Ok, I made it.
A very poor, very sad, turnout of members to our AGM - I reckon there were about 25 members in attendance. All done by 10:25. Three Steelers reps were in attendance, Bobby Steeler & 2 others. I am 53 and I felt quite young in that room, probably 2 or 3 members that would have been younger than me.
As I thought as there were no notices of motions sent to the club, there were no items from the floor that could be voted on.
Message was things are still tight, still very competitive, but we have improved performance over 2013. I believe Danny R suggested that was the best financial performance for 7 years.
Strong focus on cost containment and invisible improvements that will deliver efficiencies into the future. Examples being, new telephony to replace dated system; a power management system (can't recall the name but Brian J did say) to help manage and reduce our power usage and bills. No bank debt, money in the bank ie the bank owes us, not the other way around.
Good part was the availability of the Club officials after the meeting to the members was (again) excellent.
I spoke to, or listened to, Brian Johnston, Danny Robinson briefly, and Craig Young and Peter Black (but not on Club matters).
They believe they have the right skills on the Board, and they take information in from outside frequently where needed.
Danny R says they often review the site and what options there are for development. Interestingly, the SW corner car park is not considered viable for development as it is the lowest point of our land at only '6-8 ft above sea level' and with soil issues. Still it sounded like the biggest issue would be the shadows on the neighbours.
Interesting - Sizzler lease/sale document has a clause that they can only sell to the Leagues Club.
I am in two minds, they seem very confident in their ability to take us forward. I am hoping their confidence is well placed. Brian and Danny both seem well across the club and it's situation.