It's Chinese National Holidays here and so our input over the next week, unless it has something to do with fireworks and dumplings, will be minimal.
In order to comply with the LU F7's GF media commitments, I offer the following.
Amadean will be available from his suite in the Mumbai (India) Grand Hyatt on Friday only, tits&tans and Titan Uranus will be available via jungle telegraph KTV from the ancient town of Feng Huang Cheng in Western Hunan on Saturday, bgdc and I will be online from the Presidential Suite of the State Guest House, Yangzhou, whenever we surface. Coaster is taking messages under the 3rd umbrella from the left of the suntan spray guy at Surfers' while Robster has placed a media ban on himself succumbing to Grand Final nerves.
All posturing aside, the Titans have several points to make regarding this years' competition and regardless of the GF final result:
1. As this has been our first season and many lessons have been learned, I speak on behalf of the team in thanking all the teams for the entertainment that you have provided to our members. The spirit and camaraderie has been a tremendous amount of fun.
2. To the site administrators and referees, thanks for the ride. Management and arbitration are most often thankless tasks, and without reward even more so - we raise our hats to you in salutation.
3. A subjective competition such as this will always attract conjecture and inuendo, stiff bickies! We joined, we read the rules and we have played as best we can within them - so whatever happens now, so be it. 'Bags have the form and the history to be favourites and all we can do is promise you a good game... good luck, you are the benchmark we all aspire to.
4. We hope that the individuals who voted for WC teams will "put their money where their mouths are" and sign up to make that event the carnival that it should be.
5. A special mention must go to Halatia for her tips on improving "fairy bread" and Ma Dunit for his introduction to fashion or "how and when sun glasses should be worn".