Mr Angry said:
ParraMatt said:
Just wondering.. Who picks the article to be published on the Home Page of League Unlimited? Is it you Willow?
Mate the Ref does as it is the two highest scoring ones from the match.
No actually that is just part of it. I think Lord Reynoldson brought it in this same thread.
Generally, posts which score high will probably get onto the LU main page. But we try and fit this in with the general running of the site.
Sometimes I look at an essay/post on F7s which scores lower than others but the quality was still high... this happens all the time and is a credit to the contributors.
Now if the subject matter demanded that we put it up right away, we would obviously overlook the ref score.
Having said all that, I was already putting up the highest scoring posts as they are decided by the refs. This being in addition to other posts selected.
But keep in mind that it may not always happen immediately as articles being published on the main site sometimes happen in quantity and I think it would be disservice to see any F7s article getting quickly swallowed up... so on that point, you'll have the timing up to me.