ROTJ is not my fav...but for me has the best scene out of all the movies:
When the Emperor is finishing off Luke with force lightening, Luke screams out to his father for help as he dies, Vader looks at Luke, looks at the Emperor, then Luke...then grabs Palpatine and hurls him down that generator and Vader collapses...
Music by John Williams was perfect for that aswell...BEAT THAT!
Seriously, can you think of a better scene?
AnakinVsObiwan is the best of the prequels (again that music! Terminator 2 like)
When Luke finds out Vader is his father...pretty good
Darth Maul in distance on Naboo...Quigon "We'll handle this"...that fight scene was great, no where near the best scene though, worth a mention.
Attack on Death Star in ANH...pretty intesne when Luke takes off his targeting device
ummm..yeh...ROTJ scene is the best in my view...whats yuor fav?