Players who I would look signing, taking into consideration price and chance of them siging with the eels;
Dan Hunt - Justin Poore 4 seasons ago
Scott Geddes - not a bad player if he can start uninjured
Tom Learoyd Lars - There is our wide running backrower who has some speed
Blake Green - give him the 7 position for a season and he could reach his potential
Adam Cuthbertson - Our ball playing forward
Kevin Proctor - isn't he the guy with hair like Matt King, he looks like a real work horse
Matthew Scott - I think he is the guy that played for QLD , maybe a change of club would allow him to reach his full potential
Michael Greenfield - He looked pretyy good last year
Ricky Thorby - Maybe a mini project for DA
Thes are some of the players I would consider and I could see them not being too expensive