Pete Cash
Post Whore
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Thanks for the feedback man. So are you suggesting that if I don't continue to add weight to my squats then it's an issue with food/recovery? Doesn't everyone get to stage with squats where they can't progress weight any further?
Regarding your suggestions for rep range, that's pretty much what I am doing now. The stronglifts compound exercises (e.g. squats, deadlifts, bench, etc) I'm only doing 5 reps and heavy. Everything else I'm doing 4 sets generally aiming at reps of 12,10, 8 and 6. I do like your idea of throwing in some higher rep stuff just to change things up.
I agree with your last point, I think everyone needs to adapt a program that suits them best provided it's within the best practice principles.
With a mesocycle, can you suggest something along the lines of what I am doing but for a 3 day a week program?
Also, do you guys generally do deltoid raises?
Well yeah basically everyone is going to reach a point where they cant lift any more. Most people realistically reach it when they get to the point where it comes down to being a big fat bikie looking guy or not putting more weight onto the squat. That said eating a lot of food is hugely important in all aspects of weight training. Even for bigger muscles. Muscles need recovery and food and rest are the two easiest methods of doing it (notice I didnt say best which are PEDs. Don't use PEDs. Drugs are bad apaz). One of the most important lifts is the curl your fork into your mouth lift. What most guys who focus on BB do I believe is just eat heaps over say a 2 to 3 months cycle and eat less for 2-3 months to cut the fat.
A mesocycle is a medium term plan towards a fitness goal. Normally over 4-6 weeks in most sports but I find 8-9 weeks a better number in weight training. I will just rip off a programme from another forum that I think is a good mixture of power training and hypertrophy that can be done three times a week.
Power Builder Routine ? 3x A Week
Week 1/Workout 1:
Squat: 2 x 5
Glute/Ham Raises or DB/BB Straight Back Straight Leg Deadlifts: 3 x 10
Bent Over Row: 4 x 6
EZ Bar Curl: 3 x 8
Calf Raises: 1 x 15 ? These are done DC style so you explode up and slowly go back down holding the bottom stretch for 15-20 seconds each rep.
Week 1/Workout 2:
Bench Press: 3 x 3
Incline Dumbbell Press: 4 x 8
Military: 3 x 8
DB Skull Crushers or Tate Presses - 3 x 10
Kneeling Cable Crunches or Other Weighted Ab Exercise 3 x 10
Week 1/Workout 3:
Deadlift: 3 x 5
Leg Press: 2 x 10
Pull-Up or Lat Pull-Down: 4 x 6 (If doing pull-up add weight to just get 6)
Alt Dumbbell Curl: 3 x 8
Calf Raises 1 x 15 - These are done DC style so you explode up and slowly go back down holding the bottom stretch for 15-20 seconds each rep.
Week 2/Workout 1:
Incline Bench: 3 x 5
Dumbbell Bench: 4 x 8
Standing Alternate Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 3 x 8 Each Arm
Tricep Pushdowns: 3 x 10
Sprinters Ab Circuit ? 2-3 Rounds -
Week 2/Workout 2:
Repeat Week 1 Workout 1
Week 2/Workout 3:
Repeat Week 1 Workout 2
Week 3/Workout 1
Repeat week 1 Workout 3
Week 3/Workout 2
Repeat week 2 workout 1
Week 3/ Workout 3
Repeat Week 1 workout 1
Here is another one
Program 4:
4 Day Split
Day 1 (Monday):
DB Flat Bench - 1 set of 4-6 reps (perform 3-4 sets of warm ups before getting into your heavy set)
Hammer Strength Incline (or Barbell Incline Press if you have a spotter, or Smith Incline Press with no spotter) - 1 REST PAUSE SET (refer to bottom of page what rest-pause is) equaling 12-20 reps.
Flat Bench Press - 1 set of 15-20 reps
Cable Flies (or Pec Deck Machine) - 2 sets of 12-15 reps
Incline DB Curls (or Alternate DB Curls) - 1 set of 6-8 reps
Barbell Curls or Curl Machine - 1 REST PAUSE SET of 12-18
Body Drag Curls - 1 set of 15-20 (never let the bar come off your torso)
Weighted Cable Crunches (or Med Ball Crunches) - 3 sets of 10-12
Day 2 (Tuesday):
Squats - 1 set of 4-6 (Again warm up as long as needed before hitting this one heavy work set)
Leg Press - 1 REST PAUSE SET of 15-20
Leg Extensions - 1 set of 15-20
Straight Leg Deadlifts - 2 sets of 10-12
Leg Curls - 2 sets of 10-12
Calf Raises - 1 set of 20 (when performing calf raises, go down into the deepest stretch you can hold then explode up, slowly lower it to the deepest stretch, count to 20 and repeat.)
Day 3 (Wednesday):
Cardio or Off
Your choice
Day 4 (Thursday):
DB Seated Shoulder Press - 1 set of 4-6 (as many warm up sets as needed before this work set)
BB Seated Military Press - 1 REST PAUSE SET of 10-14
DB Lateral Raises - 1 set of 15-20
Reverse Grip Bench - 1 set of 6-8 (Reverse Grip Bench - you place the bar further down on your chest and there is no need to go down and touch your chest since we are concentrating on hitting our triceps the most)
Close Grip Bench - 1 REST PAUSE set of 14-18
Overhead Rope Pull From Low Pulley - 1 set of 15-20 (Rope Extension)
Dips - 2 Sets of Max Amount
Day 5 (Friday):
Deadlifts - 1 set of 4-6 (warm-up first)
Hammer Grip Lat Pulldowns - 1 REST PAUSE set of 10-16
Wide Grip Seated Row - 1 REST PAUSE set of 10-16
Pullups (whatever grip you can get the most with) - 1 set 15-20 (or 3 sets of get as many as you can)
Face Pulls - 2 sets of 12-15 (Face Pulls)
Sprinters Ab Circuit - Ab Circuit Do each exercise 15-20 times, rest 45 seconds, repeat 3x total
That is it for the 4 day split.
If you want to do the 3 day split, then just take off the shoulder/triceps day and add shoulders to chest day (perform it after chest, before biceps) and add triceps to your back day.
REST PAUSE SET A rest pause set is when you do as many reps you can of the weight until failure, rack the weight, take 15 deep long breaths, unrack the weight , do as many as you can, rack the weight, take 15 deep long breaths, unrack the weight, do as many as you can, rack the weight and be done.
I tend to keep all my rest times right around minute on all the exercises except for my 1x4-6 or 6-8 exercises as I want more time to be able to push as much weight as I can.
And yeah the first number is sets the second one is reps in my first post.