media as possible with the aim of making Pay TV more desirable.

These radio deals have been a joke ever since they were brought in and it's taken a passionate league person like Hughes to finally speak out.

There can be no possible explanation for having rugby league on the radio unavailable in certain timeslots and for heartland country areas, especially when there are stations out there willing to cover it. On about 7 or 8 occasions last season there was no call of the 7.30pm games on a Saturday night because the ABC went with rugby union and the official commercial rights holder choose not to call those.
How a responsible governing body can allow this happen when there are stations crying out to broadcast these games to the people is unforgivable.


First Grade
Gallop has done wonders for the game with regards to dragging it up out of the mud and cleaning up a lot of the negative publicity the game was getting at the turn of the century.

Having said that, it is obvious that the main motivation of the NRL bosses is making the game a marketable product, and there is too much focus on this aspect and not enough on what's best for the game long term. This is Gallop's biggest failing - he should be marketing director or something like that, not the big boss.


Azkatro said:
Gallop has done wonders for the game with regards to dragging it up out of the mud and cleaning up a lot of the negative publicity the game was getting at the turn of the century.

I strongly disagree. The game has got more negative publicity over the last couple of years than ever.

I'll agree that he is better than Moffett was, but the reality is he's a News Limited man running a News agenda and its restricting the game's reach in the media. FFS, our major award for players is a News Limited award.

I was a fan of Super League when it occured, but little did I know just how restricting aligning yourself to one media organisation can be.


This was the standard response given to people complaining about radio rights.

Thanks for your letter regarding the radio rights.

Every radio station was given an opportunity to bid on the basis of either exclusive, non exclusive and indeed in terms of any proposal it wished to make in relation to specific days.

The NRL suggested to all parties that it was looking to Monday evening as a night for FM Radio.

The logic for this by the way was to encourage a different audience to the game for one night of the week, bearing in mind that existing audiences would also be aware of the location of the broadcast and would have opportunity to tune in for the duration of the match.

Contrary to suggestions regarding a lack of rural coverage on Monday night, Triple M has an expressed intention to make their broadcasts available across regional FM Networks.

These networks provide extensive regional coverage.

In 2007 Rugby League has ensured that Friday night matches are being broadcast live on both radio and television for the first time.

It has ensured that through 2GB and the ABC there will be a broad coverage available to fans in metropolitan and regional areas.

It is always understandable that some will have allegiances to one station over another and we certainly respect that right.

But just as people who prefer to watch one television station accept that the station cannot have the rights to every event, so too do radio listeners.

There is no doubt that in AM radio commercial exclusivity is something of significant value. Radio 2SM had an opportunity to bid for this but chose not to.

Radio 2GB bid on the basis of exclusivity and the commercial disparity between the 2GB offer and the 2SM offer was such that the NRL accepted 2GB’s.

Having canvassed all stations twice in the last two years it is totally incorrect to suggest the NRL could have generated more revenue by giving more stations broadcasting rights.

Ultimately I am sorry if the station of your choice has not been awarded the radio rights but the granting of broadcast rights is a fundamental part of professional sport and we have worked to establish the best outcome we could given the options available.

The net change from the present is that the NRL has increased the number of matches to be broadcast on radio and added another station to the broadcasting mix.

At the same time it has ensured that the game continues to generate income that will support the grass roots development of Rugby League.

The NRL seems to think it's a sour grapes issue for people wanting 2SM to cover the game. This is not about 2SM, this about the game and the fans who are being shafted. In an ideal world I would prefer 2UE to be covering games as well, but of course they were put off by continual knockbacks and chose not to go for the rights this time and will stick to calling rugby union.



First Grade
Cheers Brutus for the official reply.

No mention of dominating the market with saturation coverage or Hadley Inc ignoring or bagging the game and glossing over the holes in the regional coverage by not addressig specifics.

No answer at all really and about what you'd expect from an organisation that sold its arse to the big end of town years ago. A damn shame.

Misty Bee

First Grade
Exclusive rights is not a problem, providing it gets to the regions. The problem is the content of the show presented. This obviously hs escaped the NRL.

I believe the NRL is under extreme pressure from News to make as much out of the game as possible, so that News can recoup it's costs for f**king the code in the first place. I'm saddened by the ARL's lack of fight on the subject.


Misty Bee said:
Exclusive rights is not a problem, providing it gets to the regions. The problem is the content of the show presented. This obviously hs escaped the NRL.

I believe the NRL is under extreme pressure from News to make as much out of the game as possible, so that News can recoup it's costs for f**king the code in the first place. I'm saddened by the ARL's lack of fight on the subject.

2GB obviously suits News Limited because they never discuss the real issues in the game and will not cover 7.30pm Saturday night games which is Pay TV's big RL night. They suit News' agenda perfectly. Meanwhile true fans wanting coverage and rugby league talk miss out.

Misty Bee

First Grade
adamkungl said:
Misty Bee your rant was the closest thing to a bowel movement I'll see on this forum yet it was by no means rivetting. So yes, I find Hadley entertaining and i believe they have the best commentary team in the game, if you don't like it don't listen. .

F**ktard. And what is the choice????

Go and restring your banjo before Raaaaay rings for counselling.

Typical that NQ and Charlie unite to stick up for Tallis "the voice of Rugby League" and his absence in this issue, while lambasting the NRL (of which Tallis is on the board). Hypocracy is your friend!

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