Up until roughly 1780 99.99% of the total global population could not read or write any alphabet language. In fact a huge majority could not read or write until after 1930. This means that the ancestors of today's "supposed" 6.5 billion population going back 10,000 years had absolutely nothing to do with recording any history (including holy/religious/law/science books, manuscripts, papyri, tablets, scrolls etc, etc) in any read and write alphabet language. They just could not do this because all they knew was their tribal/village talk which were derived from MANS true tongue/language expressed as hand, face and other body gestures, arts/crafts, song, music, dance etc.
All read and write alphabet languages need to be memorized/recorded because they are not life-sustainable while the true languages of MANS tongue are life-sustainable, the language is found in all aspects/substance of nature/creation/life.
The only ones who could record history in any read and write alphabet language were the owners of the castles, the land-lords, the high priest-hoods, the aristocrats, the royal families and all their lackeys... they were the tiny tiny select few, less than 100 per one million (.01%) of the total global population.
It took the better part of 20 years to master "The Craft" of any read and write alphabet language which also included the studies of Sacred Geometry/Geometry and Mathematics. You had to be privileged to be given the opportunity to master these CRAFTS. All read and write alphabet languages came out of mathematics which came out of sacred geometry and all together perform as the true practised CRAFTWORK of FREEMASONRY whose logo is The Compass and The Angle, the basis of ALL THE "RULES OF THE DIVIDE" of MANS fall from reality (consciousness) to fantasy (unconsciousness).
The true history of MAN was passed down through MANS tongue. The history of MAN found in ALL recorded read and write alphabet languages were compromised and therefore are not pure and sincere (true). As they say, the victors always write the history! This compromised recording of history (HisStory) is their biased version of reality, it suits their agenda.
The letter J (j) did not exist until the 1500's when it was first invented. It appears the letter j was first used by William Shakespeare (the suspected alias of Francis Bacon) with the word Jew.
The word Jesus came of out Lesus (lesus) and Iesus (iesus) which came out of Isis (isis - the name of one of the thirteen Ancient Egyptian black magic sects/cults) and Zeus.
The English read and write alphabet language called the NEW WORLD LANGUAGE commenced in the 1200's, concluded in the 1500's, was crafted out of read and write French, Latin, Greek and Hebrew alphabet languages.
All read and write alphabet languages including sacred geometry/geometry and mathematics are ABOMINATIONS upon MAN. They are the tools used that cause MAN to fall into a state of fantasy, illusion, delusion and fiction and are the tools used that cause ALL the destruction and chaos upon Earth & MAN.
This New World Language was forced upon the commoners of the British Isles in the period before and after the Napoleonic wars (1799 to 1815), causing them to lose their original speech and language, leading to the wide variation of accents in England today.
The New World Language is a contrived language full of codes that only those initiated to its secrets fully comprehend, akin to an invention concocted by mad scientists working in a laboratory at the bequest of their psychopathic masters. There are different levels of meaning; one level that we all know and speak and another level for those initiated into its secrets, with each letter of the English alphabet also having its own powerful meaning and the way letters are combined adding other coded meanings.
These English Language secrets enable "The Chosen Ones" to speak to each other across courtrooms (old English law), the media, in parliament and amongst the people, meaning that the commoners/serfs/goi/goy/slaves/renters, who are only taught English in the worldly (fantasy) sense (the language of Fantasyland), cant comprehend the real sense of many statements, documents, speeches, etc. The English language that forms numerous man-made con-structs (structures of the con) are used by the chosen ones to trick and deceive the commoners into giving all their power (Freedom) away.
At all times, the chosen bloodlines, consisting of .01% of the population, were the ONLY ones that wrote the English History books, enabling them to write their biased version (HisStory); as they say, the victors always write the history! Their scripted English History justifies and backs up their version of reality which we believe in, have faith in or have an opinion about today. This protects and maintains the power and control the establishment has over everyone.
The commoners could not read or write until the 1800's, leaving them vulnerable to the plotting of those who could. Just as we spell out a word in front of a child who we wish to keep a secret from, so those who were literate were able to keep the commoners in the dark about their plans for the world.
The Establishment Judeo-Judaic bloodlines are Zionists; they are not Jews and never have been. Zionists are not an ethnic race or culture but believers in an ideology ("The Law") which means they are free to create or integrate with any race, culture or faith to assert their Zionist ideology upon it. Zionists are Aryans. The Norman conquest of Britain in 1066 were Canaanites (Aryans), one of the thirteen tribes of Israel - Is (Moon) Ra (Sun) El (Saturn).
All the Pharaohs, Kings, Queens, Emperors, Conquerors, Governors, Counts, Landlords, etc of Old English History were the Judeo-Judaic bloodlines and they ALL had in common, A) God given divinity ("The Law" --- GODS LAW) to rule over the Goi (commoners - serfs - cattle), B) "The Law" (Their Judeo-Judaic Law), C) High Priesthood who honoured, supported, nurtured, encouraged and protected "The Law".
Today, members of the Zionist hierarchical priesthood are known as solicitors, lawyers, attorneys, barristers, registrars, magistrates and judges. Many of the chosen learned elders of Zion become politicians, priests, bankers, experts, media personalities, educators, big business leaders and directors/executives.