from the link
Why wasnt it passed on if it had to be?
It all depends on when they lodged it. Has Terry got details on this?
If they lodged it on April 14 (21 days before the agm) there is no way it could have been passed on to members within the required 21 days.
We have already been told by the marketing manager the annual report was lodged April 9 which includes the notice of agm and agenda on page 4 and lists all the ordinary resolutions.
Therefore 3P needed to have thought ahead and lodged it 60 days prior to the agm. this would have given enough time for the wording issues to be resolved and in time for the annual report deadline.
I've said it before but there is no way the constitution can be changed at the agm, I cant understand why 3P are persisting with trying instead of getting on with things.