Spot on and credit to Shillington for calling out the players whose actions undermine their fellow players, their club and the game itself. Dugan's reaction again displays his immaturity and the fact that we should be crossing our fingers and hoping that he is going to realise that a hell of a lot of people stand to be affected every time he touches the ball or a keypad.
Wake up Josh and just look at how lucky you are to have a financially rewarding career out of playing a sport whilst the vast majority of people whose actions you affect are living week to week and try and scrounge up the money to go to games and support you.
I was actually defending Josh's right to say what he said. Free speech, what a concept, hey!?
I think Shillington is a tool, but I respect both him and Dugan for having the guts to speak their mind publicly and breathe a little life into this sterile game.
Everyone whinges about the cliched lines footballers dish out week after week "we're just taking it one week at a time", "we didn't aim up" etc.. then as soon as someone dares stray from the script and dares to say what they actually think everyone jumps up and down like they're the worst person in the world and their respective clubs are going to implode.
Look at athletes over in the USA, they trash talk all day and their clubs, leagues etc all prosper in terms of finances, crowd numbers, television ratings, merchandise sales etc. because at the end of the day there's no such thing as bad publicity.
Now I'm not saying that these players shouldn't be held accountable for the actions, but I am saying that while they aren't crossing any lines or getting personal, then who cares about a bit of trash talk??? I mean did we lose a war or something, did the terrorists win?
At the end of the day, this adds a bit of extra spice to the hoodoo when we take on Raiders next year. A bit of genuine rivalry between former teammates, and a bit more motivation for Dugan to stand up and silence his knockers!