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Did Dragons deserve Minor Premiership?


First Grade
no second prizes mate.
what happend to your team ay, kicked out, got back in by the courts.
spooners specialist

You stupid fuctard, can't you count to 20? :lol:

No worries Bulldog Force, just doing some cleaning with the stmerge filth for you. ;-)


BWAA AHHH HAAA ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

sound it out ll3 you can't even laugh properly online. You poor prick. Can't quote, can't spell, can't count, can't get your grammar right (or is that you're grammar? You wouldn't know), can't get your facts straight, got no netiquette and you can't even get a simple haha right 10 times in a row.

Sucks big balls to be you.
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sound it out ll3 you can't even laugh properly online. You poor prick. Can't quote, can't spell, can't count, can't get your grammar right (or is that you're grammar? You wouldn't know), got no netiquette and you can't even get a simple haha right 10 times in a row.

Sucks big balls to be you.

BWA AHH HAA back to back insults haveyourhandonit?

Racist, prick?

Look buddy just relax, so what if the dog collar got a tad to tight on Friday night, no need to get personal? I wonder if timma will come down hard on this?:p


First Grade
You stupid fuctard, can't you count to 20? :lol:

No worries Bulldog Force, just doing some cleaning with the stmerge filth for you. ;-)
wow is that all you can up with ay cat of all cats, even your south juniors wont help your stupid club, you guys even put an axe in the back of your soul Geroge Piggins


BWA AHH HAA back to back insults haveyourhandonit?

Racist, prick?

Look buddy just relax, so what if the dog collar got a tad to tight on Friday night, no need to get personal? I wonder if timma will come down hard on this?:p

no he won't because you're in dogs territory. That's what I mean about no netiquette, you really are a clueless git.


why can't the dogs just suck it up that they came second?

tigers out played you on friday night fair and square
but i guess thats the refs fault as well?

face it the dogs are a 1 man team
with out brett your season is going to end there soon


Bulldog Force

why can't the dogs just suck it up that they came second?

tigers out played you on friday night fair and square
but i guess thats the refs fault as well?

face it the dogs are a 1 man team
with out brett your season is going to end there soon

Who here said anything about the Tigers not winning fair and square on Friday night? Or the Dragons for that matter? Honestly, do your research before posting in here and making yourself look like an utter genius. Just a thought!


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
why can't the dogs just suck it up that they came second?
We came second, no if's or buts about it. We did win more games though, I'm proud of that fact.
tigers out played you on friday night fair and square
but i guess thats the refs fault as well?
Nope. Just in the same way the Rabbits outplayed you the week before.
face it the dogs are a 1 man team
with out brett your season is going to end there soon
:lol: So those three games we won without him, they were just luck earlier in the year?
We'll leave that for you. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
We came second, no if's or buts about it. We did win more games though, I'm proud of that fact.

Nope. Just in the same way the Rabbits outplayed you the week before.

:lol: So those three games we won without him, they were just luck earlier in the year?

We'll leave that for you. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

You also had more points deducted this season. Are you proud of that? Bulldogs fans are probably used to having points stripped.

No JJ Shield for you.

And Newcastle will do the Dogs next week without their little Noddy and look at getting bounced straight sets.

Bulldog Force

You also had more points deducted this season. Are you proud of that? Bulldogs fans are probably used to having points stripped.

No JJ Shield for you.

And Newcastle will do the Dogs next week without their little Noddy and look at getting bounced straight sets.
We lose 1 game without our #1 halfback. You lose 3 on the trot with a full-strength team :lol: especially your humiliation the hands of Souths. Go figure.

This Year?

I know a lot of dogs fans argue about the loss to the dragons in round 10 saying that because it happened right on full time, they had no chance to recover from that "bad call" unlike the dragons who did have time to get over their bad calls in that game.
Well, if you use that logic, the dogs had plenty of time to recover from that game and their destiny was in their own hands on Friday night and they dropped their lollies.
Penrith were the ones robbed when the dogs scored their try with 14 on the field and had that try been denied, they would be in a healthier position right now.
Dragons were clearly superior on for and against this year and I think were deserving of the JJ Giltinan Shield.
I know if the boot was on the other foot, I wouldn't be looking back 4 months for an excuse.

Instead of looking at two incidents, how about looking at the entire season? Look at things like how their opposition performed, injuries and rep duty etc.


Bulldogs choke on Minor Premiership as Tigers play for pride only.

You know what the funny thing is about the "Choker" tag? It is the fact that we have 8 teams left who are all trying to be premiers. So each team has 1 chance in 8 or 12.5% chance of winning.

So there are 7 opportunities for Saints to NOT be Premiers and only one chance to say they WILL be Premiers.

The smart asses who want us to choke have an 88% chance of being right. On any given day, any team can beat the other, it all comes down to attitude, referees, luck and the opposition. This is why the fwits are so cocky in calling us "chokers", because in all probability (7 chances in 8 or 88% chance) of being right. Those are fantastic odds.

Guess what, if the Dogs don't win it this year they are Chokers. They already gagged with one hand on the JJ Giltinan Shield. That was nearly as bad as the 20 point lead they gave up to the Broncos in the 2006 semi. The "choker" tag is a myth.........


Yes. yes they did. Happy to have them get the minor Premiership. They were the most consistent team through the year.