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Dear Mulvihill and Co.


Great turnout

All 5 of you

Nice to see you've hopped off the bandwagon

Round 18:

Round 16:

Do you want me to upload Ray Warren's and Peter Sterling's comments about the size and noise generated by the WTF in Round 14 as well? Ch.9 got a close up of the group that lasts about 20 seconds which they screened over the top of general play.

I'm sure Noyce is in a crisis meeting at the moment; battling to figure out how to apologise for banning you.

Why don't you go back to supporting Tottenham...

oh wait, you got banned from their site too for abusing those lads.
Funny about that.

Otherwise mate, enjoy your time chatting to Mr Jackson. I'm sure he enjoyed having the sun reflect into his eyes off your shiny noggen.


Was it a good turn out yesterday? Yes
Was it a piss poor turn out last week? Yes
Do you have an obvious obsession with Mulvihill? Yes


Am I debating that Telstra crowds a sh*t? NO
Is there a pattern between big WTF and small WTF turnouts compared to the weeks that WT play at Telstra ? YES
Can anything be done about it? YES - LEAVE TELSTRA
Does Mulvihill (and others) have an unhealthy obsession with the WTF/Official Forum Mods? I DUNNO... WHY DON'T YOU CHECK OUT THE FORUM HE STARTED TO FIND OUT YOURSELF


If you're not debating the small telstra crowd why quote his comments on that?

Do us all a favour and press alt+F4.
Estoboy said:
Am I debating that Telstra crowds a sh*t? NO
Is there a pattern between big WTF and small WTF turnouts compared to the weeks that WT play at Telstra ? YES
Can anything be done about it? YES - LEAVE TELSTRA
Does Mulvihill (and others) have an unhealthy obsession with the WTF/Official Forum Mods? I DUNNO... WHY DON'T YOU CHECK OUT THE FORUM HE STARTED TO FIND OUT YOURSELF

Well the club should accede to the wishes of your motley gaggle of misfits?

Just because the security at Telstra is more stringent is not an excuse for the meagre turnout.

BTW I know that your direct superior Steve Noyce (seeing as you're involved in the club) would not condone the obsecne chanting at the Bulldogs game. Show a bit of decorum + civility in future.


ahhhh, so you've run out of ammo and now you're using the "obscene chanting" comeback. Well mate, this was already talked about 7 days ago on the OF and its pretty obvious that 99% of people hate the "obscene chanting", so really I don't know where you going with this argument except to satisfy your need to argue about everything.


1 - (insert 'yawn' emoticon)
2 - "alt+F4".... you are such a nerd.

but alas, i'm glad that i've succeeded in pissing you rejects off


see you sunday fellas!


I think on reflection we have been harsh on the WTF turnout last sun against canterbury. There were a whole myriad of reasons i feel which contributed to this, and we shouldn't be so harsh on them:
- Some were scared of the big bad bulldogs fans
- The school certificate starts next month and this needed to be studied for.
- Mummy forbid them from going
- There was trackwork on the cityrail network
- They didn't get their pocket money on time
- The RTA's bureaucracy has caused delays in drivers getting their P Plates
- It was the off welfare week in the comm govt's fornightly payment cycle
- They were all out the sat night at Hugo's and pulled glamours so stayed in and serviced the supermodels they all pull

So the WTF hate Telstra. So does everyone. Funny how you didn't hate it last yr vs canterbury, or against St George this yr when we were winning. It only became an issue when the side was losing


mulvihill said:
I think on reflection we have been harsh on the WTF turnout last sun against canterbury. There were a whole myriad of reasons i feel which contributed to this, and we shouldn't be so harsh on them:
- Some were scared of the big bad bulldogs fans
- The school certificate starts next month and this needed to be studied for.
- Mummy forbid them from going
- There was trackwork on the cityrail network
- They didn't get their pocket money on time
- The RTA's bureaucracy has caused delays in drivers getting their P Plates
- It was the off welfare week in the comm govt's fornightly payment cycle
- They were all out the sat night at Hugo's and pulled glamours so stayed in and serviced the supermodels they all pull

So the WTF hate Telstra. So does everyone. Funny how you didn't hate it last yr vs canterbury, or against St George this yr when we were winning. It only became an issue when the side was losing
couldn't agree more
you are so right!
now if you'll excuse me, i'm off to celebrate Fitzy's RE-signing:crazy: :crazy:


mulvihill said:
I think on reflection we have been harsh on the WTF turnout last sun against canterbury. There were a whole myriad of reasons i feel which contributed to this, and we shouldn't be so harsh on them:
- Some were scared of the big bad bulldogs fans
- The school certificate starts next month and this needed to be studied for.
- Mummy forbid them from going
- There was trackwork on the cityrail network
- They didn't get their pocket money on time
- The RTA's bureaucracy has caused delays in drivers getting their P Plates
- It was the off welfare week in the comm govt's fornightly payment cycle
- They were all out the sat night at Hugo's and pulled glamours so stayed in and serviced the supermodels they all pull

So the WTF hate Telstra. So does everyone. Funny how you didn't hate it last yr vs canterbury, or against St George this yr when we were winning. It only became an issue when the side was losing

Let's play a game: instead of making yourself look like a genius, let us do it for you.

Instead of pulling yourself off in your deluded little existance, perhaps you would like to give us your views on the fact that the average punter, hell, even myself, have to battle to be allowed into the bay. We hate Telstra because of the extreme difficulties they provide in allowing us to do what we did so well last year. Go and ask Skando what he thought of the impact the fans made on our title last year.


So all of a sudden last sunday it was impossible to get into the bay. But at semis and the st george game earlier in the yr etc it was AOK. Or did everyone only get jack of it when the team started copping the odd hiding and Benji was ruled out ???


I love it now the WTF were a contributor to the Tigers Premiership... Who's the genius
"We couldn't have done it without the fans" It's almost more cliched as "We're just taking it week to week."


The comment is about the WTF contributing to the Premiership you spastic. I'm sure everybody else would've got it except for a complete deadsh*t like you...


mulvihill said:
So all of a sudden last sunday it was impossible to get into the bay. But at semis and the st george game earlier in the yr etc it was AOK. Or did everyone only get jack of it when the team started copping the odd hiding and Benji was ruled out ???

Actually if you must know it has been a policy Telstra has been instituting in the last few home matches that you must have a WTF section ticket. This is all well and good but it was not until a meeting between the club, Telstra and a WTF representative that this policy was expressed to the WTF. Apparantly for the next game Ticketek at the ground won't answer "that does not exist" or "that's what this supporters area ticket is" because this has been the case throughout the year.

It is odd because we are running across teething problems in the second year of the deal and not the first. I suppose the more clubs that operate out of Telstra and issue Bay 105 as a fanatical supporters bay the cloudier the directives of the stadium will become. Sad really.

But please continue on with your sad little tirade against the official forum and the WTF because in the end both will exist and you will not be a part of either.

The easiest way is if you carry on supporting the team in your own way and others shall do the same without judgment calls on the others choices. Now wouldn't that be better


You think we won the premiership because of the WTF? I've heard it all now you self-important little twat. Did Souths came 14th last year because the burrow didn't cheer loud enough?

But i'll play, if Skando is talking about the fans importance, I should hope he's talking about the fans in general. Plenty of us cheer at the game and contribute our money and support to the club. Just because we don't feel the need to do it in some homoerotic frenzy like the WTF doesn't make us any less important to Wests Tigers.


smeghead said:
The easiest way is if you carry on supporting the team in your own way and others shall do the same without judgment calls on the others choices. Now wouldn't that be better

Who started the thread?
Who is condemning mulvihill that their style of support is unwanted by the club?
Who is claiming their support, not that of others, is the reason for Tigers premiership last year?

I believe the answer to every question is a member of the WTF.


mulvihill said:
So all of a sudden last sunday it was impossible to get into the bay. But at semis and the st george game earlier in the yr etc it was AOK. Or did everyone only get jack of it when the team started copping the odd hiding and Benji was ruled out ???


oh this is too easy. Give me your email address and i'll forward you the two dozen or so emails between the stadium, the club and the WTF. And if that doesn't spell it our for you, i'll give you the links to all the topics in the WTF section of the official forum where the TS seating issue was argued about at the begining of the year; there were many!

But then again, that was only 2 games (dragons + doggies).

Last year it was fine. Anyone could walk in. But some cheap ass people (probably similar to yourself) would enter the WTF bay then walk up to the 50m line and sit there, causing other season ticket holders to complain and hence TS brought in the restricted area policy this year.

But at the same time, there are more factors that make going to TS games so sh*t. When you walk into Toyota Park the security lets you take in drums, horns and all the rest, even if you are an away supporter. There arn't any hassles. Yet at Telstra, everything becomes a problem. Its all well documented on the official forum.

Realisticly everyone should go regardless of these problems. From 2000-2005 everyone did go to as many games as they could even when we had no chance of winning. So as you can see, the problems we are facing now are so ridiculous that its turning people off going to Telstra games. If you respected that fact, maybe you'd understand where we are coming from.

King Tigerman

mulvihill said:
I think on reflection we have been harsh on the WTF turnout last sun against canterbury. There were a whole myriad of reasons i feel which contributed to this, and we shouldn't be so harsh on them:
- Some were scared of the big bad bulldogs fans
- The school certificate starts next month and this needed to be studied for.
- Mummy forbid them from going
- There was trackwork on the cityrail network
- They didn't get their pocket money on time
- The RTA's bureaucracy has caused delays in drivers getting their P Plates
- It was the off welfare week in the comm govt's fornightly payment cycle
- They were all out the sat night at Hugo's and pulled glamours so stayed in and serviced the supermodels they all pull

So the WTF hate Telstra. So does everyone. Funny how you didn't hate it last yr vs canterbury, or against St George this yr when we were winning. It only became an issue when the side was losing

theres always an open invitation to hang out with me mulvihill

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