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Drew is f#@king ordinary


Could we possibly have a more ordinary player than BRAD DREW?
Field goal aside, (it could have been done by any half witt), his passes are piss weak, he has no idea how to 'dummy pass', just about every run went nowhere. Honestly, every pass he made tonight was a hospital pass, and caused more unforced errors than we needed in a game like this.

Most of his moves cost us more than they gave us. His kicking game is based totally on rushed kicks, and its a astonashing that they landed where they did.

How Drew can maintain any credibility after a game like tonight is beyond me, and the worst part is that this is how he always plays. I cringe every time he gets the ball, and am rarely impressed by any of his 'ability'.
Lob passes and blind luck are all he brings to the game. Brad Drew is nothing more than a spud on legs. If Monaghan had not broken his jaw, Mick'd be in, Drew would be back in reserve grade sucking his thumb and we'd be on top of the table.

Having said that Robbo and Gaffa had an absolute blinder. and had it not been for them, and a sh*t load of luck with the video ref, we'd be out in the yard crying our eyes out. Though, it's about time we had some decisions go our way.
We really need to pick up our game if we are going to make it anywhere near the top eight this season.


First Grade
I am a big Drew critic, but it was clear that tonight he was only there to be dummy half and distributer. He was clearly avoiding being caught with the ball... or tackling, given his sternum injury. Give him a bit of a break.
Gafa had a blinder? Drew was awful?

Were we watching the same game?

I thought Drew really put in, considering he has an extremely painful injury which is hard to play with. In defence I thought he was really good, I don't think he missed a tackle. He also made some good runs and his kicking game was a variety which we badly needed.

As for Gafa, he played like 15 minutes and I don't know how you can say that if it weren't for him we wouldn't have won...


I didn't bother reading your post after the first few lines. It's clear some people have a vendetta against Drew. He wasn't 100% tonight but was still better than having Tongue in there at dummy half and was solid all night. He seemed to avoid running it too much for the sternum, but I can understand that at this stage.

As for any half wit being able to kick the field goal, get off your arse and go trial for the Raiders. That was a superb drop goal at a time we were playing like headless chooks.


I think for a bloke who probobly needed two more weeks on the sideline he played well. Any half witt could have kicked it? It was one of the best field goals I've seen in Rugby League.

It was Drew, Jed or Tonguey at hooker tonight and I for one am glad we had him.


First Grade
I think it was a stunning drop goal and I can tell you the roof is lucky to be on the Kingston Hotel after he kicked it..... It must have gone 250 metres......


The most impressive thing was that he kicked it on the run, that is freakin hard to do when its a drop kick.

I also didnt bother reading the rest of your post because its clear you had made up your mind before the game even started.

My personal opinion was that Drew did exactly what we needed from him, maybe a few more dummy half runs would have really killed the cowboys earlier, but he was doign well just to be out there.


So he kicked a FG on the run! so what. He put pressure on all around him tonight and as per usual the blind idiots are out defending this fool. Have the people actually read what they have written here tonight? eg. Drew did well for the state he was in. THIS IS FIRST GRADE RUGBY LEAGUE, IF HE CAN'T TAKE THE PHYSICAL CONTACT PULL OUT AND LET SOMEONE LIKE LAWRENCE HAVE A SHOT.

I don't hate the guy. Far from it. However I hate the fact we have these "nancys" on the forum saying "I'm a DREW Believer". What rubbish. Makes us sound like a bunch of primary school kiddies. The only thing I believe is that every time he is near the football I cringe and wait for the next stuff up. As I have said before, wake up and see what is REALLY happening. He is crap plain and simple.

his kicking game was a variety which we badly needed

A variety of rubbish.

Just because a person wears green doesn't mean you have to like them as a matter of loyalty. As I have said before, tell it like it is. I don't blame Drew for the performance tonight, I just think he hindered more than he helped, which is pretty much the story of last year.


First Grade
I thought that it was a bad move when Drew took the ball out of dummy half, ran a few steps forward and then kicked the field goal, but it got the desired result. But at the same time, we were mighty lucky that we got away with the win.


First Grade
Let's give Drew a few more weeks BAY 25. I mean, it was his first game back from injury. But yeah, that last kick he made where he gave the cowboys 40 seconds and the ball on their 40 was probably his worst kick of the night.


First Grade
I have said it before and ill say it again.......DREW MUST GO!

Yeah the guy kicked the winning field goal, im grateful for it.....

The guy also made our attack look pissweak, we werent the same team.
He is a hinderance,macca has to run the plays.
Agains the panthers we looked awesome for 70 mins, macca was calling the shots. Last night i seen none of that,macca short kicking game was brilliant before last night,why then is Mr Potato head kicking grubbers????
Another thing i cant work out is.....Why isnt campese taking kicks for touch or line drop outs??? The guy can kick 60 on the fly,wouldnt you prefer distance in these situations???


Drews decisions are rushed, I don't belive that he gives a great deal of thought to his passes. I must admit I get a little nervous when Drew gets the ball, and with a confused look on his face passes to whoever he sees first.

His kicking game was not consistent tonight. The reality is that he got a lucky kick in. The rest of his play was woefull. I don't think injury alone can be an excuse at this level, especially if his hospital passes are risking other players.

The point is that its difficult to have confidence in Dew because of a lack of consistency.


it was clear that tonight he was only there to be dummy half
He was discraceful at dummy half, this was my whole point. Every time he passed the ball he had no idea who to pass to and when he did, it was so obvious to the Cowboys they just hammered them every time!
His passes are just so predictable!!
This is FIRST GRADE for crying out loud, I've seen better passes in club football. If your not at 100%, don't play! Especially if that sort of rubbish is going to be the result!
I don't blame Drew for the performance tonight, I just think he hindered more than he helped
I totally agree with this point, the whole team need to get back to basics. We played terrible last night. And are EXTREMELY lucky that those (and lets be honest) 50-50 video ref. calls went our way. I don't want to see another result like this and I'm deeply concerned that if this sort of football continues we are going to hiding from the EEL's next week.
The whole team needs to step up, 'cause a performance like that against any other team won't hold up, and the scoreboard will show it.


First Grade


Steven Gerrard

First Grade
Calm down people. Drews first game back this season. It was to be expected. Ppl tend to forget all the good things he did, and his capabilities too. I admit last night wasn't his best game, but he will be better. Field goal was a suprise considering it was on the run, but his last kick of the night (grubber into touch next to him) was the poorest option ever IMO.


First Grade
Calm down people. Drews first game back this season. It was to be expected. Ppl tend to forget all the good things he did, and his capabilities too. I admit last night wasn't his best game, but he will be better. Field goal was a suprise considering it was on the run, but his last kick of the night (grubber into touch next to him) was the poorest option ever IMO.



come on man, turn caps lock off. its getting to the point of bloody annoying.

but seriously, it was his first game back, diddo to what raiders_2004 said.
sydraider, you piss me off to no end. Stop the f***ing caps. And don't call people spastics, you tool.

No matter how well Drew plays, no matter what kind of injury he plays with, no matter how he wins the game for us... some people will just ALWAYS have a vendetta against Drew, no matter what. There's no point arguing with some people, their minds will never change. It's deadset arguing against a brick wall.


Post Whore
Give Drew break
next week Woolford will be back and drew should be playing a position i think he provides more in, a uttility.
we were extremly luck last night, but lets not make a scape goat. why is when we play poorly its drews fault? The bloke cant win, he goes good in attack and gets pounded for his defence, now he defends quite well and his attack is hammered
He is obviously still feeling the effects of his ribs in which case he should get it right and return and last night his service was pretty terrible, but we are over looking some of the very good things he did, firstly that feild goal, he made some nice metres unlike schif and several others who went nowhere out of hooker (whats up with him lattly :?: )

The thing to remember is he isnt going to be playing their for a full game, only when woolford is off will he slot in there, and i think that has worked pretty well in previous games, he looks dangerous when he gets in there but after a while he seems lost at hooker...... simple solution dont play him at hooker

Im more alarmed at the fact we had an unusually high error count, thats what killed us, we rely on mistake free footy

(although its getting harder and harder every week)