That was a classic, Kyle got own3d big time. Serves the fat bastard right. As for Jackie, I'm not surprised she didn't say too much, she probably had her mouth full if you know what I mean. She was incredibly predictable with her "I'm just a poor widdle girl" routine as well.
Kyle just came across as the arrogant twat that I always thought he was. It was obvious that he's got nothing unless someone's writing it for him, listen to how many times he changed the subject or threatened violence (as if he'd throw a punch anyway, that coward would get his bouncers to do all the dirty work) when things weren't going his way. Hanging up on them and throwing in the cheap shot afterwards was the icing on the cake.
News flash for thoes 2 suckers of corporate cock: Frenzal has more credibility and respect than the 2 of you put together will ever have. I'm not even a fan of Frenzal, but I love their attitude.