Ok, a search of the public online court records failed to bring up any kind of appeal mention date. Doesn’t mean he hasn’t filed, but.
But more interestingly, there are some whispers going around town that some people are saying that his personal financial position is in far worse shape than is being publicly reported.
I cannot vouch for the accuracy of such reports.
And generally, and
@Gronk may like to comment (just from his general knowledge of the world and not personal experience) that quantum of resources to hand can rapidly diminish with poor spending habits.
I had the opportunity to review some critics of Haynesy NFL career. Said he wouldn’t run mindful of a low centre of gravity. Sorry about that digression.
I think we have Junior Amone up for sentencing soon. Subject to a successful appeal etc, I think he must be gaoled and 2 years non parole would be a good outcome.
His lawyer should do time for his ridiculous defence ( just kidding).