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Dragons are already winners to Bennett


First Grade
YOU don't win premierships without being able to see things coming. Which will prepare Wayne Bennett for the reaction if St George Illawarra don't win this year's title.
But even if the minor premiers are bundled out of the finals in straight sets - against his old club - enabling the chokers tag to inevitably be pinned to the Red V, Bennett can afford to look back - and maintain that the Dragons have done everything he has asked of them.
''The only plan I really had when I arrived down here was to improve the place, one, and two was to make sure we play with some consistency and get a good start to the season,'' Bennett told Fairfax Media. ''We've achieved all that. Regardless of Saturday night's performance, it's not going to diminish what we've done. I didn't have a three- or four-year plan - the club couldn't have withstood that, I think they've been under too much pressure in the past.
''The key was to try and get some of that off. We've managed to do that. We can now settle back and be a footy club, and next year rolls around - if it doesn't go to plan this year … well it has gone to plan. Whatever comes now is just a bonus.''
But whatever comes now may still include accusations that the Dragons have failed to fulfil their potential in a finals series again. This time they were minor premiers and, after losing to Parramatta last Sunday, face a sudden-death clash with Brisbane. Some will argue it will be the Dragons' biggest disappointment in all their finals falls.
''I'm immune to all that rubbish,'' Bennett said when asked about the chokers tag.
And clearly immune to the pressure; immunity that has been built up by many years of being exposed to it.
''There's pressure on every week,'' Bennett said. ''I don't know a year where I haven't been under pressure. I don't know a game where I haven't been under pressure. It's just what you do. It comes with the territory, and you either manage it or it kills you in the end. I hope I've managed it for a long period of time. But it's still there. It's always going to be there.''
It will be there for Jamie Soward, the five-eighth who Bennett has moulded and modelled from an inconsistent enigma into a player to fear. But Bennett admitted he may have felt the pressure last weekend, with the match being his first finals encounter.
''It's important he plays his natural game,'' Bennett said. ''I think he felt a bit of the pressure last week. He'll be better this week. He wasn't bad last week but he's got that behind him and he'll be fine.''
He couldn't have been too concerned about the pressure on Soward, given Bennett continued to compare him with former Broncos halfback Allan Langer - who has since dubbed himself Alfie Soward since Bennett first raised their similarities.
''They're both natural footballers that really enjoy it,'' Bennett said. ''There's a couple of things that Jamie doesn't do quite as well as Alf at this point in his career but not to say he won't further down.
''He's a natural. And Alf was never one for a lot of structure, in the way he played. He just had this wonderful ability to play the game, and read it; the sense that a lot of players don't have. Jamie's in the same boat; he just loves coming to training, he loves competing. It's all easy for him. Both are extremely highly skilled people.''
Bennett admitted it felt ''strange and weird'' to be coaching against the Broncos ''but you're employed somewhere else now, so you want to do a good job for them … and I've coached Origin when Broncos players were playing against us.
''There's two rules I have,'' he added. ''One is just to block my mind out about them and the second one is to never say anything adverse about them.''
Which is why he saved one of his greatest compliments for Broncos five-eighth Darren Lockyer, set to be Soward's nemesis at Suncorp Stadium on Saturday night.
''I'm pleased I'm in the coach's box, I wouldn't want to be playing against him,'' Bennett declared.



I for one was banking on this season being a 'building' season with Wayne coming in as the master craftsman.

I was looking forward to 2010 as being the season when it would all come together.

As it's turned out we've finished first and are still in the Finals. And, as the great man said, whatever comes now is a bonus.


Yeah thats true, Bennett had a 3 year plan to win 1 premiership, using the first year to build up the team, then 2 years to try and win it.


First Grade
I love Bennett, he has such good perspective and a way of calming people.

I agree with him, I love what hes done with us, and I love that he has a 3-4 year plan.. whether we can get the money on Saturday, lets give it a freaking good crack, but Im also not going to off myself if we go out, as I dont think we have the team to deserve a favourites tag, but we will certainly compete.

Dragon Dave

If you told me in March that we would be competing in the second week of the finals with a minor premiership under our belt in September, I probably wouldn't have believed you.

Any team that has played as well as we have this year will of course have pressure on them to go further, but as far as I'm concerned, we have had a great year and I've never been so confident that our club is going in the right direction. Win, lose or draw on Saturday night, I'll be proud.

Slippery Morris

First Grade
If the Dragons get bundled out it would be the worst endings to a season for me. Losing 6 of the last 7. Dominating all year and going out like that is pretty embarassing and if they don't feel that way then I am worried.

Is Benny putting the cue in the rack as if to say we did our best, on to next season? I hope not. Sounds like he has lost faith?

They have achieved great things this season no doubt about that and well done to the lads as nobody expected them to succeed but they have and they should continue the run.

It is a long wait to get to this stage again.

They have beaten the teams remaining so I can't see any reason why they can't win the comp.

Dragon Dave

If the Dragons get bundled out it would be the worst endings to a season for me. Losing 6 of the last 7. Dominating all year and going out like that is pretty embarassing and if they don't feel that way then I am worried.

Is Benny putting the cue in the rack as if to say we did our best, on to next season? I hope not. Sounds like he has lost faith?

They have achieved great things this season no doubt about that and well done to the lads as nobody expected them to succeed but they have and they should continue the run.

It is a long wait to get to this stage again.

They have beaten the teams remaining so I can't see any reason why they can't win the comp.

I don't think so mate. I think he is saying that they have exceeded his expectations so far and is taking the "let's see what we can do" approach. This takes alot of pressure off the boys gives players like Jamie the license to really relax and play what is in front of him.


Yeah thats true, Bennett had a 3 year plan to win 1 premiership, using the first year to build up the team, then 2 years to try and win it.

I agree with him, I love what hes done with us, and I love that he has a 3-4 year plan..

''The only plan I really had when I arrived down here was to improve the place, one, and two was to make sure we play with some consistency and get a good start to the season,'' Bennett told Fairfax Media. ''We've achieved all that. Regardless of Saturday night's performance, it's not going to diminish what we've done. I didn't have a three- or four year plan - the club couldn't have withstood that, I think they've been under too much pressure in the past.


First Grade
even benny has adapted to the mediocrity over at stgeorge
Fish ain't biting on the Windang bridge ay mate?

Has Sticky adapted to the utter failure down at Woolaware? By his statements, I'd say he's as delusional as the rest of you.


We should expect more quotes this week from Bennett. I think he finally realises he has to do the talking and leave the players to focus on their footy. He did a fair amount of press in the lead up to the first Parra game and really took the heat off the players. He is gonna have to keep that up for the next 3 weeks imo, that is if we even make it past sat night
I agree that we exceeded expectations this year. Still, when you perform so well for the majority of the season and struggle come finals time, it can still be disappointing. But we are still in the second week of the finals with just as much chance as the other teams.

One thing I have learnt this year is the Sydney media portrayed Wayne completely different to how he really is. He does avoid the media but will always talk to a fan. He's a good bloke and has changed STGI for the better..


even benny has adapted to the mediocrity over at stgeorge
If this is mediocre, how do you describe your club? Morally and financially bankrupt!Just another scummy club that rorted the cap. You got your bites, now just slide back under the rock:roll:

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