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Free Agency- The Solution

Eels Dude

All these systems being suggested seem a lot more complicated, and have a lot more flaws and loop holes, than our current system and the last one.


Right with all this talk of a draft in the News Ltd press, it is frustrating the shit out of me and isn't even relevant to the problem of players signing mid season for contracts beginning the following season.

Thank you!

This has been annoying the crap out of me for days, a draft has nothing to do with the problems of the current system.


I think the vast majority of fans don't want a draft.

I'm actually uncertain though as to how many would want a midseason transfer window.

What stops a marquee player shifting midseason? One week they're playing for Canterbury, next week they're playing for St George. If you're a little kid (yes somebody please think of the children) I think you'd get upset by that.

In my opinion you shouldn't be allowed to play against the team you started the year with. Either sit on the sidelines, go to a lower tier or go to the UK. I just think it's a bad look.

It's just an over reaction by the telecrap as usual. Let's look at the last 3 signing way in advance . Idris: hated Sydney being from the Nth Coast it left GC or Newcastle so a draft is useless. Maloney: Wanted back in Sydney. So again a draft is useless. Beau Scott wanted to test the marketplace. No guarantee he would get that in a draft.

The way it works now rewards junior development. In every case the current club has the final offer. Didn't take it. Maybe a transfer window because clubs need to be able to buy a player to fit within the cap. I still can't see how it can work as a draft.


No draft.

Off contract signing period during the off-season only. Transfer/trade window from the start of the off-season through to maybe week 12 or so.

Having guys sign for another club with over a full season to run with their current team is ridiculous.


I'm more interested in players before they become freelance. Subsidising clubs in the cap for even up to 30% so one club players can remain so will do wonders for the game.

Once a player has no financial incentive to complete a career at one club all that remains is 'every man for himself'.

Menzies, Cronin, S. Mortimer, El Masri, Lockyer to name a few gave much more to the game and their supporters than being great players


Anyone suggesting the current system works and why change are clearly satisfied of the intential breachinig of the salary cap over the past decade.

I am totally against the current system which quite simply does not allow for open and transparent regulating.

Surely the IC can come up with a suitable replacement that will alleviate the games worst image. CHEATING!

Not to say a draft is the answer but when a team has been found guilty of 'intentional' salary cap breaches and till this day still have half of the Australian 'SPINE' (1&9, not even considering the 7 they have) on it's books it quite clearly tells you the current system is NOT WORKING!


You know I read all this and I hear calls for a draft, trade windows, restricted free agency etc and I think to myself, why? Why does it really matter if players sign with rival clubs mid year? It all seems to be aimed to try and restore some fiction from the 1950s of players signing on with a hand shake, playing for the love of the game, and sharing a mutual loyalty with their club through to the end of their career. It's a fantasy and unnecessary one at that.

I honestly don't see the problem with players being free to sign for whoever they want whenever they want. It's a professional game played by professionals. And what arrangements these individuals make during the week to further their profession doesn't make a lick of difference to whether I pay my hard earned to see them practise that profession on the weekend. It's business and I don't feel the need to pretend it's anything but that.

That said, if there must be some kind of draft I'd prefer a minimalist version where clubs can freely sign any player who has played one or more seasons (say 20 games) for their NYC team. This encourages fostering your own junior players and allows local kids to play for the local team. Any player not signed by a club they've played NYC with is free to enter an external draft. After a three year contract, they become free agents (ie. no internal draft).

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Anyone suggesting the current system works and why change are clearly satisfied of the intential breachinig of the salary cap over the past decade.

I am totally against the current system which quite simply does not allow for open and transparent regulating.

Surely the IC can come up with a suitable replacement that will alleviate the games worst image. CHEATING!

Not to say a draft is the answer but when a team has been found guilty of 'intentional' salary cap breaches and till this day still have half of the Australian 'SPINE' (1&9, not even considering the 7 they have) on it's books it quite clearly tells you the current system is NOT WORKING!

How exactly does what Melbourne did show the current system doesn't work?


How exactly does what Melbourne did show the current system doesn't work?

Well exactly. Policing of the salary cap is not going to be impacted one way or the other regardless of whether we have a draft, trade windows, restricted free agency or any other restraint on player movement. It's a totally different issue.

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Right with all this talk of a draft in the News Ltd press, it is frustrating the shit out of me and isn't even relevant to the problem of players signing mid season for contracts beginning the following season.
here, f**kin, here!!

do some of these buffons such as Cameron Smith realise the consequences of a draft for established players? They will be hostage to the clubs and dealt around like chips on a casino gaming table.

Here is the solution, a regulated and enforced free agency period.

1) No and i mean absolutely NO signings between end of FA and the final whistle in the GF. First grade squads of 25-30 players to be declared before kickoff, with only player transfers after as explained in 3)

2) Restricted free agency (RFA)- November 1st, running for 4 weeks. For players coming off contract. Current club has right to first offer, this sets the minimum amount that other clubs must match to enter negotiations for the player. To stop clubs stacking a huge offer to deter initial offers from other clubs, it is then the minimum they must pay for the player even if no clubs make a matching offer

3) Unrestricted free agency/player transfers- from close of RFA to Round 3 or 4. Players out of contract, free for all! And contracted players up for grabs, but salary cap penalties apply to the club signing a contracted player. Probably controversial and very likely a restraint of trade but IMO protects the smaller clubs from poaching of their best on contract players, especially with the likely boost in the cap coming the clubs way.

A significant advantage of this is that all player movement is in the off season, meaning the game gets greater coverage in a normally quiet december period.

Discuss and shred

There is no requirement for restricted free agents in the NRL at the moment. Players come into the NRL as Unrestricted Free Agents anyway. An unsigned junior is free to sign with any club he likes. But with RFA, you're putting restrictions on a senior player once his contract is up and not giving him the opportunity to play elsewhere unless his club doesnt want him. A RFA system in the NRL would work back-to-front if you get my drift. A player who has logged up several seasons in the league should be able to choose where he wants to play, not be restricted.

RFA is a good mechanism in leagues such as the NFL where new players to the league are distributed via the draft. It allows incumbent teams the opportunity to get more use out of their original draft picks. RFA's are players who are out of contract and received an offer from a another club, but have played 3 or less years in the league. In such leagues which utilise the draft, teams are generally built via the draft so the purpose and relevance of this recruiting mechanism needs to be maintained. Essentially, it gives a team 4 seasons of use out of their draft pick before the player can ultimately decide on their own volition that they want to play elsewhere. Otherwise, teams could waste draft picks on players who just up and leave after a season or two.

I'm also opposed to the concept of a free-for-all including contracted players. A contract is legally binding. A rival club would not be able to just override a players existing contract at another club without legal consequences or giving something up to that club. So, dealings in contracted players are better facilitated with trades. Both clubs will be required to give something up and an agreement on value arrived at. Without the a draft in existence in the NRL, the only real currency is players and this would make it difficult for trade transactions to be completed, in my opinion. The NFL trade players with players and draft picks which makes it easier to come to an agreement on value.

A free agency period at the end of the season for all out of contract players at this time is a must though. I propose it begin the Monday fortnight after the Grand Final and run right through to the beginning of December. I highly doubt it needs that long because an uncontracted player is an unpaid player, and players not signed late into the FA period risk squeezing themselves out as clubs finalise salary caps, etc. Players are able to be re-signed by their incumbent club at anytime, but if a player is unsigned in mid-October when free agency (the new football year) begins, then he is free to negotiate with any club.

This needs to be regulated, policed and enforced strictly. Any evidence of players approached or negotiating with rival clubs (unless the incumbent club has given the player the permission to) prior to the end of a season must be investigated. Such systems work in leagues such as the NFL and in FIFA. To maintain the integrity of the player transfers, it needs to be policed properly in the NRL too.

Furthermore, I'd suggest Cam Smith not look to the AFL's system of player recruitment and transfers. It is highly restrictive and the only way it works in their league is with a decent Players Association and very good work and minimum pay conditions under their CBA. I don't think such a thing exists in the NRL yet, so placing similar restrictions on players who are poorly represented and receive poor entitlements as a collective will challenge it in a heartbeat.
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And, of course, $BW can do whatever he damn well wants to with no loyalty required to his teammates, club or the game itself.

f**k me this shit pisses me off.

You're just seeing it from a playing perspective.

he still had to compensate the bulldogs 3/4s of a mill. he broke contract and there were legal consequences as a result. He, or those advising him, didn't just get off scot-free.


The current NRL system is really the worst of 2 worlds. A draft system currently wouldnt work because clubs produce their juniors, but at the same time, there is no mechanism for the transfer of a player from one club to another. The only way a draft for new players would work is if the clubs didnt produce juniors but that would a huge change for the sport.

The lack of compensation for clubs means there isnt any value in a trade making a trade window pointless. In any trade the club who the player is transfering to would need to make some form of payment. Without the introduction of transfer fees, which might bea good source of income for junior producing clubs, maybe the club who is receiving the player could take a salary cap hit equal to the remainder of the players contract with the former club, otherwise neither trades nor drafts are to happen in the NRL.


First Grade
How exactly does what Melbourne did show the current system doesn't work?


Carlton cheated the AFL cap to the same extent Melbourne did & under the system the papers want to copy.

No connection between what system is used and bad eggs who want to cheat.

I don't get why this constantly comes up. RL simply can't restrict free movement of players. RLs circumstances are completely different to the American sports and AFL who dont have external competitors.

Besides which, I fail to see how a competition that is more competitive and produces a much greater variety of champions, which RL shits all over the AFL on (even if you include the Storm ruined years) needs to have its system changed.


Besides which, I fail to see how a competition that is more competitive and produces a much greater variety of champions, which RL shits all over the AFL on (even if you include the Storm ruined years) needs to have its system changed.

Spot on. Given we currently have perhaps the most even and competitive league in the game's history, exactly what problem is a draft supposed to solve? Again is it just everyone's inability to accept that it's a professional comp played by career professionals and not some battle fought by patriotic warriors for nothing more than pride and glory? Sorry, but that doesn't justify a draft in my book.

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First Grade
f**k me this shit pisses me off.

You're just seeing it from a playing perspective.

he still had to compensate the bulldogs 3/4s of a mill. he broke contract and there were legal consequences as a result. He, or those advising him, didn't just get off scot-free.
If he had to do that, it was a commercial decision for him. I'm fairly sure the Bulldogs would have preferred that it hadn't happened at all.


First Grade
Draft will never work unless the NRL picks up all the funding for junior development. Clubs that develop good juniors will stop putting time and money into development if they don't get first crack at their juniors. I do believe we need to wait until the season ends before signings are made.


First Grade
I don't know whether an internal and/or external draft is part of the solution. I do know that I don't really understand to any great degree how they would work but I'm sure I'm not the only one.
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First Grade
Internal draft. Hypothetical.

What go we do if the Waratahs or Wigan or Leeds offer Cronk 800 a year, but no NRL club bar Melbourne who cant get that figure under the cap can counter until the official trade period. A draft would rule out contracts bring entered into until after the player has been drafted.

Any restriction on the movements of established players will HURT the game.

People need to just accept the Scott scenarios. They are professionals, I'm sure he will give his all to Saints this year, before moving to his next career opportunity.


I'm not sure why this has to be so complicated. We don't need a draft - I'm 100% certain of that. Personally, I think Soccer have got it right and I'd like to see 2 trade windows. The first starting in April and running for the entire month. This would allow teams to make some changes as they thought necessary early enough in the season to make a difference. The other would be in November and run for the entire month as well. Players can't transfer outside of those 2 windows if they are under contract.

Players should be able to sign with a club from the Monday following the grand final and not earlier. It is a joke - in my opinion - that we have players signing with clubs in some cases 12 months before they'll even be turning up to training (James Maloney for example). These blokes are paid good money - I don't cop that they need time to plan for relocation if they are moving interstate or intercity. That is a cop out.

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