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Haha on what planet was Ross in a better position to get to that kick

Do you even hear the BS you carry on with Alex?

Once it bounces, it's going straight for Ross. It's going away from Gagai. I don't know what vision you are watching - perhaps the same one Fred is chucking a tantrum (which seems to be all he contributes these days) over.

I don't know how you hear words on a screen. But go eat a dick none the less. It's a forum of opinions. Don't pull the "big man on forum" bullshit on me.
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Caped Crusader

Once it bounces, it's going straight for Ross. It's going away from Gagai. I don't know what vision you are watching - perhaps the same one Fred is chucking a tantrum (which seems to be all he contributes these days) over.

I don't know how you hear words on a screen. But go eat a dick none the less. It's a forum of opinions. Don't pull the "big man on forum" bullshit on me.

Hahahahahahaha wow, could you be any more of a princess

Go have a cry in the corner sweetheart cause your opinion is being called out as a shit one


Except others agree.

Opinions that disagree with you aren't shit. They are opinions. Sweetheart.
guys stop fighting please. It makes me sad. This forum is the only sane haven of knights supporters left and you are taking that away.


guys stop fighting please. It makes me sad. This forum is the only sane haven of knights supporters left and you are taking that away.

The forum has probably been the least sane it has ever been.

And I have been around for some pretty bad times.


Honestly, why would Gagai catch that on the full?
He has to run back and try and catch it over his head, risking that he would drop it and then it goes out. and then what would our reaction be to that?
It is much more likely and usual that it would bounce out and we get the 7 tackle set anyway without any risk.
It was a screwed up bounce
and to my (red and blue) eyes, Rapana was offside off the kick and so why wasnt that pulled up.


First Grade
Can we please have a Gagai ban? I know this is a thread about him but I'm so f**king sick of seeing the arguments that start about him then inevitably turn into pointless bagging matches sprawled everywhere.

I know 1qaz has caused a bit of a negative association to Gagai in here so I guess everyone is just playing into his hands by the forum always giving him so much attention these days.
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I know this has turned into a Gagai should've got this on the full, but there were many more shit moments by him, can't stand his arm grab tackle attempts which cost us more tries than him getting to the ball on the full.


If Brown didn't see something in Gags, I don't think he'd be persisting with him. We've got a good track record already that says he wouldn't. He's not the perfect player, we haven't had one of those since 2007. You've worked yourselves up into a frenzy over the myth in your head that Gagai somehow isn't putting in because he plays better for QLD... as if every person to ever pull on a maroon jersey didn't grow an extra leg.

You're just pushing this very square agenda into a round hole. Of all the things to be disgruntled about, I just don't see it. Gags has tried his guts out this year off the back of a disrupted pre-season. He clearly doesn't have the cardio to be playing fullback, nor the instinct - but he's not delivering anything but the best he can given the circumstances. He hasn't even been that bad, I mean he's certainly no Nathan Ross or Jake Mamo, eh?

Where were you guys the last few years? I don't get it. I suppose you'll all quiet down a bit when our traditional whipping boy, Mullo, is back. It'll be back to being his fault... even though he's twice the player of our other half - who is far more deserving of these over-reactions.
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Caped Crusader

TBH, his tackle attempts are the biggest issue for mine. The kick, as has been argued, is subjective whether he was making enough effort or not

Defence is all about attitude and will, technique plays a reasonably small part. The way he arm grabs suggests a lack of commitment and willingness to put his body on the line. Tough to argue that he is putting in in that regard


Jonathon Thurston is one of the biggest arm-grabbers I've ever seen. No-one seems to question his commitment or effort. Technique is certainly one thing... but players are trained to go high these days, not low. I hate it... but it is what it is.

Caped Crusader

Hmm dont agree. JT was more a speed bump due to his lack of size. Didnt really arm grab so much as just make shit contact

Dane certainly goes up high but not in anyway thats effective. He virtually uses no shoulder which you cant fault JT on.


I don't see JT letting in many tries due to piss poor tackle attempts like Gagai, at least not in recent years.


One thing I will be critical of Gags in this situation was his awareness that Rapana was actually coming. A good fullback needs to be aware at all times of the chasers coming through and Rapana wasn't that hard to see. If he saw him he could have shouted at Ross or even covered Rapana himself by getting to the bounce before he did. He was kind of in dreamland at that cost us.

As for his performance this week, he was good for the other 84 minutes. Yes he has his faults, but the bottom line is, if we let him go, we aren't getting anyone better to replace him. So its pointless. In 2018, maybe. We aren't in a position right now to lose the only rep player we have.