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Gee how good are the Central Coast Juniors

doctor death

Hindyscrack said:
Does this mean the funding for the GC stadium will fall over?

Funding is dependant on the Gold Coast being admitted to the NRL, so they dont end up with a stadium and no team (like cc).

You say that the GC bid is a farce, the fact that they have many backers willing to support the team (multi nationals heiniken, adidas are latest to be interested), whilst the whole CC bid is dependant on one person. What happens when he is sick of wasting his money? Wheres your funds then?

Woo hoo - multi nationals. No contract in place, nothing in writing, of course.
So, if no 16 teams, no stadium for GC.

Is there actually anything in place or concrete about the GC bid AT ALL?

This is a total farce. :lol:

Red Bear

So, who are some of the great Gold Coast juniors in the NRL at the moment?
From the CC - O'Hara, Morrosin, O'Meley, Sullivan, Kearny, Orford, Stringer off the top of my head although i'm sure that there is more of them out there.


I'd love to see a link to a news article about Singleton saying he is interested in the Bears.

A little too late even if it is true. Good to see him supporting Norfs like he did with Wests and Newtown.


I'd love to see a link to a news article about Singleton saying he is interested in the Bears.

A little too late even if it is true. Good to see him supporting Norfs like he did with Wests and Newtown.

It's not Singleton himself but the Consortium head Russell Tate that commented -

Central Coast Bears Still In The Hunt
http://www.redandblackzone.com/A20050506 - Central Coast Bears Still In The Hunt.html



Sir Clifford GC

GoTheBears said:
So, who are some of the great Gold Coast juniors in the NRL at the moment?
From the CC - O'Hara, Morrosin, O'Meley, Sullivan, Kearny, Orford, Stringer off the top of my head although i'm sure that there is more of them out there.
off top oh my head
Benji Marshall - keebra park high
Rangi Chase Keebra park high
Tim Smith


singo is there for us because he wants a team for his 80% management rights of a stadium, its vested interest HE WANTS TO MAKE MONEY
we are still the only players in town, we committed in 98 and the same is true today

when it comes to backing, the GC bid is no more open about where the money is coming from [and publically why would either bid reveal all]
as long as the nrl know the 100% accurate truth about the financial matters
singo wants to make money/he knows a good thing and is willing to tip his into the cc bears to make more
his mate gerry harvey has the perfect demography for his harvey norman stores
and harvey's wife is on the nrl board

the people that count actually know there is MONEY behind the cc bears
your mob are [publically at least] media speculation and quesswork as to FINANCES, no matter what you say DIEHARD
adidas, this and that-all your jersey's are made by kombat of beenleigh, not the german multi national, PROBABLY A COLLECTORS ITEM NOW/DOLPHIN BADGE AND ALL

doctor death

Big-Steve said:
I'd love to see a link to a news article about Singleton saying he is interested in the Bears.

A little too late even if it is true. Good to see him supporting Norfs like he did with Wests and Newtown.

It's not Singleton himself but the Consortium head Russell Tate that commented -

Central Coast Bears Still In The Hunt
http://www.redandblackzone.com/A20050506 - Central Coast Bears Still In The Hunt.html



Hmmm. This actually looks like concrete stuff. Similar to actaully HAVING a stadium and HAVING a name and HAVING funding and HAVING juniors and crowds.

Comeon, Diehradon, what else you got? GC Sponsors will be HIH, FAI and Rothwells?


CENTRAL Coast officials have held talks with NRL chief executive David Gallop in a final attempt to head off the Gold Coast's imminent entry into the premiership.

Consortium officials Russell Tate and Warren Wilson met with Gallop on Wednesday to reiterate their case for the NRL's proposed 16th franchise.

"We just re-stated the fact that when and if the partnership committee makes a decision it will consider another franchise, we would like our proposal re-considered and the Central Coast Bears are still the preferred option," Tate said.

"The whole point from our point of view is unless and until the NRL do decide they're going to have another team there's nothing to talk about. All David could tell me was no decision had been made as to whether or not there will be another team."

The partnership committee will meet on May 27 when it is expected to make a decision on expansion.

The Gold Coast is firm favourite after the Queensland Government agreed to foot the bill for a new stadium in the area.

"They (Central Coast) indicated they still wanted to be considered and I told them that we would take that on board and no decision had been made," Gallop said

I don't see John Singleton mentioned. He seems really committed to the cause. *yawn*

"The whole point from our point of view is unless and until the NRL do decide they're going to have another team there's nothing to talk about. All David could tell me was no decision had been made as to whether or not there will be another team."

What a load of garbage, there is nothing to talk about.

How about doing the hard yards and ground work.

Norf Sydney and Central Coast lay at the arse end of the leagues. Refer to my signiture.

Cronulla have stolen the Central Coast as a junior area, where are Norfs?

As it stands, Singleton doesn't give a shit, Norths Leagues don't give a shit and Norfs football club is flat out keeping a float as it is! (Maybe it's time to clean out some of the nasty critters that run the club into the ground.)

They should be more concerned about their position in Norf Sydney not day dreaming.

Just a reserve grade team for the Storm, taking hand outs and life support from Uncle Rupert.


mightybears said:
adidas, this and that-all your jersey's are made by kombat of beenleigh, not the german multi national, PROBABLY A COLLECTORS ITEM NOW/DOLPHIN BADGE AND ALL

My Gold Coast jersey was made by Classic f**kwit. :lol:


and no one at norths is under any other impression
he wants a team to make his [and our] management rights more money
the bid is based on financial realities, it has the branding and the stadium done cold
as long as the nrl know the financial realities, it doesn't matter shit that you DIEHARD doubt the basis of the bid

HAVE A LOOK AT YOUR OWN MOB, financially a lot of public huff and puff before attacking the cc bears bid finances

and the nasty critters have been cleared out DIEHARD


mightybears said:
adidas, this and that-all your jersey's are made by kombat of beenleigh, not the german multi national, PROBABLY A COLLECTORS ITEM NOW/DOLPHIN BADGE AND ALL

My Gold Coast jersey was made by Classic f***wit. :lol:

they getting done in job lots of 20 are they, still a collectors item


mightybears said:
and the nasty critters have been cleared out DIEHARD

Oh no a few more still infest Norfs.

mightybears said:
and no one at norths is under any other impression
he wants a team to make his [and our] management rights more money
the bid is based on financial realities, it has the branding and the stadium done cold
as long as the nrl know the financial realities, it doesn't matter sh*t that you DIEHARD doubt the basis of the bid

HAVE A LOOK AT YOUR OWN MOB, financially a lot of public huff and puff before attacking the cc bears bid finances

Funny how Singo is your best buddy but on Bears forums there are threads about him being a gutless backstabber. :)

Doc Deaf is the one attacking the Gold Coast. I don't even consider the Central Coast a competitor. They aren't even on the radar.

I don't doubt the basis of the Central Coast bid, I doubt the existance of the bid entirely. :lol:

There are only two options.

Expansion with the Gold Coast or no expansion.

It is as simple as that. ;-)


Both teams should be in the comp by 08.

It is rather pathetic that GC and CC fans sit on this forum posting 200 threads arguing with each other over who should get in. Some pretty nasty and personal fighting too. Pretty soon the mods will have to start a GC vs CC forum.

A united front would get your teams in the NRL alot quicker, if the NRL has said only one will get in then they have rocks in their heads. Both bids have the resources to be competive and to survive in the NRL.

Boing Boing

Red and Blue Knight said:
Both teams should be in the comp by 08.

It is rather pathetic that GC and CC fans sit on this forum posting 200 threads arguing with each other over who should get in. Some pretty nasty and personal fighting too. Pretty soon the mods will have to start a GC vs CC forum.

A united front would get your teams in the NRL alot quicker, if the NRL has said only one will get in then they have rocks in their heads. Both bids have the resources to be competive and strive in the NRL.

I agree with you entirely mate. Great work. Some people on this forum need to learn not to be so petty and crude towards other fans of the Great Game.
Imagine if we lost these great players to rugby union WHEN the Central Coast doesnt get the 16th licence. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Hello nospam49, obviously you've been in a time machine to the future. Why don't you go back in and tell us how long it is before the Gold Coast team becomes failure #4???
That makes little sense....so Im guessing you've had half as much booze as the average Knights player! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: