Yep so take his life membership off him. I'm sure there would be a sponsor in ctown that has chipped in plenty and is more deserving than this merkin.
Take his life membership? Why? Because he's a tight-arse?
Shit, my twin brother is not quite at Harry's level but saying that he owns an old whaling captains home in Blues Point, a few other houses in Sydney, plus his blue-chip plus his gold bonds that he loves talking about ..... well you get the picture. Single, no kids. He's doing better than good.
When we were kids he cried for 3 days when he lost 20 cents; and for the next week or so when I'd remind him "Gee Pete, that was bad luck ....." The memory probably still brings a lump to his throat.
He's the biggest tight arse, and to be quite frank, I don't like him. As a kid he narced on me at the drop of a hat. Not my kind of guy. But, that doesn't mean that I'd kick him to the curb just because he's a tight arse.
If Harry doesn't want to share then that's our tough luck. But, once in a blue moon my brother has displayed an act of generosity & didn't crow about it. Nothing grand mind you.
Who knows, maybe old Harry does have something in mind, a bequeath perhaps? [Let's hope it's not a gold plated statue of Harry for the lobby]