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Wasn't a certain former fullback for our club and now former league player forced to leave our club because of a little speed problem???? I believe Brain wanted him out because of it....


Going by that tho, Mitch Sargent would never have got a contract with the Knights..


i would imagine that hages knew. but there would have been others further up the chain than Hages that would have known plenty and decided to sweep it under the carpet....and i amagine Hages might have had some instructions to follow suit on it.

big boppa eel

Natalie's Daddy said:
I am beginning to think Hagan was the wrong choice as coach. His tactics leave a lot to be desired and I don't know if he brings too much to Parramatta.
Agree 1000%, I've said it before and people give me sh*t, what does it take for this guy to fire up and show some passion and I think he is like this even behined close door's its just him, people look at JT in South Side Story pumping em up and showing passion you'll never get that out of Hagan and regarding John's at the very least u would give him a spell and maybe show him who is the coach and the boss but not old hages he's a walk over, come on people give me your best.

big boppa eel

eel4life said:
Are all you serious ????

Joey's problem is a reflection on what is happening to everyone around you, how many people you know drink to much or dabble in drugs, if anything how many bosses out there know that their employees are taking drugs and turn a blind eye ... Seriously how many people do you know that have had a drink and got in their car and gone home ... how many people do you know behaiv the same way.

Joey was / is the best player past 20 years or so ... you tell me any team that would leave him out of the line up ...

If anything it just goes to show u how piss weak the NRL are in terms of catching cheats, or drug takers, 10 years of drug taking and nothing, to me that is a joke.

Shane warne has had similar issues in his carreer, maybe this is his wake-up call to make him a better person.
That's the problem mate, opinions like your's yes maybe the world's best player but what is more important winning a comp or someone dropping dead of an overdose?

Ron Jeremy

what a stupid thread

Even if Hags knew, do you think the board would've allowed the best player in the world to be sacked? Hags had no power, the board had it all.

Anyone remember was it Garry Hughes exit from the Bulldogs and what he said about Mason?

big boppa eel

Angry_eel said:
Even if Hagan knew it, he wouldn't have been able to do anything. Its impossible for a coach to shaft a player in the calibre of Johns.

If he had Shafted Johns, the senior players would have shafted him.
Would the likes of J Gibson or W Bennett have put up with this sh*t involving Johns, but then Hagan wouldn't be fit enough to shine these coaches shoes.

Ron Jeremy

big boppa eel said:
Would the likes of J Gibson or W Bennett have put up with this sh*t involving Johns, but then Hagan wouldn't be fit enough to shine these coaches shoes.

Year six years of coaching compared to 20:roll:

If Sterling got done for a similar thing in 1990 what would've you done? oh thats right you would've sacked him?

We dont know what happened, so why are you speculating? the Knights board had all the power and are the ones who dish out the punishment, ask them!! not hagan, he's only the person who coaches in front oh him!

Blame anyone blame their board, they are the ones who should've set a precendent.
Natalie's Daddy said:
I am beginning to think Hagan was the wrong choice as coach. His tactics leave a lot to be desired and I don't know if he brings too much to Parramatta.
What about now I think your thoughts are confirmed..The guy is all smoke and mirrors cant coach I say just looks like he can as his in the right place right time hence premiership in his first year and jack after that and then moves onto another team that could play with a blind man in charge


Whos to say that Hagan wasnt told to shut his mouth also?
IF they did know about it, it probably wasnt somehting they wanted let out

Ron Jeremy

would rather brian said:
What about now I think your thoughts are confirmed..The guy is all smoke and mirrors cant coach I say just looks like he can as his in the right place right time hence premiership in his first year and jack after that and then moves onto another team that could play with a blind man in charge

Quality second post:lol:

Ron Jeremy

Hellsy said:
Whos to say that Hagan wasnt told to shut his mouth also?
IF they did know about it, it probably wasnt somehting they wanted let out

Agreed, the board would've known and are the only ones with the power to dismiss him as Hagan wasn't incharge of the players retention.

Hagans job was to coach
Ron Jeremy said:
Year six years of coaching compared to 20:roll:

If Sterling got done for a similar thing in 1990 what would've you done? oh thats right you would've sacked him?

We dont know what happened, so why are you speculating? the Knights board had all the power and are the ones who dish out the punishment, ask them!! not hagan, he's only the person who coaches in front oh him!

Blame anyone blame their board, they are the ones who should've set a precendent.
At the end of the day johns would sack hagan before vice versa.All our players say how laid back hages is and its really showin in our game right now.the guys are not playin like they want to win i say he is a big problem for our club

Ron Jeremy

would rather brian said:
At the end of the day johns would sack hagan before vice versa.All our players say how laid back hages is and its really showin in our game right now.the guys are not playin like they want to win i say he is a big problem for our club

Remember the start of last year? we were something like 2 from 8? under the your man Brian.

Your man Brian is certainly doing wonders this year with your beloved Knights:lol:

Hagan is a very smart man, and tactically better then you think, he's only problem is emotion.

Let the year finis before you sprout comments like that, we haven't been disgraced in the last 3 games, we haven't won but know matter how bad we played we still could've won, a sign of a good football side.

Ron Jeremy

would rather brian said:
you are correct about the newy board though RJ could you imagine the moron chief sacking joey?//


Sargent i've been told by a few at Newy way was football manager back then, he pretty much called the shots on behalf of the board. Dont know whether it was true but Joey had more power and pretty much had the club in the grasp of his hand, and why not? he was like Lockyer to Brisbane or Wally to QLD.

Ron Jeremy

Hellsy said:
Johns would sack Hagan?

Hellsy, Sterling had more power at Parramatta then Monie and Cronin;-)

Great players are rare to find, and club will do anything to hang onto them.