@ kit 66
The idea that local (Australian) politics is anything but a puppet show put on by globalist interests is a furphy. Whether it is Labour or the supposed other side, they are and for decades now have been just the two buttocks of the same butt.
For heaven's sake, Australia may not generate electricty with coal because it isn't "green" but we can ship it to China so that they can? Does that make any sense at all? No. None. Yet BOTH PARTIES endorse it!
Please explain.
You can, if you like, blame one party or the other for introducing this law or that change but notice that when the other side comes into power they never actually reverse any of those changes that, when in opposition, they were so much against. Because they are both the same party and they are playing a shell game on you.
Please note that as far as political parties are concerned, I have absolutely no dog in the fight. Because I recognize a Punch and Judy Show when I see it. But having said that, please remember - JUST FOR THE SAKE OF A BALANCED DISCUSSION - that it was the Whitlam/Hayden/et al governments that
- removed Australia's tariff walls and began the de-industrialization of Australia
- put the foot to the floor on multicultualism and mass immigration
- introduced the duplicitously-named and utterly destructive "Family Law Act", well designed to push men out of familes, both as fathers and providers
- further funded family destruction through its social security policies
- created ludicrosities such as the Office for Women Affairs (or whatever, but that name might be accurate enough)
- created qangos by the dozen to staff it with their parasitic operatives
I could go on, and I haven't even begun with Keating, now nicely ensconced on big money with an Asian Bank, not because he knows anything about banking - he didn't get past the 4th form - and he is not, after all, a financial demographer, an econometrician, a quant, an experienced asset manager, or a statisical modeller. Keating has that position, which I am sure is not very taxing, for one reason and one reason ONLY, because that is how PAYOLA works in politics, and Keating's payola is that as Treasurer he sold out Australia to free-traders and the big banks.
The tell that this "two-party" system is all just a puppet show is that the supposedly opposing political parties that subsequently came to power did nothing to reverse these policies.
The belief in "parties" is childish.
Note that you don't have a party, do you? I'll bet you feel unrepresented. And there are lots of people who feel like you, right. So, with so much demand, why isn't there a party that reprsents your interest or thinks like you? Why don't the current parties represent interests such as yours?
Because Big Money can't see any profit in setting up such a party. That is why.