We have proven that whatever way we are intending to play, we can’t.
Let’s just do 5 hit ups & kick to the corner.
This is because this team has an identity crisis.
I'm gonna paraphrase a PM I got after the game because what the member said is right
The team has 3 distinct cohorts of players
Flannoball players who can no longer dredge out 80 minutes which was a crucial part of it. This cohort is either too old, too broken or too unsuitable for BomberBall...whatever that looks like eventually
Flashy players who don't fit in well, take dumb risks, play rogue fashion and possibly expect others to know what the fugue they are doing.
Kids who have no idea who to follow as circumstances such as injuries has seen them following different individual leadership styles all year. Kids who don't have the basics down pat.
3 cohorts of players. None of them on the same page. It can't work well. There will be moments, but not consistency.
The basis of this team is there. The finished product is years off.
With no money