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Forumers profiles


name: Blacktip-reefy
weight: 100 kgs
Height: 1835mm
Favourite food:500grm medium rare T-bone chunky chips/mash salad & pepper sauce!! f**k yeah!!
Favourite movie: Comedy Austin Powers
Favourite TV Show: battlestar galactica current series. Batman 70's series
Favourite music: everything Kiss Floyd alice singer song writers
Hobbies: surfing, techin, fixin, farkin, in no particular order
biggest influence:
2009 goals: reduce my mortgage by $450 million
Occupation: self employed in various fields. Fantasy league manager


name: Quigs
weight: 105 kgs (think I am the top weight at the moment.)
Height: 1829mm
Favourite food: See answer #2, I love most food, very partial to good chow food (chinese) and was brought up to eat big meals...hence 105kg (but it is going down)
Favourite movie: How Green Was My valley, The Life of Brian, Marx Bros Go West "More wood"
Favourite TV Show: Shift and Swift, SBS News with Lee Ling Chin, The Journal (German News on SBS)
Favourite music: Old Blues, Leonard Cohen, 60's 70's Yardbirds, Kinks, Old Stones, etc
Hobbies: Old farkin' Rugby League - when it was fair dinkum propper Roogbee with no poofs allowed and ... Being the Fat Cu... cu... Cu..Controller of my H.O.Scale empire.
biggest influence: Learning to Respect my elders, Paying Attention to Lifes Experiences, my Dad and Mum, my PM Gough, and finally learning that Money Stinks.
2009 goals: My body is a Mosque, I intend to maintain my fitness level for as long as I can so when that big day does come when we lift the shield I will still be fit enough to Party hard and long ..... then die
Occupation: CEO of two floundering Companies(I work out of home), and Fat Cu...Cu...Cu...Controller

Declared Idiot #88
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Name: Coastal Shark
Weight: 125kegs - I'm with you Quigley!
Height: 1800mm
Favourie Food: Good old fashioned baked dinner with everything
Favourite Drink: XXXX Gold and Bundy
Favourite Movie: Any Clint Eastwood western
Favourite TV Show: Boston Legal and Rugby League
Favourite Music: The 70s and 80s
Hobbies: Coaching Hinterland Storm on the GC, having a quiet ale
Biggest Influence: No-one in particular
2009 Goals: To win a premiership with my team and to change jobs
Occupation: Public bloody Servant

Sorry, but I had to add Favourite Drink.

Go Nulla

Name: Go Nulla
Weight: 95kgs
Height: 5'9" whatever that is in mm's
Favourite food: Pizza
Favourite movie: Rocky 1
Favourite TV Show: Girls Of The Playboy Mansion
Favourite music: Cold Chisel, Rolling Stones, Led Zep, Deep Purple.
Hobbies: Drinking, Bludging, Waiting for the first Sharks premiership.
Biggest influence: My penis
2009 goals: Win Lotto
Occupation: Insurance Manager and Pimp.


Name: Sharkie73
Weight: 113kgs
Height: 6ft
Favourie Food: Any Thai Dish
Favourite Drink: Bundy and Stella
Favourite Movie: Lord of the rings!!! Hey I'm from the shire.
Favourite TV Show NCIS, Dr Who
Favourite Music: Aussie Rock
Hobbies: Shooting, Watch my kids play sport, Fighting Fires
Biggest Influence: The old Man
2009 Goals: Loose 15kgs
Occupation: Public Servant


First Grade
Name: Carina Shark
Weight: 92kgs
Height: 5'9"
Favourite food: Chicken Casserol with red wine sauce, served with baked potatoes.
Favorite Drink , Pure Blonde
Favourite movie: The Weather Man.
Favourite TV Show , Mad Men.
Favourite music: Mozart,Blues slide guitar,Bob Dylan.
Hobbies: SHARKS and European History.
Biggest influence: 1978 grand final.
2009 goals: Self improvement
Occupation: Creative Head.


Name: God
Weight: 95kgs
Height: 5'8"
Favourite food: Bread
Favorite Drink: Water
Favourite movie: The Ten Commandments
Favourite TV Show: Hillsong TV
Favourite music: Harp played by angels
Hobbies: Creation, being superior, looking down on the minions
Biggest influence: Me
2009 goals: I think I'll make another universe
Occupation: Deity


Crikey Cap'n you'll have good ole Dave doing cartwheels in a minute.

Declared Idiot #88
Will do mine later but for now;

name: Nemesis
weight: 50 kg,s
Height: 5ft
Favourite food: Baked Beans, bananas and cucumber
Favourite movie: Harry Potter, Wizard of Oz and Pricilla Queen of the Desert
Favourite TV Show: A Queer Eye for a Straight Guy
Favourite music: Boy George, George Michael
Hobbies: Dressing up as Harry Potter and pulling rabbits out my arse
Biggest influence: Carson from queer eye
2009 goals: Continue to sit on forums playing keyboard hero to compensate for my little dick
Occupation: Pretend psychologist
Name: battered Flake
weght: 98 KG
height 6 ft---(I look down on Frenzy):lol:
Fav Food- Mexican ,but ill eat most anything if Im hungry.
Fav Movie--Toombstone/Deliverance.... hard to separate
Fav TV: Dads Army .. Steptoe and Son.... Never be beaten.. Oh , And Rugby league ,Especially when Sharks Play.... Other than that Nothing worth watching.
Fav Music ... Both Kinds!! Country And Western!!!.. More specifically -John Williamson,Merle Haggard,Dixie Chickies,and the sensational... BECKY COLE!!!... When it comes from the heart IT IS " the white mans blues!!!!"
Hobbbies_Speeling Bees,Boiling in Oil,haha.... Fishing actually
Greatest Influence : My Uncle Louie:A life well lived.. I still am learning from him ,even though he's gone.
Occupation: BoilerMaker
2009 Goals: Finish ComputerDrafting Course,Win RL Tipping Comp ......See Sharks Win Grand Final !!!!!..........Oh!?.... and acheive World Peace!
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You forgot the plural at the end of 2009 goals there Miller.

I believe it should be dicks and not the singular - dick.

But other then that you are pretty munch on the ball so to speak.

Declared Idiot #88

Dave Q

Name: God
Weight: 95kgs
Height: 5'8"
Favourite food: Bread
Favorite Drink: Water
Favourite movie: The Ten Commandments
Favourite TV Show: Hillsong TV
Favourite music: Harp played by angels
Hobbies: Creation, being superior, looking down on the minions
Biggest influence: Me
2009 goals: I think I'll make another universe
Occupation: Deity

Reading this makes me want to lie, cheat and kill some babies.
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Name: God
Weight: 95kgs
Height: 5'8"
Favourite food: Bread
Favorite Drink: Water
Favourite movie: The Ten Commandments
Favourite TV Show: Hillsong TV
Favourite music: Harp played by angels
Hobbies: Creation, being superior, looking down on the minions
Biggest influence: Me
2009 goals: I think I'll make another universe
Occupation: Deity

Yep that just about covers people from JH ;-)


name: Jesus H Christ
weight: 178 kg,s
Height: 3ft
Favourite food: the crusty bits out of old underwear
Favourite movie: gone with the wind
Favourite TV Show: the wiggles
Favourite music: culture club
Hobbies: searching the tip for old underwear
Biggest influence: karl marx
2009 goals: finding lots of used underwear
Occupation: used underwear searcher

Geez, your a funny merkin.

But your just not funny.


Quigs you are a good laff at this time of the morning,,, especially your avatar.. profiles was good too.

samshark should change his name to georgeshark.