It is all hearsay, of course. "What if" kind of stuff. However, in my opinion, under a better coach, this squad is capable of achieving much more than they have/will continue to under SK.
I have no ill feelings towards Stephen Kearney. He was offered a chance that many others dream of - a head coaching role in the NRL with one of the most recognisable teams in Australian sport. You can't blame him for jumping at the opportunity. Unfortunately, he did not have the experience or skills required to be successful at the role. Had he even been coaching lower grades before this gig, we may well have seen things work out differently. Coaching is no different to anything else in life. You have to learn your trade and build up your skills through experience before you are able to succeed. Stephen Kearney is a prime example of what happens when you skip those important development steps.
As much as I feel for the bloke, my club comes first. He has to go. It's as simple as that.