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Gallop hits back !!


Quote: "Folau's monies will sit outside the AFL's salary cap.
Under AFL rules, any club can sign any player who has not been registered for any Australian rules club for three years." End quote.

Cop the tip Gallop, maybe you should be doing this too, you fool. Why the hell don't we have this rule. Something like, if an NRL club signs any athlete from anywhere outside the NRL and English Super League, then that said player doesn't come under the cap for three years, with say a maximum of 2 per club. This way we have a few bullets in our gun ffs. Jeez the NRL are sooooo useless!!!
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What did Gallop say that was so puny?

Basically he sticks up for all the NRL clubs by saying that the AFL is showing favouritism to some over others, something they wouldn't do. He says that he thinks it is way too big an investment in an 'outsider' - and he says that the NRL is trying to increase revenues for all clubs.

Oh - and he's very keen for there to be home grown superstars in the NRL too.

I'll bet 90% of the negative responses towards Gallop haven't even read the article yet?

I bet senility is setting in for you oldman. :lol:



What did Gallop say that was so puny?

Basically he sticks up for all the NRL clubs by saying that the AFL is showing favouritism to some over others, something they wouldn't do. He says that he thinks it is way too big an investment in an 'outsider' - and he says that the NRL is trying to increase revenues for all clubs.

Oh - and he's very keen for there to be home grown superstars in the NRL too.

I'll bet 90% of the negative responses towards Gallop haven't even read the article yet?

Becuase his scathing commentary in defence of his own code boils down to: Gosh that's a lot of money isn't it?


I dont know. I think David Gallop does the best he can with what he's got. One hand tied behind his back and a very short leash aound his neck.

The Super League war or more precisely the media company war over rugby league has set the games feet in concrete. Had the war not happened we would most likely have so much more than we do now.

News Ltd and all the self interested parties will run league into the ground.

The fans should be out marching in the streets demanding the game be returned to them with all the old farts out. They should have been marching years ago.

Any independant commission should have a RL Fans Association included in the voting process.

No one can blame Israel for taking all that cash. Its up to the administration to protect the game and its players. Until people get angry and demand it more will go and rugby league will stagnate while all others grow.

Rockin Ronny

I went to a petting zoo with my son on the weekend. We saw goats and sheep and a toothless llama called Susan. All of them would be better CEO's than Gallop.

By the way, that article is missing the 27 "um's" and 34 "ahhh's" that usually go with what he says.

True - but they don 't work for News Limited.

Why does everyone keep asking why the News Limited lackey doesn't do something for rugby league?

Rugby league is still popular and helps to sell Foxtel. That's all Gallop is employed to ensure.


Gallop is doing his job, the job he was cherry picked by News Ltd to so.
Gallop the News Ltd lawyer and Gallop the NRL CEO are one and the same.
Gallop as the News Ltd lawyer in the Super League war had one brief, break the ARL clubs by hook or by crook. He helped that happen.
Gallop as NRL CEO had one main brief, recoup the monies that News Ltd dissipated on the SL war, to do this he first undersold the tv rights to News Ltd which immediately squeezed the clubs of much needed cash and then permitted the drain of established first graders to English RL and league internationals to rah rah.
The conflicts of interests were staggering and yet there are fools on this site who trusted and believed in Gallop.
If Gallop had a shred of decency and concern for league he would step down immedaitely..he has neither.
He will milk the league cash cow for News Ltd as long as is possible..he is a disgrace!

Pierced Soul

First Grade
I went to a petting zoo with my son on the weekend. We saw goats and sheep and a toothless llama called Susan. All of them would be better CEO's than Gallop.

By the way, that article is missing the 27 "um's" and 34 "ahhh's" that usually go with what he says.

probably would be a lot cheaper to pay as well


Something I would of loved to see Gallop say:

Reporter: David, what is your view in light of the AFL coup of signing one of the Leagues best players for their new franchise?

Gallop: I think this is a obvious publicity stunt by the AFL that won't wash well with many in Sydneys West. The AFL have signed an extremely talented League player, a player who if fails in this "experiment" will only become an embarrassment to the AFL marketing ploys and a huge waste of money.

On the other hand if he succeeds it just shows how easy it is for any elite athlete, no matter what the background, to master the sport of which I have heard many fans, players, coaches and journalists claim to be the most skill based game in the world.

Reporter: WHat do you make of the AFL blatent tactic of "coming to get you"?

Gallop: The AFL are coming into our heartland with bully boy tactics with an apparent arrogance and attempt to BUY support that cannot relate to the blue collar working class families of Western Sydney that support our game. Rugby League will be united in its stand to defend its home.

Reporter: Do you think the other AFL clubs should be upset by this preferential treatment?

Gallop: No doubt about it. There have been reports that the AFL has learnt from mistakes of not helping out more when they introduced the Sydney Swans. They have now been there for more than 30years and won premierships, but still are not embraced by Sydneys television audiences. If I were the Swans I would be upset about the fans, money and hard work that will be taken away from them. The other clubs in the AFL that would of been in the frame for draft picks and premierships in the next 3-6 years will now find it very difficult have their years of success after GWS and GCFC take the talent from the draft.


Gallop is doing his job, the job he was cherry picked by News Ltd to so.
Gallop the News Ltd lawyer and Gallop the NRL CEO are one and the same.
Gallop as the News Ltd lawyer in the Super League war had one brief, break the ARL clubs by hook or by crook. He helped that happen.
Gallop as NRL CEO had one main brief, recoup the monies that News Ltd dissipated on the SL war, to do this he first undersold the tv rights to News Ltd which immediately squeezed the clubs of much needed cash and then permitted the drain of established first graders to English RL and league internationals to rah rah.
The conflicts of interests were staggering and yet there are fools on this site who trusted and believed in Gallop.
If Gallop had a shred of decency and concern for league he would step down immedaitely..he has neither.
He will milk the league cash cow for News Ltd as long as is possible..he is a disgrace!

Is that true? Was he a News Ltd lawyer?


You running for CEO applesauce??

No I wouldn't be any good at it but even I can see that Gallop needs some balls for going against the AFL and needs to bang some heads together inside the NRL to get it us in the right direction.

He should be trying to galvanise the RL fans against this, not roll over like usual and see what happens.

Put some doubts in peoples minds to whether this is the right thing to do and propose negatives to this situation and facts that affect specific clubs in the AFL to help break up their unity.

The AFL are getting everything they want right now. We need to get on the front foot and break up a bit of their momentum.


Is that true? Was he a News Ltd lawyer?

Yes 100%

We have conflicts of interest in every aspect of our game.

He negotiated the last deal for us to, NEWS owns Foxtel and 20% of 9.

Gallop has everything he has because of NEWS. Wonder why the deal was so low....:roll:


Yes 100%

We have conflicts of interest in every aspect of our game.

He negotiated the last deal for us to, NEWS owns Foxtel and 20% of 9.

Gallop has everything he has because of NEWS. Wonder why the deal was so low....:roll:

Gee, didn't know that.

Well, I know Rugby League will always be the number one game in Australia and noone can tell me any different.


Post Whore
David Gallop is a joke, when will Phil Gould finally stand up and take over as the man to call th shots in the NRL.. He is the most vocal why doesn't he stand up and do soemthing about it

He doesn't have the balls to.