It’s hard to understand the canberra govt reticence Tbh. If little old hobart can seriously consider funding a new stadium why on earth can’t canberra? Its getting to the point they’ll have the worse stadium in the country for a decent sized city with professional clubs.
It's not hard to understand at all really.
We're effectively a one party state where the political class has been ideologically captured, and because of that ideological capture they've effectively bankrupted the territory, mainly in recent times, but not exclusively, by throwing every cent in the infrastructure budget into building a tram, that not only can the city not really afford, but won't actually achieve what they're trying to achieve anyway.
In other words, over the last 20 years almost all of Canberra's infrastructure and services have slowly deteriorated from some of the best, or the best, in the country, to some of the worst or one their way there, while they've pissed around with fashionable, virtue signalling (the term is massively overused, but accurate in this case), politics. But because of the Liberals image at the federal level, the fact that nobody will really give a third party a shot, and to an extent our rate of immigration from other parts of the country (that's a whole essay in of it's self), Labour have faced no consequences for it.
We're at the point now where we're so far in dept that we can't really afford a new stadium, despite rates being the highest they've ever been, and desperately needing one (multiple actually, Manuka, the arena, smaller venues, almost all of them aren't fit for purpose anymore). But even if they could find the money to afford a new stadium, that money would undoubtably be better spent on other more important infrastructure projects and programs in actuality. I know that's a lame meme most of the time, but it's the fact of the matter in this case.
Basically the ACT is f**ked, the people whom have the power to fix it are either unwilling to or don't care, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. I guess we just have to wait until things get bad enough that people can't put up with it anymore and vote Labour and the Greens (just voting the Greens out would make a huge difference TBH, but again, that's a whole essay in of it's self) out no matter the consequences, but who knows how much damage will be done before that day comes.