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Assistant Moderator
Willow you are most probably correct but it’s a pity the Board ignored for years the fan backlash against McGregor.
Oh I know. Which suggests that this week's events must have been a doozy.

The board will usually dismiss grumblings from the fanbase. After all, they run the business. But they still want us as customers.


Folau never won the court case. It was settled out of court. But he did claim the high moral ground immediately following that shitstorm.

Folau and his lobby did lose the plebiscite but couldn't accept the result.

Interesting how some folks can't accept the results, and yet they label those who argue against Folau as "sooks".
You have stated the true facts but left out balance in your comment.

Settlement was in Folau's favour.

Stats on the pleb. are true but again you fail to give balance:

The vote was not a referendum mainly because the Yes vote would not prevail. 66% in favour required approx. 11.8m votes

The vote was not compulsory mainly because again it was unlikely the Yes vote would prevail, if 51% in favour required approx. 9m votes

Those eligible to vote were approx. 18m people

Those who voted Yes was approx. 7.8m people

So say that the majority of Australians voted for Gay Marriage is faulse.

The political vote on Gay Marriage had been lost several times in the past but this time, with the way this vote was designed, and eith the lopsided funding for the Yes vote, it proved a success for those promoting Gay Marriage. So success was gained with less than half registered voters voting Yes.

To be fair I should tell you my wife and I voted Yes


Dragon David

First Grade
Phil Rothfield couldn't wait to throw in his twopence worth saying -

“[The Dragons are a] hopeless club,” wrote The Daily Telegraph’s Phil ‘Buzz’ Rothfield on Twitter. “Reeling from skipper Cameron McInnes walking out, they leak Folau story to take outrage away from losing inspirational leader. Cave in 24 hours later on Folau.

“Winning comps start in the front office. Guarantee Saints won’t be winning any time soon.”

Rothfield’s Telegraph colleague David Riccio joked about the stunning backflip the Dragons had made, writing on Twitter: “I look forward to watching the @NRL_Dragons management perform at the diving in Tokyo later this year.

Speaking on the Big Sports Breakfast, the Sydney Morning Herald writer Adam Pengilly said: “It just looks really awkward that they announced their intention to try and pursue it with the NRL and then turn around 24 hours and said oh no we won’t continue those discussions. It’s really messily handled.”

Former Roosters forward Bryan Fletcher said he was baffled by the decision to try and bring Folau in.

“They’ve got $500,000 to pay him [Folau] and McInnes is getting $600,00 they’re saying,” Fletcher said on 1170 SEN.

“For $100,000 difference you’ve got the best player in the last two years and the captain of the club and the bloke who just keeps giving every week and every training session. It’s a strange one.”

Meanwhile, writing in The Daily Telegraph ’s, Paul Crawley took the Dragons management to task.


Expansion on the cards for the NRL

He wrote: “The point here that should really anger and frustrate Dragons fans is that this board, who are supposed to be in charge of setting the standards within, were so naive.

“That they allowed it all to get this far before finally realising the damage it had the potential to do to their brand before pulling out.

“How could they possibly have expected to play out any differently?

“There is no question they have thrown the coach and senior management under the bus to save themselves.”

Our BOD and CEO in my opinion have created the situation that whatever they tell us we will be taking with a grain of salt from now on. I don't anticipate any recruitment information coming out of them for a while and that won't be until it is actually on their official website.

Gee the comp has not even started and we are already an embarrassment and in many cirles a laughing stock. Who will want to join us now??


Village Idiot
Staff member
You have stated the true facts but left out balance in your comment.

Settlement was in Folau's favour.

Stats on the pleb. are true but again you fail to give balance:

The vote was not a referendum mainly because the Yes vote would not prevail. 66% in favour required approx. 11.8m votes

The vote was not compulsory mainly because again it was unlikely the Yes vote would prevail, if 51% in favour required approx. 9m votes

Those eligible to vote were approx. 18m people

Those who voted Yes was approx. 7.8m people

So say that the majority of Australians voted for Gay Marriage is faulse.

The political vote on Gay Marriage had been lost several times in the past but this time, with the way this vote was designed, and eith the lopsided funding for the Yes vote, it proved a success for those promoting Gay Marriage. So success was gained with less than half registered voters voting Yes.

To be fair I should tell you my wife and I voted Yes

Possm, it was a plebiscite not a referendum because it was not related to a change in the constitution.

But even then, a referendum only needs the majority vote, not the 2/3 vote that you’re claiming.

And yes, the majority of Australians voted for gay marriage.

To claim otherwise is trumpesque.


Village Idiot
Staff member
I cant speak for everyone, only myself. I'm no angel, but I have never engaged in hate speech or attacked a minority. That would be especially so if my words held influence.

Perhaps you're talking about your own experience.
Does misogyny count as hate speech?

Thomo sure loves that..


cant even read a
Folau was never going be the silver bullet. Plus the NRL were unlikely to give the green light.
Silver bullet? who said he was meant to be that? He was an attempt to have at least one proven international class player in the squad that we could try to build around. Have you looked at our squad, its bottom 4 with a bullet. We are desperate for quality and experience at the highest level, just to make us legitimate. If Lomax were to be injured then all we have is battling fringe first graders, young hopefuls who likely wont make it and 2 overpaid dubious and lazy SOO players in Hunt and Norman.

Beggars cannot be choosers and all humans deserve a chance at redemption. The so called righteous ones chose not to offer that chance and you are all shameful for that. You listen too much to the Websters and the Fitzsimons of this world who would not have standards at all if not for their double standards, after all they are both over opinionated journalists.

We are left with the feeble captain abandoning ship, an unproven crock junior returning, who previously abandoned us for his own glory, and a SOO player undergoing ridiculously drawn out rape trials who cant even train with the squad anymore!! With no hope whatsoever of attracting the likes of the Grants, Smiths or Staggs.

Sadly if this crap is to continue we are doomed for decades, if not forever. Dont waste your time responding, I am outta this politically poisoned forum, I prefer football, but I will never abandon the red v that I still remember once stood above all for over a decade, a feat no other club will ever come near to.


Possm, it was a plebiscite not a referendum because it was not related to a change in the constitution.

But even then, a referendum only needs the majority vote, not the 2/3 vote that you’re claiming.

And yes, the majority of Australians voted for gay marriage.

To claim otherwise is trumpesque.
Mixing US politics with fantasy is the best conclusion I can come up with the 2/3 vote


Possm, it was a plebiscite not a referendum because it was not related to a change in the constitution.

But even then, a referendum only needs the majority vote, not the 2/3 vote that you’re claiming.

And yes, the majority of Australians voted for gay marriage.

To claim otherwise is trumpesque.
Referendums are a double majority vote


First Grade
Possm, it was a plebiscite not a referendum because it was not related to a change in the constitution.

But even then, a referendum only needs the majority vote, not the 2/3 vote that you’re claiming.

And yes, the majority of Australians voted for gay marriage.

To claim otherwise is trumpesque.

However the voting for the plebiscite was not compulsory muzby , unlike a referendum or for an election . I often wonder just what percentage of Australia’s eligible voters actually did respond to the plebiscite ?
Last edited:


Obviously not all christians agree with your interpretation. And what a loving family looks like is, quite frankly, not your decision to make. It's only confusing for people who can't get over their own own prejudices.

I get it, you're against Same Sex Marriage.

Public opinion doesn't agree with you, but I think you've forgotten that there was a vote, and the public overwhelmingly voted in favour of SSM.

Not that it was anyone's business but the strong christian lobby wanted their chance to have a say in how people lived their lives. And here's the thing, they lost. The people have spoken.

Unfortunately there remain people who still can't accept the result. Folau was one of those people. He is part of that push back against equal rights.

Ask yourself, if there was a player advocating for apartheid or to take away women's right to vote, would we want to sign him? SSM is also an equal rights issue.

It looks like majority public opinion was against Folau again, to dismiss this as media driven or who yells the loudest is insulting to the actial democratic process that got us here.
Yeah look at society today. 60% divorce rates, broken families, confusion in opinions, divided opinions. Our kids are the loosers in all this. Its Time everyone repects differenet opinions and stop creating divisions. The left are forcing us all to think their way only. It won't ever happen.


However the voting for the plebiscite was not compulsory muzby , unlike a referendum or for an election . I often wonder just what percentage of Australia’s eligible voters actually did respond to the plebiscite ?

Every poll taken for years had said that the Australian population overwhelmingly supported same-sex marriage. If voting had been compulsory it would still have easily passed.


Can u imagine if we publicly announced we weren’t going after Folau anymore just to stop the media/social backlash

But in secret behind the doors were still in talks :joy:
Surely it would have been better that we just did not go after Folau in the first place. It is plain to most of us that this was always going to be controversial.


Folau would not have lasted 6 weeks before his next social media sermon.

Hitler would have been a more popular signing
bring up hitler and you lose the argument on the spot. Hitler was a master at suppressing religious freedom, first he made it unsociable to be Jewish, then he killed 6 million of them.

Folau too is being persecuted for his religious beliefs....its a slippery slope.


Yeah look at society today. 60% divorce rates, broken families, confusion in opinions, divided opinions. Our kids are the loosers in all this. Its Time everyone repects differenet opinions and stop creating divisions. The left are forcing us all to think their way only. It won't ever happen.

The sowing of division is why this issue was created. Same as multiculturalism. What problems did Australia have that that was supposed to fix?

It has been a very long term plan to destroy the West, its people's, customs and traditions, its ability to defend itself, tear down its borders, compromise its goverments and politics, stupefy its education systems and, more than anything, destroy its family life. And as we can see, the West is now everywhere on its knees to Marxist insanity, including totalitarian speech laws.

What rights do Australians now have that they once did?

Free speech? Gone.

Right to keep one's own property or the product of your labor? Gone. You have to keep your money in a bank. Cash is on the way out. Behave or they will cut off your money. No banking for you.

Freedom of movement? Gone.

Freedom of association? Gone.

Freedom of assembly? Gone.

Freedom from judicial assault? Gone. The laws are in place for forced vaccination against a disease that is comparatively trivial.

Freedom from unwarranted search and seizure? Gone.

Australia obeys the ludicrous and unscientific and self destructive diktats of unelected globalist bodies into which we have zero democratic input, such as the WHO, the director of which iis called Dr but who is not a medical doctor and in his native Ethiopia was the head of a Chinese-funded revolutionary Marxist-Leninst terrorist group!!!

Australia in 1995 had the cheapest ele tricity in the world. Today we has the most expensive. We have shut down almost all of our coal power generation to go "green" yet at the same time ship our coal to Cina to burn in the hundreds of new coal generators they have built. Good for China, but what about Australia? We have been deindustrialized.

Truly, we are living in the advanced stages of clown world.
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Phil Rothfield couldn't wait to throw in his twopence worth saying -

“[The Dragons are a] hopeless club,” wrote The Daily Telegraph’s Phil ‘Buzz’ Rothfield on Twitter. “Reeling from skipper Cameron McInnes walking out, they leak Folau story to take outrage away from losing inspirational leader. Cave in 24 hours later on Folau.

“Winning comps start in the front office. Guarantee Saints won’t be winning any time soon.”

Rothfield’s Telegraph colleague David Riccio joked about the stunning backflip the Dragons had made, writing on Twitter: “I look forward to watching the @NRL_Dragons management perform at the diving in Tokyo later this year.

Speaking on the Big Sports Breakfast, the Sydney Morning Herald writer Adam Pengilly said: “It just looks really awkward that they announced their intention to try and pursue it with the NRL and then turn around 24 hours and said oh no we won’t continue those discussions. It’s really messily handled.”

Former Roosters forward Bryan Fletcher said he was baffled by the decision to try and bring Folau in.

“They’ve got $500,000 to pay him [Folau] and McInnes is getting $600,00 they’re saying,” Fletcher said on 1170 SEN.

“For $100,000 difference you’ve got the best player in the last two years and the captain of the club and the bloke who just keeps giving every week and every training session. It’s a strange one.”

Meanwhile, writing in The Daily Telegraph ’s, Paul Crawley took the Dragons management to task.


Expansion on the cards for the NRL

He wrote: “The point here that should really anger and frustrate Dragons fans is that this board, who are supposed to be in charge of setting the standards within, were so naive.

“That they allowed it all to get this far before finally realising the damage it had the potential to do to their brand before pulling out.

“How could they possibly have expected to play out any differently?

“There is no question they have thrown the coach and senior management under the bus to save themselves.”

Our BOD and CEO in my opinion have created the situation that whatever they tell us we will be taking with a grain of salt from now on. I don't anticipate any recruitment information coming out of them for a while and that won't be until it is actually on their official website.

Gee the comp has not even started and we are already an embarrassment and in many cirles a laughing stock. Who will want to join us now??
I say sack the recruitment officer and the general manager football. They need to take full responsibility.

A swap deal should be made with the Sharks to allow McInnes to leave now. I as a fan don't want to see our effort to turn things around be comromised by a former Captain who has not been candid with the Dragons with regards to his dealings with the Sharks.


The whole Folau issue makes me wonder about the make up of the board and whether they really are working together as a strategic group that is looking for the best long term interests of the club.

TBH I was not happy on a personal level that we had approached Folau but at least the Board had unanimously agreed and on balance I saw it as acceptance that the club needed major change and they had identified one of the best available players on the open market and they had approached him. Presuming that a board of a multi million dollar organisation would have done its due diligence, identified there would be significant negative publicity and had a plan to manage it.

Instead it turns out that they clearly had not done their due diligence, developed a plan and a long term strategy and at the first sign of negative publicity they quickly changed their minds and reversed their position.

The board of the Football club is made of directors appointed by the Dragons Leagues Club and WIN corporation. Now WIN Corporation is publicly listed company and unless some of us are multi millionaires or billionaires influencing their appointments is problematical.

However the St George Leagues Club is a member based association. I think it is time for each of us to join the leagues club and to start agitating for better fan engagement, better long term planning and appointment of Directors who can collectively provide better strategic direction. For F**k's sake why isn't John Howard on the board? He is a huge Dragon's fan, he is a former Prime Minister and would bring lots of connections in the business world. I am not a fan of his politics but even so I would welcome him with open arms onto the board as he is likely to have the club's interests at heart and it wouldn't just be a junket for him.

If we join the Leagues Club, we get to vote for the Leagues Club board and we get a chance to make sure that the body that decides who puts half the members on the Football Club board actually knows what we as fans want. At the moment there are too many vested interests which means our club is not being strategic,

Unfortunately it pains me to say the old adage applies to us:
