mario , considering there may be a sequel , and i already have read requests for jumping, but how about diving on loose balls whether it be in goal or general play. i also realise that the nrl does not endorse fighting in the real game let alone a video game. Is there a chance the production team incorporate clinching and in effect this influences a players aggression meter, thus making that player more prone to errors/ high tackles etc... Speaking of tackles what do u think of greater control in tackling, kind of lift and drag affect." Finally i would like to see a a greater emphasis on the finals! commentry to reflect emotion and importance of the game, more visual detail i.e, streamers ,fireworks for final, cameras more dynamic in the sense of maybe following the players from in the tunnell out on to the ground then pan around goal posts capturing the crowd, a pre grand final (international) national anthem then grand final (international) trophy ceremony with best player of the match (clive churchill)award and maybe if programming permits a dally m and top try scorer/pointscorer for the season. One thing i have noticed that people are asking for is in and around what the tv portrays as the game, by including these ideas sidhe will be another step closer to simulating the greatest game on earth....RUGBY LEAGUE!!!!