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Dear Mulvihill and Co.


So now you actually concur that what tottie posted about the scheduling about Campbelltown games is actually true. Funny that you and your ilk were in complete denial about this when it was posted in the week after the NEwcastle game. So much so that tottie was basically threatened with `disclose his source or else'

Now please point me to where i have said the people of campbelltown are to blame for poor WTF crowds at Telstra. The crowd itself vs canterbury wasn't bad. the WTF turnout was tiny. I said nothing more, nothing less. Why don't you look closer to home at Ink who blamed the people of Leichhardt for the sh*t turnout against newcastle. Or does it really grate that much ??

What a big man you are, using my real name. Did you send off a sycophantic email to get that big fella or did you all talk about it at a fanatics meeting where you discussed wigs, face paint and drums .. pray tell

Public humiliation ?? I was pointing out what I saw a WTF member do. One of your WTF brethren then had the gall to tell me i didn't see it and i was imagining this whole thing. Yes it's all concocted. So now you acknowledge 2 things i have stated as fact yet you (or your brethren) previously tried to state was utter garbage when initially posted. Yet you now concessionally acknowledge were fact but facts that `shouldn't be brought into a public forum'

Anyways mighty tiger, hold counsel on the OF and decide which maccas you are all meeting at on Sunday morning and which servo you can stop at.

Tell you what .. do a survey on what fans think of a WTF member in jersey that goes through phone boxes rounding up 20s in MArtin Pl. Perhaps you swell with pride at the thought of it. Makes the rest of us cringe

Mighty Tiger

mulvihill said:
So now you actually concur that what tottie posted about the scheduling about Campbelltown games is actually true. Funny that you and your ilk were in complete denial about this when it was posted in the week after the NEwcastle game. So much so that tottie was basically threatened with `disclose his source or else'

I never disagreed in the 1st place - let me remind you I have never been and never will be a member of the WTF!

mulvihill said:
Now please point me to where i have said the people of campbelltown are to blame for poor WTF crowds at Telstra. The crowd itself vs canterbury wasn't bad. the WTF turnout was tiny. I said nothing more, nothing less. Why don't you look closer to home at Ink who blamed the people of Leichhardt for the sh*t turnout against newcastle. Or does it really grate that much ??

I defend both areas and bagged him for his comments as well as Ink and Westie would testify no doubt

As far as I'm concerened if they say they support the Wests Tigers thats good enough for me - I don't give a toss from where they come from, if they supported another club before hand, if they stink etc

You nor I didn't have to site an entrance exam let alone a locality test to check to see if I could support the Wests Tigers

As far as I'm concerened bagging fellow supporters for 1 failed turnout is crap because not everyone can attend all games, some find it hard to attend any at all (As simon will testify) but they all love the club which IMO is all that matters!

mulvihill said:
What a big man you are, using my real name. Did you send off a sycophantic email to get that big fella or did you all talk about it at a fanatics meeting where you discussed wigs, face paint and drums .. pray tell

Refer to above and other posts regarding the WTF - are you really that thick?

I had a premanition. You can find anything on the internet if you try hard enough

mulvihill said:
Public humiliation ?? I was pointing out what I saw a WTF member do. One of your WTF brethren then had the gall to tell me i didn't see it and i was imagining this whole thing. Yes it's all concocted. So now you acknowledge 2 things i have stated as fact yet you (or your brethren) previously tried to state was utter garbage when initially posted. Yet you now concessionally acknowledge were fact but facts that `shouldn't be brought into a public forum'

Would you comment on any Wests Tigers fan getting change out of a coin machine if you see them?

You think by commenting on 1 who you know is in the WTF it gains credibility for your argument, when infact it makes you look like a complete drop kick

Public humiliation was trying to justify your argument by using a fellow fans miss-fortune

Tell me this did you see him do it after or before the game or was it on another day when we didn't play?

WTF arn't my brethren at all - Appears your thicker than a brick!

Make your mind up again I either called you a liar or didn't, for the record which isn't hard to obtain by looking through this thread I didn't for any comments you have mentioned - I just don't agree with the approach you take towards trying to public humiliate fellow supports some of which despite their flaws should never be questioned on supporting the Wests Tigers IMO!

mulvihill said:
Anyways mighty tiger, hold counsel on the OF and decide which maccas you are all meeting at on Sunday morning and which servo you can stop at.

How many times do you need to be told?
You either have a reading disability or you have dementia which probably means you lying about your age which is why your so bald

I hear bunnings are doing a cleanout for buffing wax - you might need to go get a few cans

mulvihill said:
Tell you what .. do a survey on what fans think of a WTF member in jersey that goes through phone boxes rounding up 20s in MArtin Pl. Perhaps you swell with pride at the thought of it. Makes the rest of us cringe

If I do that will I be able to be in the "in-crowd" with you and be able to sit next to you at the Raiders game after all its apparant you have no flaws and that the more supporters like you the better the club would be


Funnily enough I am still waiting for you to rationally address my arguments.

I suppose that was all asking a bit much.


I am of the view they have been more than adequately addressed. Do you not think vilify is a bit strong a word to use ?? As I said, it is more disdain and contempt that is my view of the WTF. As for my view of the WTF it is formed from what i see. Not what I hear but what I see with my own eyes.


No I thought vilify was an adept term given the context of this discussion.

Well I think that your view is formed on what you choose to see and highlight. However there is no real point in debating semantics. The important thing now is that you have vented and stated once and for all your contempt for the WTF so that means we shouldn't have to see this topic re-hashed again


Well speak to your brethren and it won't be.
Vilify is far troo strong a word.
The Jews were vilified in Nazi Germany.
My attitudes towards the WTF hardly equates to vilification


Defamatory would be an untruth. So a negative comment now equates to vilification does it. What a self serving bush lawyer you really are


Imagine other teams supporters reading this thread ???
They`d dead set think everyone that has posted is MAD!!!


Souths, Parramatta, Newcastle, Canterbury, Easts fans would do well to adhere to the saying about stones and glass houses


Balmain_Boy said:
Who started the thread?
Who is condemning mulvihill that their style of support is unwanted by the club?
Who is claiming their support, not that of others, is the reason for Tigers premiership last year?

I believe the answer to every question is a member of the WTF.

Others did contribute significantly. And are doing a great job now. Oh.. wait.:crazy:


westie said:
Others did contribute significantly. And are doing a great job now. Oh.. wait.:crazy:

f**k, a thread isn't complete until you contribute a witty one lined quip.

Thanks for the pal.

simon says

First Grade
Vicious said:
Imagine other teams supporters reading this thread ???
They`d dead set think everyone that has posted is MAD!!!

Yessssss,its dead set scarey....

Well done posters......:lol: :lol: :lol:


Wow! This thread has blown up big time.

Mulvihill: I'll be honest. I re-read this entire thread and tried to look at it from your point of view. You raised some good points and I have to admit that I agree with some of them. What I can't understand is why you are taking a pot-shot at every aspect of the WTF or the OF.

If you had complete control over everything (be it the official forum, the WTF, crowds, the Wests Tigers and anything else to do with the club), what would you do? If you had the chance to take control of the current situation and determine the outcome in the way that you want it, how would you want everything set out? Would you ban the WTF? Would you move all games to TS or CS/LO? Do you not like certain people such as myself doing stuff to support the team?

And I mean this in all sincerity.

Honestly, so that I can just get a grasp of your mindset on these issues, can you explain your 'perfect world' to us.

Maybe then we'll be able to understand where you are coming from.



Geez....quiet in here today, maybe everyones a bit behind in their work...end of the week & all that...:lol:



Why do you care what Mulvihill thinks? Or what anyone thinks about the WTF for that matter? In the end, the group is only answerable to itself. Just concentrate on getting the biggest support group together that you can and proving blokes like Mulvihill and myself wrong.


Estoboy said:
Wow! This thread has blown up big time.

Mulvihill: I'll be honest. I re-read this entire thread and tried to look at it from your point of view. You raised some good points and I have to admit that I agree with some of them. What I can't understand is why you are taking a pot-shot at every aspect of the WTF or the OF.

If you had complete control over everything (be it the official forum, the WTF, crowds, the Wests Tigers and anything else to do with the club), what would you do? If you had the chance to take control of the current situation and determine the outcome in the way that you want it, how would you want everything set out? Would you ban the WTF? Would you move all games to TS or CS/LO? Do you not like certain people such as myself doing stuff to support the team?

And I mean this in all sincerity.

Honestly, so that I can just get a grasp of your mindset on these issues, can you explain your 'perfect world' to us.

Maybe then we'll be able to understand where you are coming from.


I think the official forum is far too oversensitve, run by kids on a little power trip and people seem happy to have someone who used to be a Penrith fan moderate their posts. I have a real issue with some penrith cast off having the gall to moderate heinous posts that for example say Dean Ritchie is carrying a few pounds or Michael Searle would float if thrown in the harbour. She is as tigers as cumberland oval or henson pk. fWho will she be supporting next season ?? No corporate entity or individual has ever been sued because they have said a journo (and a not very good one at that) carries a few pounds. It's a flip flap forum at the end of the day and if people can't handle some of the stuff they read/see/hear on the net then that is their problem. It's the interjizz. Every website has a disclaimer that indemnifies site owners from libelous litigation etc and there is no doubt the mods play favourites with their WTF inner circle and ingratiate themselves to the sheep herd mentality of those prevalent in the WTF (with respects to offended sheep)

I have no wish to see the WTF banned. I just think face paint, jesters hats, masks etc are a bit too newfan and a bit too 15 year old kid for most rational thinking adults and that the group takes itself a little too seriously. There iss also a disproportionate element of complete numpties in the group. When i was a nipper we had the big flags, refrained from jester's hats etc but we defended our side and most certainly wouldn't have tolerated day trippers from penrith and the like infiltating our core and pretending they are one of us cos they aren't. But we move on.

The whole FWO thing is abject and pathetic and more than slightly embarrassing. But again an example of the mentality of the WTF. One bloke starts it and the others think it a crack up because they don't have the intelligence to think anything different

I also have no problem with obscene chanting towards the opposition. It's the football if people can't handle it they should f**k off and watch croquet. Football is tribal and there is nothing wrong with chanting obscenities at another team's players/fans/officials/cities etc to remind them of their place in the world and to get one over them. For example Londoners reminding people from liverpool they are thieves and Liverpool (UK) is a sh*thole. It happens all over europe.

We'll be reminding canberra fans on sunday that they live in a boring concrete jungled sh*thole and are all public servants not to mention reminding shifcofske of his previous misdemeanours with the roids. Then in 2 wks reminding people from Bris they are backwards etc. All part of the day oot for me.

I have said 6 and 6 should be the split. I'd prefer no telstra games and proper home grounds but we also need the money Telstra provides nough to keep players like Marshall, so it's a tough one and whichever way club admin go long term some group will be pissed off but i'd rather have 5 games at telstra and see benji than none and watch us have Ben Duckworth and Fitzhenry as our gun halves. Success breeds success.

Mighty Tiger

mulvihill said:
I think the official forum is far too oversensitve, run by kids on a little power trip.


Please review the admins and mods of the OF and advise what your guesstimate for each of thier ages would be - I have a feeling that on this count your would be fairly off base.

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