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Staff member
fred_knight said:
you know what Frederick, thats right i cant see that happening, hence the reason why i am being targeted, i wish i could but i cant see that happening under Brian Smith, sorry guys just my opinion once again
St George, early 90's. Smith began there in 91, they finished 9th that year out of 16. They made back to back grand finals over the next two years, losing only to a white hot Brisbane team that no-one would beat.

1997, Brian Smith starts at Parra, and in their first year takes them to their first finals series in 10 years. During his time there, they missed the finals only twice.

The man can coach. Next year will be the true indication of his ability. He will have at his disposal the team that he has hand picked, rather than the pile of sh*t he was left this year.


Staff member
No darling actually the players who have been coached by him rate him. You know Joey and Danny for starters.

Products of Newcastle's 'mates before results' management policy are fans of a coach who epitomises it!? Yegads! Stop the presses! Of course Andrew 'I'll Call You in the Morning' Johns and Danny 'Don't Fire My Mate' Buderus are going to be fans of a man whose idea of punishing a player for poor form doubtless involved shouting the first round at the Burwood after a loss.

The difference between us is I don't hold a grudge

Oh... I see. So you're not in here trolling the forum of a team that is currently coached by a coach who used to coach Parramatta? Wow. I'm confused as to how I even managed to start a conversation with you if you're not in here.

Good luck being bitter.


And FYI, it's not bitter to be angry at someone for something that's still happening. Michael Hagan damaged the Newcastle team with his easygoing attitude and inability to make tough calls. Now we're facing court action because one nuffy he signed is angry at being told to go elsewhere and because the rest of the nuffies he deemed to be of first grade quality are leaving their bestest friends in the whole wide world and breaking their hearts.


I don't know what the non-Knights fans are doing contributing in this post. This is a post for Knights fans to vent yet another inept performance from a bunch of guys accepting $4.5 Million-odd dollars to play football for our great club - something they didn't do today.

Today was a disgrace. They had everything to play for - to avoid the wooden spoon and instill some pride into their work. They have said in the media that they didn't want the spoon, that they are scared that they wont get to sing the team song again in their careers, that they were doing it for each other - all a load of crap. They have no interest in playing let alone winning.

I can not believe they got paid for todays insipid performance...


Staff member
Misanthrope said:
Now we're facing court action because one nuffy he signed is angry at being told to go elsewhere and because the rest of the nuffies he deemed to be of first grade quality are leaving their bestest friends in the whole wide world and breaking their hearts.
But...but they're all BFF's! When Hagan was in charge, each of the players got a necklace that looked like this:

That was Bedsy's necklace. Reyno got the other half of the necklace:

As you can see, put together, they form a powerful bond that not even the courts can overrule:

In fact, I do believe I have found a new av:



Wow, 10 pages in and bang, 2 South Park references in 5 minutes.

Doesn't belie the fact that both were quite serious, however.


Staff member
Of course. South Park is, after all, one of the most topical and politically correct tv shows going round :)


Live Update Team

At least 95% of the people in this thread need to walk away from their computers, turn on the tap, get a glass out of the cupboard and fill it. Then they need to drink the contents and then put the glass in the dishwasher.

Once this has been completed, they need to take a deep breath and think to themselves - "f**k, things really aren't THAT bad". You know whats bad? The families in the last week or so who have had their little kids killed by this flu which is sweeping its way around the countryside. Most of these little kids are around the 2-4 age bracket and their families will never recover from such a devastating loss.

Then we compare it to a "devastating loss" from our footy team who were fighting for the wooden spoon today. Its all a bit rich wouldn't you say? The sun will come up in the morning, you'll all go to school, uni, work, whatever and you will probably forget about whats happened today.

The definition of devastating is a family losing a little kid, not a football team who have lost something like 5 or 6 in a row and no matter what happens, will be here next week, next year, whatever.


Misanthrope said:
I realise you're probably mildly geniused, so I won't give you the kind of treatment I'd give a fully functioning idiot who stumbled into our forum spouting ill informed sh*t.

Michael Hagan is a good coach to have when all you need is for somebody to pat the players on the back, wish them luck, and congratulate them when they win. In fact, he's so good at that - that he'll do it irregardless of the outcome. I don't think I ever heard Michael Hagan criticise a performance. That made him perfect for Newcastle's collection of weak willed, spineless bitches.

The Parramatta fans lauding Michael Hagan as the saviour of the world as we know it are basing this on one season of football. You may win the premiership this year. We did in his first year. But people seem quick to forget the other mediocre years the Knights enjoyed under his 'guidance' and are blind to the many mediocre years that Parramatta will doubtless endure until somebody decides to fire him or an irate fan offs him in the car park.

How long was Brian Smith at Parramatta? I'm pretty sure it was longer than the proverbial snap of his fingers you refer to. Or is that how long you've been supporting Parramatta?

There seem to be two kinds of Parramatta fan. Those who can appreciate what Smith contributed but acknowledge that it was time for him to leave - and those who are idiots. There's Ron Jeremy too - who seems to slot somewhere in between dependent on the day.

Since you're not Ron Jeremy and you're not in the former group - I'm going to have to go ahead and group you in with the idiots. You can collect your dunce cap on the way out.

You felt so moved by his argument that you just had to register an account to agree with it? :roll:

That is the funniest response I have ever read!!!!


Jobdog said:

At least 95% of the people in this thread need to walk away from their computers, turn on the tap, get a glass out of the cupboard and fill it. Then they need to drink the contents and then put the glass in the dishwasher.

Once this has been completed, they need to take a deep breath and think to themselves - "f**k, things really aren't THAT bad". You know whats bad? The families in the last week or so who have had their little kids killed by this flu which is sweeping its way around the countryside. Most of these little kids are around the 2-4 age bracket and their families will never recover from such a devastating loss.

Then we compare it to a "devastating loss" from our footy team who were fighting for the wooden spoon today. Its all a bit rich wouldn't you say? The sun will come up in the morning, you'll all go to school, uni, work, whatever and you will probably forget about whats happened today.

The definition of devastating is a family losing a little kid, not a football team who have lost something like 5 or 6 in a row and no matter what happens, will be here next week, next year, whatever.



LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
F**king amen Jobdog.

There are countless reasons why what's happening at Newcastle simply is.

There's two weeks left of 2007 - then a whole off-season to sweat on what's next. Chances are that's a positive future and for the sake of the NRL I bloody well hope that's the case.

All the best of luck and here's hoping the guys put in over the final two weeks here and give the Cowboys and Tigers some wounds to lick going into the finals.


Sorry but its a bit over the top when I've simply said a few words to Knights supporters in simple jest (much like what they give to me all the time as a dogs fan) and I was:

1. Blocked by one of them
2. Abused via SMS by another.

Some people either need to get laid, get some sleep or grow a skin. :roll: Poor form imho...


Live Update Team
People just need to be fair dinkum. I know we're different to the majority of other teams fans because we ARE so passionate, but we also need to acknowledge that there are a lot bigger things happening in the world than a team who are going like a busted ass.


Staff member
but we also need to acknowledge that there are a lot bigger things happening in the world than a team who are going like a busted ass.

The big difference there is that none of us pay for tickets to see sick person vs. disease or own jerseys to show our support to Mexican city about to be hit by mudslide. They're terrible things to be happening, for sure, but none of us have any link or tie to them unless we're incredibly unlucky.

But I do understand you're trying to put things into perspective. I personally just don't feel that the world being a sh*t place makes Newcastle sucking at rugby league any easier to deal with :p

Ron Jeremy

Gene Krupa said:
Have a cry you f**king big sook!

What he's done for the club is clean it out of overpaid, over-rated nuffys, the likes we see on the park today. This club has been on the slide since 2001, last year was just an aberation, Johns was fit most of the year and masked the degradation that the team was going through. Every year that Hagan was coach saw more sycophantic selections from the so called supercoach and that brings us to the position we are in today. Do you honestly think that Paterson would have played for us this year if Hagan was around, in fact, do you think that anyone would have been promoted to first grade? It would have been the samne cut and paste, they're my mates. selections that we saw for 6 years. We would have been lucky to win 2 games this year without Johns with Hagan in charge. Smith is trying to instill a profesional culture into the club, not this rable that has been going on for so long. If the players can't face up to the reality that they need to come into the present and not live in the past, like they have for so long, then they can all hit the road. The Clint Newton situation is the prime example of this. In no way did Clint think about anyone but himself with the decision to f**k off from the club. He played 100 games, for himself, he went to a club that gave him the best chance of getting a premiership, for himself, he made derogitory comments in the press, to justify HIMSELF, yet all the while, people, player in this club consider him to be a mate. A mate isn't someone who walks out when the chips are down. A mate isn't someone who rags out on his fellow players to justify his lame arse position. A mate sticks it out and then STICK IT UP the arse of his detractors! The players at the club who think Traitor is still a mate need to go take a hard look at themselves and work out whether or not their loyality is best served investing in a backstabbing arsehole or in the club that pays them and put faith in them and allowed then to be in the position they are in. If they want to choose the former, then, as I said, they can hit the bricks because I love my club and I love the team and they play for the people who pay their over-inflated salaries. Not their so called mates who are only in it for themselves.

So, in conclusion, Smith is bringing about a cultural change and if you can't see that, then go support another club, cause we don't need people like you!

:lol: :lol: what absolute tripe:lol: all Hagans fault love it!


Staff member
Guide to my post:

BFF - best friend forevaaaaa
BFFL - best friendz fo lyphe (for life)
WBF - wanna be friends
NBF - new best friend

so, anyone?

Ron Jeremy

Misanthrope said:
I realise you're probably mildly geniused, so I won't give you the kind of treatment I'd give a fully functioning idiot who stumbled into our forum spouting ill informed sh*t.

Michael Hagan is a good coach to have when all you need is for somebody to pat the players on the back, wish them luck, and congratulate them when they win. In fact, he's so good at that - that he'll do it irregardless of the outcome. I don't think I ever heard Michael Hagan criticise a performance. That made him perfect for Newcastle's collection of weak willed, spineless bitches.

The Parramatta fans lauding Michael Hagan as the saviour of the world as we know it are basing this on one season of football. You may win the premiership this year. We did in his first year. But people seem quick to forget the other mediocre years the Knights enjoyed under his 'guidance' and are blind to the many mediocre years that Parramatta will doubtless endure until somebody decides to fire him or an irate fan offs him in the car park.

How long was Brian Smith at Parramatta? I'm pretty sure it was longer than the proverbial snap of his fingers you refer to. Or is that how long you've been supporting Parramatta?

There seem to be two kinds of Parramatta fan. Those who can appreciate what Smith contributed but acknowledge that it was time for him to leave - and those who are idiots. There's Ron Jeremy too - who seems to slot somewhere in between dependent on the day.

Since you're not Ron Jeremy and you're not in the former group - I'm going to have to go ahead and group you in with the idiots. You can collect your dunce cap on the way out.

You felt so moved by his argument that you just had to register an account to agree with it? :roll:

Damn Hagan!!!!!!!!!!!! god he farks up everything, not like that Brian Smith:lol:


Staff member
Parramatta Under Smith
1997 - 3rd
1998 - 4th
1999 - 2nd
2000 - 7th
2001 - 1st (arguably the most dominant season in recent memory, cap cheating Dogs aside)
2002 - 6th
2003 - 9th
2004 - 12th
2005 - 1st

Newcastle under Michael Hagan
2001 - Premiers (3rd)
2002 - 2nd
2003 - 7th
2004 - 10th
2005 - Wooden spoon (15th)
2006 - 4th

In Brian Smith's time Parramatta made the finals for the first time in eleven years (admittedly in a split comp, but they made them again the next year in the full strength NRL), won two minor premierships, made a Grand Final, and didn't win a wooden spoon. There was a bad period in there, but all sides go through down periods, and they bounced back from 12th to 1st in a season.

In Hagan's time we did win a premiership, but after the team became less of Warren Ryan's team and more of Michael Hagan's team we began to slip down the ladder and eventually won a maiden wooden spoon. Last year saw us bounce back to where we should be with Johns on deck.

But looking at those records, if you take out the grand final win, I know which coach's tenure I'd rather have had. Yes, Hagan won us a grand final, but he then lead us on a spirited charge down the ladder afterwards.

Smith's contribution to Parramatta may have alienated some fans and players, but the stats are pretty convincing. Two minor premierships, consistent finals berths... the only thing missing is the big one - and only a freakish performance from the Knights denied them that.

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