So Greenberg to make annoucement soon saying we are under this year and ok to keep playing
Kent rothfield Crawley Massoud
Drop dead
I don’t know about that. He looks a lot healthier than a year or two ago.Rothfield will soon
You are presuming natural causes though.I don’t know about that. He looks a lot healthier than a year or two ago.
Plus the grog tends to preserve your insides. I see some of them at work and they are either perfectly healthy or absolute walking corpses
So Greenberg to make annoucement soon saying we are under this year and ok to keep playing
Kent rothfield Crawley Massoud
Drop dead
The beauty of that is they buzz hates Todd, Todd will be looking to pour cold water on this and discredit buzz as much as possible using the actual facts.2 PM Conference apparently.
Forced to comment now when it otherwise would have been a fine behind closed doors.Ha
Took them 5 months to comment???
“Report” lmfao
we've self reported a problem.“Report” lmfao
Making it up as they go along, remember this the same guy that said Cronulla where ok with the cap this year suddenly its going to be had to keep Homes f**k off“Report” lmfao