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Dear Cam and Bryan – I’m Sorry


Poor little 'mikem' :crazy:
Some Manly fans never grow up do they :roll:

After your little dummy spit I thought I'd go re-visit my 'favourite' Manly game.
See I'm one of those no nothing mexicans that you & your mates the media claim no nothing about rugby league.As usual......They & you are wrong :lol:

Wigan V Manly

You f**kn Tosser where does he say he is a Manly fan?

Oh BTW 40-0 you were kept scoreless so now your our bitch until you can reverse that f**kn scoreline biatch.....hahahahahaah


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Um, the text is in Maroon, that might be a start you ignorant fool.

As for the original post... what a pathetic diatribe. Can't be happy with a win? Have to be a sore winner too? Loser.


Ahhh how ignorant of me i must be blind from pulling my eyes out after the thumping the Storm copped which was a long time coming, i guess 2008 was a tru ARL year with the Doggies being the wooden spooners & the Storm finally copping such a sweet defeat i guess i stand corrected if he is a Manly supporter i just think back to the way Manly got treated last year after the GF & now the Storm whinge about sore winners? PFFT f**k it we owned the NRL this year so sorry all you haters ill take 40-zip i couldnt care less how i am perceived to take the victory....


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
The way Manly got treated last year? :? They lost and noone cared, as happens with most Grand Finalists each year...

Storm whinging about sore winners? I'm a Bulldogs fan and I think there are a few of you Manly fans carrying on like pork chops. By all means, enjoy your win - your club earnt the premiership this year and did it in style. Why that means you have to rubbish Melbourne whilst doing so makes no sense and doesn't paint you or your fanbase in a favourable light to those smart enough not to subscribe to the media campaign against the Storm.

Sorry couldn't let this bit slide... :lol: - all you haters? We're on an internet forum discussing Rugby League, not on the streets doing drug deals.


Dude i appreciate this being on the internet so im gonna pull rank & tell you to STFU number 16 haha j/k's all good i dont even really give a f**k the OP doesnt really portray my view i jst hate the way people carry on on all sides and had a rant back at the gronk posting links when all i can say to him is 40-Nil, Timmah im not getting into arguments with your valid points drug dealing is illegal take it easy :cool:
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Come on. Let's face it. We all know what this forum would've copped had the Storm won. I say let the Manly fans enjoy their time in the sun. Great glee and jubilation to them all. :)


I have no problem with Manly's win or the score :roll: sh*t happens right.

I do have a problem with rabid anti Melbourne fans who run off at the mouth & soak up ever bit of media as gospel.

I guess being born in Wigan & following RL for 'a couple of years',(I'm 58 right ;-) ) means I know absolutely nothing about the game since I don't live in NSW ?

Like Timmah said ENJOY your team's win
but try not being an RL racist for a change ;-) .


Sorry mate after last years GF all i heard was how it was all over for WOmanly lol...i guess its just desserts for everyone who opened their trap to have a blow out score like that so maybe next time alot of people will think twice before writing a team off after a GF loss.....Storm will be back wiser next year jst like alot of other teams will be :cool: until then we got something to celebrate haha GO MANLY!


i mean i agree...if the storm had won again this year manly fans would not have heard the end of it! if you can give it you gotta be able to take it too.

BUT what sh*ts me is these dragons fans and eels fans and titans fan who have jumped up and start bagging us....sure if THEY had done us by 40 points in a gf then so be it....but they didnt we own the dragons asses, eels and titans are also becoming our bitches and will never beat us in a gf or even make a gf anytime soon.

again congrats manly fans...rip in all you want!!! cant wait for 09


OMG great point, its the NRL supporters in general, they ride the bandwagon cause there team is not there & they need to feel good about themselves so in goes the boot to the defeated side....hah i had a dragons supporter in my ear after they won 20-18 earlier this year & he was even going to the extent calling us pretenders & how they were gonna 'towel' us in the semis if we played them etc i jst shut my mouth for 5 months & after the first semi his excuse was the ref dogged them thats why we won 48-6...right...

Storm & Manly have raised the bar & lets hope some more teams can turn it up next year, i cant wait either :cool:
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Actually I quite respect Cam Smith as a player. I just hated THAT tackle and the fact that he just couldn't accept the fact he had done the wrong thing.
What he said to the ref afterwards when he was questioned was even worse.

Just proved how much of a grub he is..


i mean i agree...if the storm had won again this year manly fans would not have heard the end of it! if you can give it you gotta be able to take it too.

So,this only applies to other teams?
Because all the storm fans do is throw abuse.

BUT what sh*ts me is these dragons fans and eels fans and titans fan who have jumped up and start bagging us
Wrong.Weve been bagging the storm all year,havent you been reading the forums?
....sure if THEY had done us by 40 points in a gf then so be it....but they didnt we own the dragons asses, eels and titans are also becoming our bitches and will never beat us in a gf or even make a gf anytime soon.
To refresh your memory it was one game each this year..hardly someones bitch..

again congrats manly fans...rip in all you want!!! cant wait for 09


I'm a hardcore Manly fan, and truly felt bad for Cameron Smith and Ryan Hoffman missing out on that game. These experiences only come to an individual maybe once or twice in their lives (more in Melbournes case - hehehehe).

I know I don't speak for Manly fans, but I personally would have loved to see them both playing (with Will Chambers fit too).

Additionally, I'd never boooo Cameron Smith. FFS, he pours his heart into a sport that entertains the fans.

That said, there are always hero's and villians in this sport. Look at King Walley Lewis. NSW people hated the bloke, but now after it is all said and done, he is a true legend, and an ornament to the history of the game.

That's exactly the same thing as fans will be saying about Cameron Smith once he retires. To me, the boo's are more about his dominance and strengths as a player (similar to Wally Lewis).

I felt for Storm fans at the scoreline, but as a Manly fan, I'm proud as anything.

You guys will be back bigger and better next year. I know that because Bellamy is your coach). I'm looking forward to our re-match ! See you lads then !


I'm a hardcore Manly fan, and truly felt bad for Cameron Smith and Ryan Hoffman missing out on that game. These experiences only come to an individual maybe once or twice in their lives (more in Melbournes case - hehehehe).

I know I don't speak for Manly fans, but I personally would have loved to see them both playing (with Will Chambers fit too).

Additionally, I'd never boooo Cameron Smith. FFS, he pours his heart into a sport that entertains the fans.

That said, there are always hero's and villians in this sport. Look at King Walley Lewis. NSW people hated the bloke, but now after it is all said and done, he is a true legend, and an ornament to the history of the game.

That's exactly the same thing as fans will be saying about Cameron Smith once he retires. To me, the boo's are more about his dominance and strengths as a player (similar to Wally Lewis).

I felt for Storm fans at the scoreline, but as a Manly fan, I'm proud as anything.

You guys will be back bigger and better next year. I know that because Bellamy is your coach). I'm looking forward to our re-match ! See you lads then !
Good on you Ryan,whilst I'd love to see the Storm reverse the result of this year I reckon Manly are almost certainties next year barring injuriesWould think the salary cap might bite in 2010 though.


So,this only applies to other teams?
Because all the storm fans do is throw abuse.

Wrong.Weve been bagging the storm all year,havent you been reading the forums?

To refresh your memory it was one game each this year..hardly someones bitch..

1) No we dont...wtf would you know you only been here since september, and i agree we may have thrown abuse but thats due to the fact tf**kwits like you and pretty much everyone in rugby league turning on the storm.

2) again you only been here since september...so its hardly "all year". Yeah bagging the storm because Turner didnt want to go to your sh*t hole of a club...boo f**king hoo.

3) I didnt say THIS YEAR. i said they are becoming our bitches...which you are!


So,this only applies to other teams?
Because all the storm fans do is throw abuse.

Wrong.Weve been bagging the storm all year,havent you been reading the forums?

To refresh your memory it was one game each this year..hardly someones bitch..

1) No we dont...wtf would you know you only been here since september, and i agree we may have thrown abuse but thats due to the fact tf**kwits like you and pretty much everyone in rugby league turning on the storm.

2) again you only been here since september...so its hardly "all year". Yeah bagging the storm because Turner didnt want to go to your sh*t hole of a club...boo f**king hoo.

3) I didnt say THIS YEAR. i said they are becoming our bitches...which you are!
You really need to get over your fixation with Turner,i didnt mention him.
And your post has proved my point,you get stuck so you use abuse instead of logic or reasoning..for someone whos supposedly in their 20's your posts are childish ie the wheelchair comment and not being mature enough to apologize.
Regardless of how long this name im using has been here,its long enought to see your limitations.
Ive had enough of your posts so im blocking you.
Hopefully i wont see you on the Titans forum, supercronk.
You really need to get over your fixation with Turner,i didnt mention him.
And your post has proved my point,you get stuck so you use abuse instead of logic or reasoning..for someone whos supposedly in their 20's your posts are childish ie the wheelchair comment and not being mature enough to apologize.
Regardless of how long this name im using has been here,its long enought to see your limitations.
Ive had enough of your posts so im blocking you.
Hopefully i wont see you on the Titans forum, supercronk.

Blocking someone ???...:lol::lol:


You really need to get over your fixation with Turner,i didnt mention him.
And your post has proved my point,you get stuck so you use abuse instead of logic or reasoning..for someone whos supposedly in their 20's your posts are childish ie the wheelchair comment and not being mature enough to apologize.
Regardless of how long this name im using has been here,its long enought to see your limitations.
Ive had enough of your posts so im blocking you.
Hopefully i wont see you on the Titans forum, supercronk.

ohz noes...please dont block me.

what the f**k has the titans forum got to do with anything? havent posted there in f**king ages.

hopefully i do see you at a game...