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Game of Thrones VIII


Staff member
Yes, but there was a huge push the last 2 seasons about people getting behind her because they believe in her.
Tyrion: ‘You gave me something to believe in’
Varys: ‘I choose you’
Missandei: ‘We follow her because we believe in her’

Plus the unsullied and Dothraki loyalty has nothing to do with bloodlines!

I reckon next episode will be Dany going all ‘nah f**k off, I’m da queen’ and then Jon will do something epic during the Battle of Winterfell, which will split the allegiance of Dany’s army, including Rhaegal.

Yeah, there is something interesting I've noticed. The whole time in Essos, Dany was leading by action and example. She freed the unsullied, acted selflessly and heroically and got the Dothraki to rally to her side. She showed them why she is worthy of being Queen.

Ever since she's got back to Westeros, the position has changed - now she simply tells people she's the Queen, and if they don't like it, they die.

I'm wondering if Jon is starting to have second thoughts about her after what she did to Sam's family.


Golden Company will be crucial
From a writing perspective, you don't introduce a player like that late in the game unless they're critical to the plot and I don't think they'll be there to simply bolster the Lannister army

Their motto is "Our word is as good as gold" and even though they're sell swords, they're pretty honourable in that they have never broken a contract in their history - ever!
So if they make a big deal about them never breaking a contract, you can bet they'll be breaking their contract this season and turn against Cersei


If Jon and Dany are banging does it reallly matter when she finds out his lineage? They’ll just get married, rule together and have mad Targ incest babbys


Staff member
Golden Company will be crucial
From a writing perspective, you don't introduce a player like that late in the game unless they're critical to the plot and I don't think they'll be there to simply bolster the Lannister army

Their motto is "Our word is as good as gold" and even though they're sell swords, they're pretty honourable in that they have never broken a contract in their history - ever!
So if they make a big deal about them never breaking a contract, you can bet they'll be breaking their contract this season and turn against Cersei

I read that the Golden Company was founded by Taegaryan bastards to fight against the Iron Throne, are we thinking they may switch allegiances once they realise that they're fighting against the Taegaryan heir to the throne?

Walt Flanigan

Possibly but they do really pride themselves on keeping their word. I guess once you turn on the people that hired you, your sellsword business isn't worth much anymore.

I tell you what though, I'd never invest in the Bank of Braavos. Geez they make some terrible decisions (in the TV show anyway).


Yay a reunion show.. 7 episodes left in the whole series and they spend 41 of the 50 minutes on shit..

Honesty the show is considerably worse since they eclipsed the books..

Rewatched the entire series in prep for this and seasons 2-6 are up there with the sopranos for me as some of the best television ever. Season 7 was hit and miss mostly miss and season 8 hasn’t gotten off to a good start.. here’s hoping it improves..

Yeah I kinda agree. I still enjoyed it but season 7 felt a bit dumbed down and pandering. Sadly i think this season will be similar...





Easter Monday 11am special.
I was a little underwhelmed by ep 1, hopefully ep 2 has a bit more task going on.
Unfortunately I think we may be in for another "filler" episode..
The big battle is aparently episode 3, and I dont see all that much happening before then

Hopefully Im wrong!

Parra Pride

Unfortunately I think we may be in for another "filler" episode..
The big battle is aparently episode 3, and I dont see all that much happening before then

Hopefully Im wrong!

It is only another fifty or so minute episode too. I’m expecting much of it will deal with Jaime trying to convince the North he actually wants to help them, and hopefully everyone else up there learning who Jon actually is. Going off the preview for this episode it’ll probably end right when the White Waller’s show up.


All that was missing from that episode for me was Aladdin's A Whole New World song playing while they were flying the dragons.

Parra Pride

Of all the people I’d expected to get their titties out in this season I didn’t have Arya on the list.