‘Time to find a new team’: NRL fans fume as Wollongong deputy mayor slams Folau move
The media and a bunch of people wanting a little attention will run with this for all it's worth.
I find Folau's comments absurd and offensive. I find it hard to fathom that people believe that stuff but it's what he and many others were bought up with. Didn't most Christian religions take the same stance until very recently when public outcry made them rethink that position and become more tolerant ( at least outwardly ). 70+ million US citizens recently voted for a candidate who outlawed LGBT folk from joining the military. When are we likely to see a female Pope ? Saudi women couldn't drive a car until just a year or so ago. Another bigot was just awarded Australia's highest honour ( well, The British Empire's honour ) with the full support of our Prime Minister.
Religion is slowly coming out of the dark ages, it's only taken a thousand years, so have a little patience.
He said the wrong thing and it was called out and it was made clear that Hate Speech won't be tolerated. If he does it again he'll be sanctioned again, that's it.
If the NRL accept him back into the fold and if our Sponsors approve then he'll be given a shot I guess and I'm sure there'll be a caveat or two on his contract, behave or be gone.
Personally I'd rather he went elsewhere but that's just me. He hasn't broken the law so legally there's nothing to stop him. Morally, well, he needs a little re-education but that's unlikely so hopefully he'll just keep it to himself.