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Dear Mulvihill and Co.


Balmain_Boy said:
Who started the thread?
Who is condemning mulvihill that their style of support is unwanted by the club?
Who is claiming their support, not that of others, is the reason for Tigers premiership last year?

I believe the answer to every question is a member of the WTF.

Well I believe it was Estoboy who started this thread. I also believe that this thread was started in response to comments made by Mulvihill, a person who only seems content when laying the boot in to the WTF or certain Tigers players. I am not sure what his problem with the WTF is although I think it has alot to do with the fact that he was banned from the official forum and blames several members of the WTF for it.

I wasn't aware that anyone was condeming his method of support for the team. As always my personal view is the more the merrier.

I read Westies post as WTF being a contributor to the support level that the players appreciated so much last year.

I believe you would be right on that point, however I would suggest that this thread is a direct reaction and/or defence to the attacks of Mulvihill and Chopsy. Again if you can disprove this I will be more than happy to re-assess my position.

Also in one of your other posts you reffered to the WTF's style of support as homoerotic. I don't really see it. Unless of course the image of men (and women for that matter) celebrating or cheering turns you on, in which case your assessment from a personal stand point would be correct


smeghead said:
Well I believe it was Estoboy who started this thread. I also believe that this thread was started in response to comments made by Mulvihill, a person who only seems content when laying the boot in to the WTF or certain Tigers players. I am not sure what his problem with the WTF is although I think it has alot to do with the fact that he was banned from the official forum and blames several members of the WTF for it.

I wasn't aware that anyone was condeming his method of support for the team. As always my personal view is the more the merrier.

I read Westies post as WTF being a contributor to the support level that the players appreciated so much last year.

I believe you would be right on that point, however I would suggest that this thread is a direct reaction and/or defence to the attacks of Mulvihill and Chopsy. Again if you can disprove this I will be more than happy to re-assess my position.

Also in one of your other posts you reffered to the WTF's style of support as homoerotic. I don't really see it. Unless of course the image of men (and women for that matter) celebrating or cheering turns you on, in which case your assessment from a personal stand point would be correct

I'm actually not sure who started the contention between Mulvihill and Co and the WTF. I'm reasonably positive it was Mulvihill though. That does not change the fact that the WTF members have delighted in returning serve - they have been giving as good as they get, so I really don't think "He started it" is an adequate defense. Considering WTF believe they are in an official capacity with the club, I would think the onus is on them to end any feud.

I find getting together in a group of 50 blokes and about 5 sheilas and chanting, dancing and singing without really watching the football pretty homosexual yes. That's why I'd never do it. But each to his own. Obviously I don't think you're all gay. It was a response to this pathetic thread.

If Estoboy thinks so poorly of Mulvihill, why the need to start this thread?


Official capacity they wish. I have seen people in an official capacity head to other floors of the pub when members of the WTF steam into annoy, quiz, sh*t, ask sale of the century questions of WT staff members. It would seem the WTF are patently unaware of the term lip service which is what applies to them when the club speaks about them in public. What staff of WT (and i will not disclose their capacity) think and say about them privately is a different story. I've seen it. I've heard it. So have others. Deny it all you like.
This all came to a head when tottie made a comment about match scheduling. He was threatened to `disclose his sourse' or he was banned. It would be the surest way of never being told anything ever again.

Also, I tend to sit with people at football games who have tubbed at least once in the last 5 days and don't need an official from the club itself to make them have a shower whilst on tour due to the odour and the fact other members of a touring party had complained. So excuse me if I decline to sit with the WTF

As i said there are members of the WTF that are an abject embarassment. One of whom was seen by myself and someone else i attend tigers games with going through the coin slots of payphones in Martin Place, in his Herbal World Balmain retro jersey. What an image for the club. In the heart of a district where the bulk of sydney's corporate wealth lays and where we may well be pitching for big sponsorship, a WTF member (in jersey) going through payphones for 20c pieces. Utterly embarassing. And don't say it didn't happen because i have seen it and so have others.


mulvihill said:
Official capacity they wish. I have seen people in an official capacity head to other floors of the pub when members of the WTF steam into annoy, quiz, sh*t, ask sale of the century questions of WT staff members. It would seem the WTF are patently unaware of the term lip service which is what applies to them when the club speaks about them in public. What staff of WT (and i will not disclose their capacity) think and say about them privately is a different story. I've seen it. I've heard it. So have others. Deny it all you like.
This all came to a head when tottie made a comment about match scheduling. He was threatened to `disclose his sourse' or he was banned. It would be the surest way of never being told anything ever again.

Also, I tend to sit with people at football games who have tubbed at least once in the last 5 days and don't need an official from the club itself to make them have a shower whilst on tour due to the odour and the fact other members of a touring party had complained. So excuse me if I decline to sit with the WTF

As i said there are members of the WTF that are an abject embarassment. One of whom was seen by myself and someone else i attend tigers games with going through the coin slots of payphones in Martin Place, in his Herbal World Balmain retro jersey. What an image for the club. In the heart of a district where the bulk of sydney's corporate wealth lays and where we may well be pitching for big sponsorship, a WTF member (in jersey) going through payphones for 20c pieces. Utterly embarassing. And don't say it didn't happen because i have seen it and so have others.

No the WTF have no official capacity with the Wests Tigers football club. In fact it is supported by a seperate incorporated entity. We have an inlet at the club to express any concerns we may have or if theree any issues that need resolving. The fact is we are very gratefull to the club for their accesibility over the last 20 months or so.

The member you are talking about is clearly differently abled and quite frankly can be more than a bit much on occasion but I rary sit with him as the WTF occupies an area which does allow some self imposed segregation if you so choose.

As for the final issue it is quite clear that individual you are talking about is first and foremost a Tigers fan, his or her actions are not as a result of their membership or association with the WTF and like the club cannot dictate how fans act when not at football related events.

I would ask in future you please be mindfull of making sweeping statements in relation to the WTF. We have a membership of different abilities, ages and involvement and to make such sweeping generalisations is really quite an error on your part.

I completely respect your decision not to want to be in the WTF and know you will continue of supporting our club in the same way you always have. I would just ask that you allow WTF members to do the same without the need to criticise and slander them. I make this point without necassary relevance to this thread but to a series of comments made on several forums which were unwarranted.


Mighty Tiger

BB do you think the guys in the burrow are homoerotic? What about the Warriors Army in NZ?

Mulvihill what is the real problem you have with the WTF? Is it because you have been warned and then banned from the official forum?

Estoboy, IMO I think starting a thread directed towards 1 person isn't a good image for the WTF no matter how it was intended.

I'm not a WTF member and never have been, nor have I ever sat with the WTF during match days - but I do know the dedication that some of WTF guys put into this group (Westie and Estoboy in particular) on and off the field to not judge their support towards the Wests Tigers.

Its a pity we don't have more fans like them that show simular dedication (not opinions ;-) ) in supporting the Wests Tigers as it would only be a good thing for the club IMO!


BB do you think the guys in the burrow are homoerotic? What about the Warriors Army in NZ?

I was slinging mud primarily, but yes I do find all these cheer squads a bit odd and a bit gay. I don't understand the fetish with standing at a game sandwhiched with 50 other males you don't even know. It's the very picture of homoeroticism to me. A small group of close mates, sure.

It's not my style that's all. And I'm going to comment on it if I so please.

Mong Chariot

Balmain_Boy said:
I was slinging mud primarily, but yes I do find all these cheer squads a bit odd and a bit gay. I don't understand the fetish with standing at a game sandwhiched with 50 other males you don't even know. It's the very picture of homoeroticism to me. A small group of close mates, sure.

It's not my style that's all. And I'm going to comment on it if I so please.

Do you watch the game at home alone with your pet dog ? You know the one your parents gave you for your 5th birthday. The same dog that had to be bribed with a piece of meat hung around your neck in order to play with you ?

Mong Chariot

Estoboy who the hell are you ? You have no connections at the club so go back to playing with your Tonka trucks little boy.


mulvihill said:
Official capacity they wish. I have seen people in an official capacity head to other floors of the pub when members of the WTF steam into annoy, quiz, sh*t, ask sale of the century questions of WT staff members. It would seem the WTF are patently unaware of the term lip service which is what applies to them when the club speaks about them in public. What staff of WT (and i will not disclose their capacity) think and say about them privately is a different story. I've seen it. I've heard it. So have others. Deny it all you like.
This all came to a head when tottie made a comment about match scheduling. He was threatened to `disclose his sourse' or he was banned. It would be the surest way of never being told anything ever again.

Also, I tend to sit with people at football games who have tubbed at least once in the last 5 days and don't need an official from the club itself to make them have a shower whilst on tour due to the odour and the fact other members of a touring party had complained. So excuse me if I decline to sit with the WTF

As i said there are members of the WTF that are an abject embarassment. One of whom was seen by myself and someone else i attend tigers games with going through the coin slots of payphones in Martin Place, in his Herbal World Balmain retro jersey. What an image for the club. In the heart of a district where the bulk of sydney's corporate wealth lays and where we may well be pitching for big sponsorship, a WTF member (in jersey) going through payphones for 20c pieces. Utterly embarassing. And don't say it didn't happen because i have seen it and so have others.


You have just completed the character profile of the stereotypical rugby league fan.

Here’s a gold star:

I think you'll find similar people existing in the general fan base and at nearly every other rugby league club in Sydney. But the fact that you seem to pigeonhole the entire group as a bunch of poor, uneducated hobo's really shows your character.

Clearly you despise the group and nothing will come from this argument except more arguments. You can't accept people for who they are and you can't tolerate people who aren’t with you.

I guess, really, that is the reasoning why you were banned by the CEO of the club.

I feel sorry for you mate. You attack so many people yet they are all kind folks who would actually give you the time of day. Be it Trev the aborigine who you claimed was looking for coins in a payphone, the politician who brings his entire family to the WTF, those non-WTF people who are on the official forum or heck, even Daniel Fitzhenry; you attack them with such hate and bitterness of which they don't deserve and of which they would NEVER force onto you.

Why shoot yourself into a corner?

Why are you bitter? I don't know. That is what puzzles me and its what will continue to puzzle me for as long as you attack the WTF/official forum.

I just hope that one day you realise that none of your victims are the people that you make them out to be and you start to get along with them like most other people do.

until then...


So you are claiming i didn't see that in Martin Place ?? You utter cretin you must also believe i have the world's most fertile imagination. I saw it. A bloke i go to Tigers games with has seen it. He is atypical of the element in the WTF. Ditto the member of the WTF who needed to be told to have a tub after 5 days by a club official.

The WTF whether you like it or not is full of characters like the above mentioned 2. I could go on but any pic of the WTF core will show them for what they are. An embarrassment. And an abject one at that. There may well be one or 2 respectable types in there, so what. You are bound to have a couple in there that can shower of their own volition and whom decide to pursue gainful employment rather than fishing 20s out of Martin Place phone boxes

I don't hate Fitzhenry. I just think we have (many better options). Some on here despise Elford. It's a game about opinions f**knuckle.


Nice to see you have stopped a valid debate in which I feel I raised some valid points. Feel fre to keep slinging mud and steer clear of an informed debate. Look I am quite happy to have a frank and open discussion about this with you but you see far more interested in villifying a group by a few of their members than actually discussing the issue.

If we want to continue making generalisations than just give up or continue to make a fool out of yourself. If you want to continue this as a discussion than I will happily accomodate you and maybe get to the bottom of your issue with the WTF. I have no problem with your dislike for the group. I just wish you could make your point without having to reduce to personal attacks on a few members, one of whom is not of full mental capacity and the other whom you make judgement calls on based on his socio economic background. Just poor form really


Don't get all political and throw a race card into it. I couldn't give a flying if the bloke i saw going thru phone boxes was white, yellow, brown, black, green or purple. It really is scraping the barrell to throw that one into it.

I have not said anything in my posts which is unture so you choose to play a non existent race cards (like all hopeless politicians do when there is nothing else to cling to).

Also I don't have dislike for the WTF. It's more disdain and contempt than dislike. It's a group predominantly made up of 13-17 year olds or those with the mentality (at best) of 13-17 year olds


Hi muvhill, I am part of the wtf and we are not all between 13-17, there are more people of the group who are all 20 or older.

If you want the wtf to be louder you will have to join the group and help us sing along in the songs and chants we have.

Mighty Tiger

mulvihill said:
Don't get all political and throw a race card into it. I couldn't give a flying if the bloke i saw going thru phone boxes was white, yellow, brown, black, green or purple. It really is scraping the barrell to throw that one into it.

Scraping the barrell? Do you even read the crap you sprout off?

Your the one who appears to be scraping the barrell by posting these comments regarding the coin slot incident (trying to potray it to the length that it might have costed us a sponsor) let alone talking about another certain member the way you have been, and then you have the fact regarding your belief of anyone who lives out in the campbelltown area and the list goes on

If you think they are jokes/embaressments then you must be deemed a far bigger joke and embaressment of Wests Tigers supporters so much so that you have been banned by the very own CEO of the club you support - something those you so call mention as jokes / embarresments haven't been!


I pointed out the incident to highlight the element of the WTF that a whole heap of non WTF fans find hilarious, pathetic, abject, stupid, embarrassing, etc.

So now my belief about the campbelltown area is an issue because I (and Tottie) have heard from people who i dare say are slightly higher up the food chain than a face painting WTF like you, that welfare weeks are an issue with the scheduling of campbelltown games.

You lot are all delusional. Firstly I `imagined' a WTF going through payphone coin slots in martin place in addition to hearing the aforementioned scheduling issue from the mouth of someone very high up the tiger food chain.

Yes banned by the CEO .. whatever mighty tiger. Ask tottie how banned i am by the CEO. f**king muppet.

Get back to discussing wigs and face paint with the 12 year olds and leave the important stuff for the big boys.

Mighty Tiger

mulvihill said:
I pointed out the incident to highlight the element of the WTF that a whole heap of non WTF fans find hilarious, pathetic, abject, stupid, embarrassing, etc.

Whole heap - Hardly!
You only mentioned 2-3 people who saw it happen.

Whats pathetic is that you feel the need to publically humilate this person and an another member of the WTF in an effort to try and portray the rest of the WTF in a simular vein - yet you call them embarrassing :crazy:

mulvihill said:
So now my belief about the campbelltown area is an issue because I (and Tottie) have heard from people who i dare say are slightly higher up the food chain than a face painting WTF like you, that welfare weeks are an issue with the scheduling of campbelltown games.

No not at all - its smart business to do what Noyce and co have done over the years since they are trying to make $$$ out of entertainment. It wouldn't have taken a genious to work out why games are on when they are!

The issue is the fact that you go beyond what Noyce and co believe by bagging the crap out of the region for a TS poor turn out when infact some of the supporters who didn't turn up also lived around Leichhardt and the other side of the harbour and the majority of which arn't funny enough members of the WTF

mulvihill said:
You lot are all delusional. Firstly I `imagined' a WTF going through payphone coin slots in martin place in addition to hearing the aforementioned scheduling issue from the mouth of someone very high up the tiger food chain.

Who said you imagined anything? Who is saying you are making up BS?

Its the way you think your a better supporter than the other people who support the club that is delusional

So what if someone went through a coin slot it hardly depicts the state of the rest of the WTF let alone Trev as a Wests Tigers supporter does it?

mulvihill said:
Yes banned by the CEO .. whatever mighty tiger. Ask tottie how banned i am by the CEO. f**king muppet.

LOL do you still think it was someone else? What for all the nicks you have used Adam?

mulvihill said:
Get back to discussing wigs and face paint with the 12 year olds and leave the important stuff for the big boys.

Make your mind up the WTF are either 13-17yr olds, they have minds of 13-17yrs olds or are they are 12yr olds - what is it?

You think your a big boy :lol: :lol: :lol: ?

Please !!!!! big boys such as you wouldn't need to go around on a forum and humilate a person for looking into a coin slot of a phone, nor would such a big boy need to bag Kingy, nor would such a big boy try and knock 13-17yr old supporters of the club you apperantly support so passionatly they way you are and lastly such a big boy wouldn't have been banned by the official forum by the CEO for constant infringements despite being warned on prior occasions and being handed down a temp suspension

And to think all this from a so called big boy who is what - 32yrs old? :oops:

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