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GB rake up record score against France!!!


Great Britain 42
Tries: McGuire, Burrow 2, Langley, Wild, Morley, Sykes, Roby
Goals: Sinfield 5

France 14
Tries: Greseque 2, Anselme
Goals: Bosc

Nah just joking!! France did very well tonight, they lead 10-4 for a period of the match. Though GB played some young players, lets not forget France were missing a couple of players AND were playing this match in GB. Hopefully they will play a return match in France in which i think France will do bloody well!!

Pitty at one stage in the second half France let in 3 tries in the space of 5-10 mins...it was 16-10 at half time.

After seeing this - i have no doubts with a little more practice and game time...France could compete in the Tri Nations...


that is a decent score.
I suppose they lead the race in that most interesting of all RL questions - who is going to be the fourth semi finalist in the 2008 WC.
I still think 5 sides could grab the spot, but France must be leading the betting at least.


Just back from the game. Crowd was announced as 12,000-ish, but felt like a decent enough turnout in the context of the ground.

GB dropped a lot of ball early and France sustained some good pressure. When GB scored first France hit back, Greseque was impressive during this phase of the game. GB started to stretch France on the fringes and their speed and mobility around the ruck were superior, but the mistakes continued and France continued to match them and hang in there.

The string of GB tries after half time sealed the match, and Jerome Guisset was on the sideline waiting to come on for two of those tries. France lost their momentum after half-time, and GB were a lot tighter in their execution and making inroads to the defence and getting their passes away.

For the French, I was impressed by #12 Anselme and #3 Stacul, and Greseque in attack and kicking game (although he missed his share of tackles). The winger #5 Planas (?) was injured in the first half, and left the field after having a knee brace fitted and was on crutches. Also #1 Thomas Bosc was injured and didn't play much/any part in the second half? #15 Cyril Gossard was injured too, but played through until his interchange.

Most teams would struggle a bit to lose two backs during the one game, I think overall France were a bit better than when they played England at the end of last season at the same venue, and this should continue with three games at the end of this season.

For GB Danny Maguire was helped off in the first half and took no further part, looked to be a knee or groin, but he did walk back on the field OK at the end to shake hands.


It was an interesting game, better than i feared all around.

First half they tried too hard. Looked to score off every set and threw some silly passes. Still scored an excellent length of the field try involving both wingers and some good suport play.

Second half was a lot better. They took their time over things and played some sensible rugby. They were more patient and took their chances when they came along. A much improved effort after, no doubt, some words by Tony Smith.

Roby was everywhere, Morley ran hard and set up a try with a beautiful flick pass, Burrow was pretty decent, Melling (took a few bashes) and Hodgson were good, Ellis and Graham as ever worked hard.

O'loughlin confirmed everything I've ever thought about him, I only saw him twice; once to celebrate someone's try and once to give away a penalty. Sinfield was his usually dependable but not very good self. And Andy Coley spent the evening hiding in the centre, which is unforgivable against a semi-pro team.

Not a great performance, but some have confirmed their potential and other enhanced their chances of future rep honours.

There is an old saying about french RL players; they're only happy when either throwing the ball around or trying to kill someone in the tackle. That probably sums them up for tonight. Some very aggresive tackling (some of it borderline, but hey it's an international!) and inventive ball play.

Very impressive with the ball in hand. They moved well, threw the ball around, kicked early, chip kicked; all in all a lot of variety in attack, far more than was evident in last weeks boring Origin game! The same old problems for the French though, lack of fitness and professionalism. This was especially telling in defence.

I have to say I was very impressed with their commitment and effort. They have a reputation for folding when under pressure but they stuck at it for the whole 80 minutes, never gave in or took a backwards step. They can be very proud of themselves.

They all worked hard, but notable mentions for Guisset and Rinaldi who ran their knackers off and also for Ferriol who put in some big hits and was definitely up for the fight. A word on Greseque, who was the best half back on the pitch for my money. Havng Rinaldi lead the team around the pitch allowed Greseque to float around and come in when there were options. He caused problems, was very inventive and looked the goods. Not sure why no-one has taken a risk on him yet (maybe because he's perhaps a little unreliable? not much of a team player? not sure) but someone surely has to give him a go. he's worth a shot.

The young French backs, Villegas (very quick), Stacul (nimble on his feet) and Planas showed some promise, unfortunately Villegas looks to have picked up a serious leg injury, which is a shame.

Overall, the future looks interesting for the French. They are at the stage where they have a good frst 17, but with a few injuries (like tonight) they struggle. A couple of years from now, if they keep developing the way they have been, they will have a handy side. They still have an awful lot of work to do though.


Yeah, Roby was quite good. Probably got himself the future GB hooking job tonight.

I think Greseque's main set-back is his defence, I noticed a few times he was targeted and not up to it... that's OK if you can sit some defence/tackling machines either side of the player, something that France probably can't do as yet? But Greseque's attack/organisation was the best on field tonight.

If monie can work with this squad, the experienced forwards and the younger backs, then they should account of themselves well enough next year, and provided players get continued elite experience through Catalans/Super League be able to better themselves from there.

Mr. Fahrenheit

we need teams with flair, tbh... like that just adds to teh international flavour, if France played like Nadera said they did... then surely the only way for them to preserve their ingenuity and get better is having a better Elite 1? Becuase if they export to the ESL and the NRL, their style changes somewhat...

Mr. Fahrenheit

bartman said:
Yeah, Roby was quite good. Probably got himself the future GB hooking job tonight.

I think Greseque's main set-back is his defence, I noticed a few times he was targeted and not up to it... that's OK if you can sit some defence/tackling machines either side of the player, something that France probably can't do as yet? But Greseque's attack/organisation was the best on field tonight.

If monie can work with this squad, the experienced forwards and the younger backs, then they should account of themselves well enough next year, and provided players get continued elite experience through Catalans/Super League be able to better themselves from there.

Gresque sounds liek Tim Smith, lol.


Mr. Fahrenheit said:
we need teams with flair, tbh... like that just adds to teh international flavour, if France played like Nadera said they did... then surely the only way for them to preserve their ingenuity and get better is having a better Elite 1? Becuase if they export to the ESL and the NRL, their style changes somewhat...

I'm not sure about that. I was dubious about Mick Potter taking over at Les Catalans because I was worried he would introduce a very australian style of play. But he seems to be finding a decent balance between the solid, organised style and allowing the team to open the game up, which is the way they want to play the game.

I think, for France to truly compete at the top table they need more guys to be picked up by other SL clubs (which may well happen if clubs were watching some of the youngsters) and they need a second team themselves. Roll on Toulouse!

Mr. Fahrenheit

yeah maybe your right nadera, but surely it is best if there are 4 pro leagues around the world... Aus, Eng, Fra, NZ... i would prefer it taht way anyway


It's the fitness, training and length of season aspects of participating in Super League that will help the French players begin to again match their international opponents. Gives Elite 1 something to aim up and prepare players/teams for.

As the game slowly edged toward professionalism in the later 80s and onwards in Australia and England, the French game I don't think gained those above benefits at the same time, but are now catching up.


What might be the most important feature is the fact that while the French were in the game everyone seems agreed that they were trying to play 'the French way', i.e. with a lot of flair. Tough to do once the injuries racked up - but even then after a very rocky patch (hence the score) they buckled down and played with pride and commitment.

If France play their natural game I think they will give Tonga and Fiji a real go for that fourth Semi final slot. They need to cut that bad 10 minutes out of their game though...

deluded pom?

12,000 isn't even the Leeds average crowd. I'm disappointed by the crowd figure but not surprised. Why they didn't play it on a Sat or Sun afternoon is anyone's guess. Even better would have been to play the game in France.


Their handling and style in the opening section where GB couldn't even keep the ball in hand was impressive. A bit more training and working together and this team should show it's top four status in 2008 with little problem.

Probably need to work out what happens with their interchange around half-time, to keep leaders like Guisset on at what can be a key time in a game, to motivate the defence and keep everyone sharp.


a couple of things u guys who watched could tell me
*did the injuries to bosc & villgas, end the game as a contest.?
*are he semi pro boys that far behind the pace of the game.?
*did gresque once again show he is a superleague player in the makings?

my first thoughts
*the series vs PNG is going to be quite close considering how close they have been getting to junior roos & australia A.
*the superleague would benefit a lot more with toulouse than celtic if you have to pick out of the two, it would benefit the game a lot more facts are with toulouse & catalans you could have around 20 possoble pro trained players.
*more french boys need to filter through to english superleague clubs, facts are the likes of andrew bentley, casty, touxagas all could have interest from other clubs as they would not be first choices when catalans are full strength, also the best of elite.
*how different was the british side to the england A teams france have played to me it seems the french have not moved that far forward in two years, i think they may be 2 years away from defeating of one of the big three.
*it was a shame that duport, raguin, fakir & fellous did not play as they would have helped a lot.


deluded pom? said:
12,000 isn't even the Leeds average crowd. I'm disappointed by the crowd figure but not surprised. Why they didn't play it on a Sat or Sun afternoon is anyone's guess. Even better would have been to play the game in France.
Sky wanted a Friday night game as this is the slot attracting the highest viewing figures for Super League. Also meant that no national and conference league fixtures clashed with it - it's only a free weekend for SL clubs.

Wouldn't be too disappointed with the crowd figure - last GB v France at same venue attracted around 6000 and England (minus GB contingent) v France there last year only attracted a couple of thousand. It was also made clear before the game that the side would be a little experimental. Also bear in mind it was higher by a couple of thousand than for GB v NZ in St Helens last year - for what was (in theory!) a less competitive game.

Like Bartman I was really impressed with Anselme. Greseque was excellent, really inventive - if he'd had stronger players around him his defence wouldn't have been an issue. Stacul also showed that France can produce promising backs, which is the area the team is weakest in.

We're getting closer to the day I long for - when I go into Britain/England V France wanting England to win :D


winnyason said:
a couple of things u guys who watched could tell me
*did the injuries to bosc & villgas, end the game as a contest.?
*are he semi pro boys that far behind the pace of the game.?
*did gresque once again show he is a superleague player in the makings?
My thoughts:

The injuries to the French backs during the games didn't really end the game as a contest, it was more the tired central defence straight after half time. When the winger was injured James Wynne came onto the wing, not his natural position I think, but he wasn't a weakness that was exploited by any means. When Bosc was injured, the other winger (Planas?) dropped to fullback, again not a weakness and I'm not sure exaclty who shifted into the outside backs. It all would have messed with the game plan for interchanges though, and may well have contributed to that tired defensive around the ruck in period after half-time where the game turned.

The semi-pro guys were pretty much all backs, and to me they showed they were up to it. In the first stanza of the game where the French were moving the backk I was very impressed with how they kept it to hand and weren't scared to take on the line. The centres also took hit ups early in the tackle count all game without fear. I'm not sure Moly adds much at 7, Greseque does most of the flair work and kicking. The semi-pro starting forward (Anselme) was quite impressive and up to the level of the rest of the pack.

Greseque in attack was very good. Kicking especially in the first half, organising, movement of the ball along the backlines, individual flair. I noticed in defence he tries hard but doesn't always pull off effective tackles. This might be the concern of Super League sides, but if a coach could place him in the defensive line between a solid defensive centre and a solid tackling backrower, then that's something that could be covered and worked on.


Cheers for that guys.

I must say that when I first saw the score I was a little disappointed, but when I thought about it I realised it was acceptable.

12K is a good crowd too IMO.

One question though, how much longer is Fakir out for? It seems like 12 months since his name has been mentioned.