All I talk about long has it been since I even posted in the soufs section? And so what if soufs get bought up in here, theres rarely a thread in this forum that stays on topic.
Wheres my life story? This topic started because I relayed something about one of my kids comments on footy, yes my kids are a part of my life, it hardly means this topic is my life story. The phone bill thing flowed on in conversation here as it was the same daughter who made the comments about the game that raked up the bill. Big deal.
Get over yourself with your 'i'm so mighty' attitude. What kind of a troll are you anyway, you come in here throwing insults at what i wrote when i have said nothing in here to inflame you. Do you feel like you are some kind of superior person when being cheeky from behind a keyboard? At least any comments I make, I do so with my name next to it. I doubt u would reveal who you are here, then you might be forced to stand by the insults you make face to face.
Coward Pk.