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Well I don't know about well-respected, but certainly a Bulldogs fan!

I can certainly confirm the connections that "Diggity" claims... And not just to the Bulldogs, but to a number of clubs in the competition, so I certainly respect his comments.

Now, while I would like to whole-heartedly protest that his prediction about the next few years is false and without foundation, there is certainly the potential for the Dogs to lose a lot of players post June-30.

As a fan, I like to think that it won't make a difference. Pragmatically, I know it probably will. We lost Pricey and it hurt us. Losing other high profile players may have the same effect. If we were to lose, for example, Asotasi, Maitua and Tonga, to name but a few, it won't have a positive effect - thats for sure. We unfortunately don't have the depth in our PL and Flegg side to bring a lot of youngsters up into the top grade. Like I said before, some of our better players from the lower grades are Phelps and Cutler, and they haven't exactly set the world on fire.

This year, again, as a fan I like to remain optimistic about our chances. However... Realistically, at the business end of the season, if players like Joey, Kimmorley, Orford, Gower, Thurston, Benji are on their game, we are going to really struggle. A lot of our season has been built on other teams not playing well. I think the exception is the Knights game, where we played well as a team. And our forwards have performed throughout the season - but as a team we just haven't been playing good footy. And the main reason is that we are lacking in the backs.

Sherwin is a very good player, but his form this year is unproven. He was awful at the end of last year, and that form carried through to the beginning of this - lets not forget he is coming back from an injury sustained while he was dropped to PL by Folksey. DJ will be an asset in the future, but he is inexperienced and prone to making mistakes - which is to be expected. I don't think he has the same level of natural talent as someone like, say, Joey or our own Sonny Bill (who has more natural talent, but is unfortunately capable of the same stupidity). The trouble is that we might be opened up towards the end of the year. I think thats where Diggity is coming from.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
diggity said:

What I am good at is spelling.....unlike you.

Don't use big words if you can't spell them correctly mate. Perennially has two "n's" and quit doesn't have an "e" at the end of it.

You should stick to partying and events....Yay!


We're on a league forum, and you think it's kosher to attack personal lives - that's what's funny.

So I made a couple of spelling errors.

What you're good at is trolling and even then, you look desperate.

F**k off back to the Cronulla forum.

Your contribution rates and below zero at the moment, and you're getting colder.


Bulldog, the fact that you're replying to every one of my posts suggests otherwise.

Looks like I'm making lots of friends. God forbid I provide an opinion.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
It's also interesting that you're happy to snoop around the information others have posted about themselves, but won't open yourself up and post the same details. Something to hide perhaps?


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
You're not providing an opinion diggity, you're attacking individuals now. Grow up.


You know what really pisses me off about these forums? Its that whenever someone provides a negative opinion, everyone attacks them.

While I may not necessarily 100% agree with the way it was presented, Diggity provided an alternate opinion that we don't like, and so this thread has turned into a torrent of abuse.

I was attacked on the Knights forum for days and days because I asked them if it was perhaps a little too presumptious and arrogant to name a Grand Final team on the 23rd of May. I was literally abused because I had suggested they may not make the Grand Final - heaven forbid. I had suggested that if Joey would be injured, they'd really struggle this year. And I was abused by what felt like every Knights fan on the forum.

Honestly as Bulldogs fans I thought we'd have thicker skin. Hell knows we've been through enough sh*t.

Having a negative opinion, or perhaps a well-thought out opinion that differs from our own, hardly prevents a person from having the right to post on a forum.

That is the nature and the purpose of the forum. To provide constructive criticism and observations about our game.


Timmah said:
It's also interesting that you're happy to snoop around the information others have posted about themselves, but won't open yourself up and post the same details. Something to hide perhaps?

He's got nothing to hide, and nothing in general.

Bulldog, the fact that you're replying to every one of my posts suggests otherwise.

Don't flatter yourself, it's boredom that drew me here and you just happened to be here at the same time. Tell you what, just for fun I won't reply to you anymore, now will you please f*ck off, there are plenty of other forums an opinionated pr!ck like you can go to, try one.

I can certainly confirm the connections that "Diggity" claims... And not just to the Bulldogs, but to a number of clubs in the competition, so I certainly respect his comments.

Good for you, I don't know who you are, but at least this turd might have one ally on the board.


Perhaps you should look back over the posts and see who started the personal attacks....it wasn't me.

Why would I bother posting personal information about myself on here? If you're so sensitive about it perhaps you should reconsider your position.


Here is the thread where Knights fans carried on the same way we are:


We don't own the forum just because its under the "Canterbury Bulldogs" sub-forum. Neither do the Knights fans - however they're too arrogant to realize that.

I personally believe we should encourage constructive feedback about our team, even if we don't necessarily like it. It helps us grow as a team and realize our weaknesses, which can only be a good thing.


bigdogsgottaeat said:
I personally believe we should encourage constructive feedback about our team, even if we don't necessarily like it. It helps us grow as a team and realize our weaknesses, which can only be a good thing.

Constructive criticism hey.

Care to show me some.

Nutter said:
Look for Holdsworth to string a number of bad games together....and Shifty just isn't the same player anymore.

You'll bow out first round of the semi's........and it will be a number of seasons til you see the top 8 again.

Truth of the matter is I know plenty about Rugby League...

Look for the Dogs to lose several key players next year ...

last time I checked your PL side wasn't setting the world on fire

Doesn't seem to constructive to me, the guy seems like a bit of a wanker, I say abuse him to your hearts content.


bulldog said:
Constructive criticism hey.


bulldog said:
Holdsworth is improving every week, I like the way he's starting to take on the line a bit more, if he starts to struggle look for Reni to move back into 5/8th.

Shifty is back on the way up, he may not be the same player as previous seasons but he's twice the player he was at the start of the year.

Judging by those comments, you agree there is truth in what Diggity was saying. Perhaps I am wrong here, but this would imply the comments were somewhat constructive.

I think we were probably a little offended by the semi's and the "next few years comment" - but everyone is ultimately entitled to an observation. I understand where he is coming from because I did the same to the Knights fans in their forum, and they carried on like little babies who had their favourite teddy-bear taken away from them. Maybe he doesn't think the Bulldogs will make it this year? I like to think we do, but I also agree we are lacking in the halves. You seem to agree also.

Maybe he'll be wrong, in which case I'm sure he'll be happy to see comments in this forum to the effect. In fact, I'm sure he'd be even willing to congratulate us!

To recap from the information I have gleaned from this thread, we have established, as Bulldogs fans, that Diggity is a "merkin", he should "f**k off", is a "fool", a "wanker", a "nutter", and is "full of sh*t". All of this on the back of a prediction we would bow out of the semi's week one.

So lets just establish once and for all the rules for this forum:

1. Members must only enter forums dedicated to their own team
2. If members do, for some reason, break rule number 1, and feel compelled to contribute to an opposition team's forum, they must only provide POSITIVE feedback

I just want to make sure, because if we are being so protective of our own forum, we should never make comments in any other team's forum - as that is only fair. However I would suggest this severely limits the functionality and value of the forum.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
I just believe we should be able to have a place where we can come and chat about our team without people coming in and trying to stir the pot. If he wants to stir the pot, he can create his own thread. This one was started as an avenue for us, as fans, to get excited about the remainder of the year and the promise and potential of our team. It was started as a POSITIVE place.

Further to this, while perhaps our actions weren't 100% pure in telling him where to go, he then proceeded to use the information we post about ourselves as insults, rather than continuing on the mature side, taking the higher ground - and telling us further reasons why the team wouldn't continue in the way we feel it is.

Perhaps it's time we had our own private place like Cronulla/Parra/Knights etc all do in their forum...


Back on topic...


I've just posted a new thread dedicated to what this thread should've been... A big thumbs up to our season! :)

Now, lets look forward to flogging the Raiders Monday! It'll be a good month for the dogs - if we get 3 out of the 4 wins, I'll be a very happy man indeed. If we get 4, drinks are on me!!!


the dogs have just re-signed maitua and tonga, i thought you said we'd be losing these big players diggity?

doesnt look like the dogs will be in any trouble on the field any time soon.....