Oakie Doakie. So last night I used my 1 off power. I get to send 4 names to Mis and he gives me info on them 2 last night, 2 this night. I sent 2 names I strongly think are mafia or indie, 1 I was a little sus on, and 1 I was sure of their role so I can make sure I have been redirected.
I was hoping to get alignments but all I got were snippets of info
The first 2 names I got back were Micky and Butch
Im not giving these in Mis' words to avoid a modkill for pasting his msgs.
Apparently Micky is multiple things and smells bad. This clears up his 3 votes and doesnt sound too suspect.
Butch could not be located. This sounds pretty sus if I'm honest.
Vote Butch