Bluebags Scores
The needle and the damage done
750 Words
What an enlightening read. True or not (and Im not doubting it) paints an extraordinary picture of what living in the fast lane can bring you too. Compelling read, and very well written.
Score 94
10 Years Ago
750 Words
Ahh the superleague war and that grand final. I can probably recall very little of that week following the Knights win over Manly, I do however have the game, and the celebrations in Newcastle on tape. The writer looks at the events of the season that was ten years ago.
Score 88
Hey Jealousy
706 Words
Very clever piece. If I didnt know better Id think you were writing about M.J. and A.J. If you arent then you might as well be. Good reading.
Score 88
Everlovin Antichrist
The Helmich Manoeuvre
745 Words
The writer proposes that we should honour the thousands of players who while having played at the level of first grade, will never be remembered as having done so. Its an interesting thought, I can see David Gallop sitting at a table with a pin ready to make his nomination. The writer is correct, though Id be happy to have my name in the encyclopaedia.
Score 89
750 Words
The writer takes a fairly in depth look at what drives people to support one team, and asks the question are the people running the game catering for the true die hard fan? Unfortunately I think not.
Score 89
Bluebags 448
Warriors scores
Once Bitten, Twice Shy
750 Words
I normally dont go much on season examinations. This one however is a very honest, and intelligent look at the Warriors and where they were strong, and where the weaknesses lie. Well constructed, and to a none Warriors fan I found it informative.
Score 89
The Year The King Was Dethroned
746 Words
Interesting article on Olsen Filipaina and his tests against Wally Lewis.
Score 86
746 Words
It couldnt possibly happen could it? An out there piece on a game decided in court. Had me reading to the end. The way things are these days I suppose its not beyond the realms of possibility.
Score 89
The Wool That Is Pulled
747 Words
I guess we all see things as we want to see them. An article on the way the games people only see what suits them, or treat the public as fools. By the way Im not surprised at the politician.
Score 87
A Tribe Unto Ourselves
750 Words
A well written piece on the bonding that happens when you support a footy team. Bonding that is with both strangers and close family.
Score 89
Warriors 440
Result Bluebags 448 defeated Warriors 440 POTM Gorilla
Very high quality match. The Bluebags just have so much consistency across the board, and always seem to have at least one article that jumps out at you, this time it was Gorilla. No shame in coming second to them, the Warriors wouldve beaten any other team on the day.
Finally on a personal note, Just like the couple of seasons I had playing, I've really enjoyed reffing the past few years, and have always thought that the 7's is such a very good concept, it gives the average forum poster the opportunity to expand and improve putting his/her thoughts down on paper. There really have been some fantastic posts over the years, and I'm sure that will continue into the future. Thanks to all the people who have helped out during the seasons as both guest and fulltime refs.