If what the doctor is alleged to do is true, he’s absolutely crossed a line and faces deregistration, or heavy restrictions on practice.
However the bit I feel sorry for him is that I’m sure attending the Burgess house is not something he was paid to do. I suspect he felt a duty to help Sam. And then found himself in a terrible situation. Whilst everything has turned pear shaped now, I have no doubt at that time that Sam’s mother, wife and father-in-law ALL wanted to protect Sam, his image and his contract (at the time). Whilst the father in law is now saying he felt he had no choice but to fill the script, the fact is he did it, and so is complicit in the whole thing. It’s only that the relationship has broken down that the family want to expose this and absolve themselves of any responsibility.
The doctor’s ethics should have risen above the pressure at that moment. But being painted as the mastermind of this is unfair- he had nothing to gain from this. It was Burgess and his family who needed the cover up.