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Grant Mayer quits Manly


Why would he come to the Sharks....if the devlopment gets off the ground then Max may be in the picture down Wooloware Bay way


There are clearly some selfish people on that board who have allowed their emotions cloud their intellect. Mayer as a Chief Executive led the Eagles to some clear indisputable heights off the field especially in the realm of sponsorship. At the end of last year and before the off season garbage between the board it appeared Grant Mayer had created a juggernaught of a club on and off the field.

Now Manly have no CEO, have obviously dismissed Mayer's business plan and remaining are a group of people on the board who want to gag the fans while the fires still burn the town. The board appear outwardly to be a group of people who clearly do not care about what the fans think. The fans who wear their colours on the Brookvale Hill and have cheered hard since 1947. The same fans who were belted around as casualties of a Super League War that practically ruined the Manly SuperClub of the 90's.

So many forums have either been locked or closed down in relation to any discussion and expression on this subject, discussion by fans who care about the club and want to know what the grand plan is for the Manly Club. What is the plan for our front office and what is the plan to end the open bickering. Shutting down our forum or our available point of expression ultimately reflects poorly on those who want to hide our views. It is gutless.

People in positions of privelege need to show respect for the fans, this way they maintain their priveleges and have the opportunity to display great character. 18 months ago an outwardly united Manly provided hope to the community. At the moment some members of the Manly board just appear two faced, too proud, overtly selfish and ignorant of what is important to maintaining complete success. Understanding Privelege, Having Respect and Displaying Great Character, the 3 pillars that make great people. At the moment I'm not seeing any of it in the decisions of the board majority in season 2009.

I hope everything is fixed after the sacrificing of Grant Mayer, but I'm very afraid that it's just another chorus line in a Deborah Conway song.

Rockin Ronny

Property developers love one thing - property and money.

Manly had better hope a big property development opportunity doesn't pop up at another club (Cronulla?).

If so, your biggest supporter will be outta there faster than Weidler through a rubbish bin.


Property developers love one thing - property and money.

Manly had better hope a big property development opportunity doesn't pop up at another club (Cronulla?).

If so, your biggest supporter will be outta there faster than Weidler through a rubbish bin.

That's what most people want. Penn is willing and able to go it alone, and if that happens I wouldn't be surprised to see Mayer back at the club.

Rockin Ronny

That's what most people want. Penn is willing and able to go it alone, and if that happens I wouldn't be surprised to see Mayer back at the club.

Hold on.
So, where was Penn when Manly almost died in 1999-2000.
Until the property came up for grabs, both Penn and Max showed zero interest.
Yet, Max has put in far more $$$ than Penn - which is why he controls the board.

I think the Manly scum are in deep, deep trouble.

Might have to call Gallop and throw your hat in the "Gosford" ring - yet again.


Hold on.
So, where was Penn when Manly almost died in 1999-2000.
Until the property came up for grabs, both Penn and Max showed zero interest.
Yet, Max has put in far more $$$ than Penn - which is why he controls the board.

I think the Manly scum are in deep, deep trouble.

Might have to call Gallop and throw your hat in the "Gosford" ring - yet again.

I think you're in deep, deep trouble. Seriously have you sought counselling? Do you have family and/or friends to help you? Or do you sit around on your computer all day, in a dark room with posters on the wall of Manly players with their eyes scratched out and "die Manly scum" spray painted on the walls?

I'm all for hating opposition clubs, I certainly do. But you take it to a crazy level. Get help....


I think you're in deep, deep trouble. Seriously have you sought counselling? Do you have family and/or friends to help you? Or do you sit around on your computer all day, in a dark room with posters on the wall of Manly players with their eyes scratched out and "die Manly scum" spray painted on the walls?

I'm all for hating opposition clubs, I certainly do. But you take it to a crazy level. Get help....

Eagle Rocker,

There is nothing that can help that tool sort himself out. Last I heard he was still trying to get his meeting organised in the phone box for the 'dead bears society'........but alas no takers.


When I look at the competition, the only club in serious trouble is North Sydney, it's not difficult to do the math - like the Dodo they just do not exist. Sad maybe, true reality.

Actually they are in even more danger of being gazzumped for re-entry yet again now support for a Perth team and another Qld team continues to gain momentum.

Terrible luck Ron, I'll vote for you and the Bears however I don't think my vote will be enough.

The Tank

Do the AFL own and operate the 2 new teams? I heard the fat greek was behind cutie's move and now the "AFL has signed Mayer".

1 Eyed TEZZA

Do the AFL own and operate the 2 new teams? I heard the fat greek was behind cutie's move and now the "AFL has signed Mayer".

Yes they do. As far as I know, the NRL dont own or run any of our teams unless you count NewsLtds ownership of the Storm and Broncos.

Bummer about Mayer, he knows how to set up a side. He helped with the bid for Les Catalans in the Super League. Im sure if League had announced a Perth side, Mayer would have gone for and maybe got that job.

Cumberland Throw

First Grade
So Demittruou basically signs Grant Meyer, then goes to a press conference and says I have never heard of the bloke did he used to date Jennifer Anniston, etc etc...

Im Confused...


Demetriou warned of more rugby league-themed raids in the coming months during the presser.

He also accepted the 'Fat Turd 2009 Award' while he was there.


Manly were abysmal failure in membership numbers considering all their success ... Mayer wasn't the best going around..