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Difference for NZ in winning union and league World Cups


LOL. How can a sport be democratic? At least New Zealand isn't like Britain were social classes or religions determine which sport or team you should follow?

Many rugby league fans believe their sport is less popular than rugby union because rugby union has the support of the establishment. This supposes that people are stupid. That they can be brainwashed into thinking they like rugby union but really without the evil private school types they would like league. Get off of it! It has not occurred to many people that union is more popular because more people like union. It is fine if you like league but don't expect others to share your view point.

You also don't think league in Australia benefits from being a sport of the establishment? What about soccer in Brazil? Rugby really gets a fair look into the USA as well. The media reports what people want to hear and in New Zealand that is rugby union; in the eastern coast of Australia it's rugby league.

You are interpreting the "democratic" comment in the wrong context!

The rules allow for more playing and running and tacking with the football by a greater amount of players over the 80 minutes.

Get back to me when rich private and public schools en masse are playing RL as well! Then you will have a point and I will have no issues! RU is an outdated and propagated form of rugby that is less entertaining and less enjoyable to play. Ask Conrad Hurrell! Or plenty of other RU players that have luckily found RL instead of RU being forced down their throat by a biased private and wealthy public school system on a worldwide scale!


Cooper Vuna couldn't make the top 17 at the Knights, but he can make the team at the Wobblies.


Ryan McGoldrick played ONE game for the Waratahs, and was so inept that he disappeared back into club rugby and was never seen again.

Duncan McRae never played for the Wallabies.

Rocky Elsom played in a Jersey Flegg winning team before switching back to rugby union, the sport he had played at Nudgee College.

Wycliff Palu went to the NRL at a time in his life when he was struggling, while he was at St George he turned things around. Good on him.

Joe Tomane played a fair bit of first grade in the NRL over four seasons, firstly with the Storm (where he played with Cooper Cronk, ex Australian Schools Rugby Union rep), then with the Titans (where he played with William Zillman, ex rugby union schoolboy player). He played in the Australian Schools Rugby Union team in 2007 before switching to the NRL. In his first season with the Storm, he scored three tries in a game against the Broncos. In first grade. He did okay for a reserve grader, managed to play first grade, somehow.:lol:

Great, know anything about Rugby League while you're at it?



That just shows how much of a myth international rugby is. Who in Scotland and Ireland plays rugby? A handful of farmers in select regions and a minority of non-athletic private school types.

There's nothing freakish about not losing to them. It's no different to the Kangaroos not losing to Wales in rugby league. The only difference is because of the nature of rugby yawnion shit teams like Ireland and Scotland can look better than they are by playing a conservative game and kicking penalties all night.

Only 112 people in Scotland play rugby :?

Scotland has over 120 full time professional players to choose from - about 80 in Scotland and about another 40 playing in England and France.

Rugby is reasonably popular in Scotland. Its played in virtually every school and most towns have teams. In Ireland it more popular than in Scotland.

So basically while the sport of rugby in these countries is no where near number one they do fairly well - quite a bit better than NZRL.


More talent in the nrl than all of rugby:crazy:, So the kiwis are all Nrl players aren't they? yet name me one player that would take any of the all blacks spot.
Lets start with the backs,um anit no one got the class to walk into the abs buddy.Johnson has the vision of a mole and would be lost with defence in his face and havng to direct 9 plus phases in a row at number 10,he showed against the poms he couldn't run an attacking play,the kiwi centres are average,including shaun Kenny dowall,if sbw is on the bench for the abs do you really think he,goodwin etc are gona make the team at centre,none of the kiwi centres would even get a super rugby contract yet are starting centres for two of the top nrl teams:sarcasm:.Some talent pool.Manu wouldn't cut it,Rts could,but hes a union throw away anyway,only bein playing league a few years has got more class than any nrl winger,and hed be back up at full back at most.kiwi fullbacks um na anit got the skills to make it in union at fullback.So no kiwi backs from the nrl would make the cut in the abs.
Lets look at the forwards,what kiwi forward will play in the front row??None.Locks??none,sbw will make it as a back,jwh and Mannering with a few years could be a handy 6,7,8 but would never come close to our loose forwards, so out of this great talent pool of the nrl theres nothing that could really offer the abs anything..you have no idea of nz rugby depth,we dam lost 3 players this year that would of made better league backs than any of our(kiwis)current squad,in hosea gear,richard kahui and renee ranger.get out of here with that bullshit.
No doubt that new Zealand and aussie produce the best players in both codes but the all blacks never have and never will need league players,aussies or kiwis its as simple as that

If you are going to set up an account just to troll, please learn how to post properly.

Didn't the all black number scrum half play league?


LOL. How can a sport be democratic? At least New Zealand isn't like Britain were social classes or religions determine which sport or team you should follow?

Many rugby league fans believe their sport is less popular than rugby union because rugby union has the support of the establishment. This supposes that people are stupid. That they can be brainwashed into thinking they like rugby union but really without the evil private school types they would like league. Get off of it! It has not occurred to many people that union is more popular because more people like union. It is fine if you like league but don't expect others to share your view point.

You also don't think league in Australia benefits from being a sport of the establishment? What about soccer in Brazil? Rugby really gets a fair look into the USA as well. The media reports what people want to hear and in New Zealand that is rugby union; in the eastern coast of Australia it's rugby league.
oddly enough all the nzers I have met who have come over talk about the nrl with me, they only bring up rugby when the all blacks are playing.

You would think they would want to talk about super rugby and that other funny club rugby comp in nz since its so popular and all??


You are interpreting the "democratic" comment in the wrong context!

The rules allow for more playing and running and tacking with the football by a greater amount of players over the 80 minutes.

Get back to me when rich private and public schools en masse are playing RL as well! Then you will have a point and I will have no issues! RU is an outdated and propagated form of rugby that is less entertaining and less enjoyable to play. Ask Conrad Hurrell! Or plenty of other RU players that have luckily found RL instead of RU being forced down their throat by a biased private and wealthy public school system on a worldwide scale!

This is the biggest myth of all, at least for NZ today. RU is the national sport because kids from the cities to the backblocks play it, in their free time, as part of the school programme and on Saturdays in established comps...many that play grow up dreaming about being an All Black. It may have started as you say but over a 100yrs or more ago, the average joe in NZ, Maori included, picked the ball up & ran with it! pun intended. Its become part of the NZ psyche and when you grow up amongst that you see the game for what it is and have a passion for it, locally, regionally and nationally.
When league gets over its blue collar, poor man, hard man routine (which is a self-fulfilling prophecy) and builds the infrastructure like rugby has it will make big inroads in NZ...mainly because Kiwis love their sport, any sport will do, and they will support league in numbers because its a great game! Where I'm from the rugby guys play league at the end of their rugby season but there are no pathways as yet for the young ones to choose league over rugby to any large degree. That is very slowly changing as it is worked on.
And ffs, I don't know why everyone keeps comparing the 2 games. It's like comparing field hockey and cricket because the balls are so similar. It smacks of an inferiority complex...league is a great game, celebrate that and forget about RU. Who cares about who played which code and switched?


This is the biggest myth of all, at least for NZ today. RU is the national sport because kids from the cities to the backblocks play it, in their free time, as part of the school programme and on Saturdays in established comps...many that play grow up dreaming about being an All Black. It may have started as you say but over a 100yrs or more ago, the average joe in NZ, Maori included, picked the ball up & ran with it! pun intended. Its become part of the NZ psyche and when you grow up amongst that you see the game for what it is and have a passion for it, locally, regionally and nationally.
When league gets over its blue collar, poor man, hard man routine (which is a self-fulfilling prophecy) and builds the infrastructure like rugby has it will make big inroads in NZ...mainly because Kiwis love their sport, any sport will do, and they will support league in numbers because its a great game! Where I'm from the rugby guys play league at the end of their rugby season but there are no pathways as yet for the young ones to choose league over rugby to any large degree. That is very slowly changing as it is worked on.
And ffs, I don't know why everyone keeps comparing the 2 games. It's like comparing field hockey and cricket because the balls are so similar. It smacks of an inferiority complex...league is a great game, celebrate that and forget about RU. Who cares about who played which code and switched?

Missing the point champ.

As RL fans we care about our game RL being repressed internationally.

RU has many friends in high places and has used this to limit RLs growth and presence around the world.

Simple as that!

Their is a sport that is being dudded on a worldwide scale and its definitely not RU!

It's worth discussing and bringing to attention as I don't think you would have had any idea of what has been going on around the world and why it has and is happening to this day. The school system is a major cause of this bias against RL and I accept that poor administration within RL ranks is another cause for concern.

RL is far and away a more attractive form of rugby and deserves number status worldwide.

Simple as that.

Their are reasons why it(RL) is not so prevalent worldwide and this is being brought to the fore in such discussions Sadly the general public does not know of the behind the scenes trickery,deceit and bias that has been suffered by RL but at least we are discussing it.


First Grade
This is the biggest myth of all, at least for NZ today. RU is the national sport because kids from the cities to the backblocks play it, in their free time, as part of the school programme and on Saturdays in established comps...many that play grow up dreaming about being an All Black. It may have started as you say but over a 100yrs or more ago, the average joe in NZ, Maori included, picked the ball up & ran with it! pun intended. Its become part of the NZ psyche and when you grow up amongst that you see the game for what it is and have a passion for it, locally, regionally and nationally.
When league gets over its blue collar, poor man, hard man routine (which is a self-fulfilling prophecy) and builds the infrastructure like rugby has it will make big inroads in NZ...mainly because Kiwis love their sport, any sport will do, and they will support league in numbers because its a great game! Where I'm from the rugby guys play league at the end of their rugby season but there are no pathways as yet for the young ones to choose league over rugby to any large degree. That is very slowly changing as it is worked on.
And ffs, I don't know why everyone keeps comparing the 2 games. It's like comparing field hockey and cricket because the balls are so similar. It smacks of an inferiority complex...league is a great game, celebrate that and forget about RU. Who cares about who played which code and switched?

Tell me...the number one sport of interest in Sydney is rugby league and yet of all the sports you can play at Sydney's elite private schools there is one you can not, even after 100 years....care to guess which one?


All these accounts that have never posted on LU before suddenly crying about Union.

A cynic might say it's an extraordinary coincidence.


Tell me...the number one sport of interest in Sydney is rugby league and yet of all the sports you can play at Sydney's elite private schools there is one you can not, even after 100 years....care to guess which one?

I know that happens and that is my point. Where I come from things are happening today that would never have been dreamed of before.

Our population in the province I'm from hardly supports two rival comps but now has rugby clubs entering league teams in the local league comp. Because of the crossover of players in both comps, schools are now considering officially having league teams at school level, slowly, but it's happening. Once they realize there is a pathway there and some kids prefer to play league anyway, the schools are coming round. It's already happening in AK, due to the popularity of the Warrior(both grades but in particular the U20s).

Where I'm from a lot of it is due to a young man who has made an U20s team and now an NRL team & who played mainly rugby (and a little league) up to that point. He's a local lad doing well and his support across both codes here is huge. You can't underestimate the influence of this for places like here.

Instead of the siege mentality on both sides, they can co-exist, a win-win. If the groundswell is big enough the top has to change eventually....they will have to stop seeing this as a threat. However, schools are free to choose whether they are a rugby school, league school or both - nothing wrong with that and its probably essential to have some that are solely one or the other as elite nurseries.

I do agree there is an established 'old boys' mindset that is influential but even they have to concede something at some point if the groundswell is big enough. League is a great game and is creating that influence as well. This will continue to grow if league-centric thinking is expanded instead of continually looking inwards.

I'm a Storm supporter (how many strikes is that against me so far ;-) 3? 4?) and because they're in Melbourne Bellamy & co have looked outwards to other codes to learn, to innovate and to shore up their strong development system.... This is my point about comparing league to rugby, wasted exercise and takes energy away from where it should be - growing league!


Missing the point champ.

As RL fans we care about our game RL being repressed internationally.

RU has many friends in high places and has used this to limit RLs growth and presence around the world.

Simple as that!

Their is a sport that is being dudded on a worldwide scale and its definitely not RU!

It's worth discussing and bringing to attention as I don't think you would have had any idea of what has been going on around the world and why it has and is happening to this day. The school system is a major cause of this bias against RL and I accept that poor administration within RL ranks is another cause for concern.

RL is far and away a more attractive form of rugby and deserves number status worldwide.

Simple as that.

Their are reasons why it(RL) is not so prevalent worldwide and this is being brought to the fore in such discussions Sadly the general public does not know of the behind the scenes trickery,deceit and bias that has been suffered by RL but at least we are discussing it.

If people think like this then rugby league will never grow. Very little time spent looking at itself and all the time spent blaming others. The IRB or the NZRU are not the illuminati. They cannot control what people think or what channel they want to watch.

One reason the IRB is growing rugby union around the world is because they don't waste their time thinking about rugby league.


Nah, the Kangaroos are the best international playing sports team on the planet.

Not even in the discussion TBH. The main reason for that is not really any fault of theirs, but yeah, as I've already said, winning a couple of games a year doesn't prove anything.


It depends what perspective you want to look at it, obviously the all blacks are a bigger more recognisable global institution than the Kangaroos. By far. No contest.

But the players on the kangaroos are so good they could, hypothetically, displace most of the all blacks off their own team in their own sport. They're that much better. From that perspective - quality of players, the kangaroos are way better.


It depends what perspective you want to look at it, obviously the all blacks are a bigger more recognisable global institution than the Kangaroos. By far. No contest.

But the players on the kangaroos are so good they could, hypothetically, displace most of the all blacks off their own team in their own sport. They're that much better. From that perspective - quality of players, the kangaroos are way better.

So which Kangaroos would play in the All Blacks forward pack? Id love to see them pack down in a scrum.