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Hindmarsh Announces Retirement


I remember writing in my daily journal in year 3 about how devastated i was when Sterlo announced his retirement. Definitely more devastated now.

You are an absolute Legend Nathan Hindmarsh. Parramatta, Rugby League and sport in general will be not be the same without you.

Thanks for the memories and being the heart and soul of this club.


Im typing this with tears welling in my eyes. I knew it was coming, but that hasn't dulled the shock any. I love this man as a footy player, but im sure if i knew him personally he'd be a great bloke. Nathan, you don't need a premiership to be a winner, you were born one. I wish you all the best in life after footy if you put half the effort you did and still do on the footy field than you will be a massive success.

I had a debate maybe 7 years ago with my wife's uncle over where hindy's standing in the game would be at the end of his career. He said he would be considered a good player in his time, i said he would be a legend of the game forever more. Hindy you are a legend forever more. Even my wife's uncle agrees with that now and he is a dirty broncos supporter.

Parra Pride

Round 26, everyone should go to the game rockin out with our cracks out.

Nah mate, I reckon the 80,000+ fans that show up to watch us win the Grand Final this year would be better, yes even those fans who have deserted us just because we are losing can come just for Hindy, they can f**k off if they think they are allowed to celebrate the premiership win though.

#2012 Premiers



Wow….. as you get older you realise that these types of days come around faster & faster and we all knew this one wasn’t too far away.

But to hear Nathan say it himself it resonates deep in my heart!
I guess, deep down, I was hoping it would always be “next year”.

I don’t think there are any, or enough, words that could say what Nathan Hindmarsh has brought to the Parramatta Club and its Fans. There have been times, sometimes seasons, when he has been the single shining light amongst some very dark moments. For that we are grateful.

I guess a true reflection of not only the player but the man is the generous words of other team’s supporters. For them to take the time and post the like of the following show what Hindy not only means to this club but to the game of Rugby League in general….

“As a dragon supporter I have the upmost respect for Hindy. He played the game hard but fair, I'm thrilled to know that we will be playing parra at his last home game, and regardless on what happens Hindy will always be a winner.
Congratulations Champ!”

“Sad day for all Parra supporters and lovers of the game in general.

No supporter could ask more of any player. A one club man that everytime he played whether the end result was a win or a lose, you knew he had given his best and left everything he had on the field.

We often look back on the 'old' days with rose coloured glasses, but I think all players and player managers could learn a thing or two by looking at Nathan Hindmarsh. Hindmarsh is what makes a club what it is, he is what makes us follow our clubs with such ridiculous passion.

Hats off to you Nathan Hindmarsh you have always done yourself, your family and your club proud.”

My hope for the rest of season, like most Eels fans, is that his team mates look within themselves and for the remaining games and commit with 90% of the effort that Nathan has put in for the past 300+ games. That would ensure a better result than we have seen so far.
I hope Nathan's post footy life brings him as much joy as his career has brought to me.
Whilst I am a born & bred Parramatta Eels fan, I am almost certain Nathan Hindmarsh has ensured I remain one.

Thank You Hindy !


First Grade
I cried when Cronin retired. He is the greatest ever Eel, a quality man on and off the field. Hindy isn't far behind him IMO.


this sucks so much! i knew it was coming and prepared for myself but boys this is sad :(

We will forever miss hindy and when someone misses a tackle or doesn't drop onto a ball or run down a winger we will just always say 'Hindy would've got him'

i hope he comes to Parra for a coaching/mentoring role for our juniors. I can see him being a trainer one day because he is the epitomy of fitness. What about making him head coach next year :) jokes. we will miss him dearly!

You are a true legend Hindy and us eels fans will never forget what you did for Parra and rugby league as a whole, and what you will continue to do!


Whoah, didn't expect to get home to see this headline.... Congratulations Hindy on a great career, and going out on your own terms, and getting to announce it in your own time.

Hope the whole squad fires up a bit and tries to send you out on a high - of all the Parra players post-86 you deserved a premiership the most (but at least in our minds we can grant you 2009).


I cried when Cronin retired. He is the greatest ever Eel, a quality man on and off the field. Hindy isn't far behind him IMO.

especially with Mark Laurie's finger stuck in his eye.

I too loved Cronin. I can still remember when all the others were out playing for NSW or Oz and he would hold the Parra fort and win games by himself.

I also loved Paul Taylor, who no one really gave wraps to. For mine, he allowed Sterlo to play better coz he gave Sterlo a break during the game.


Whoah, didn't expect to get home to see this headline.... Congratulations Hindy on a great career, and going out on your own terms, and getting to announce it in your own time.

Hope the whole squad fires up a bit and tries to send you out on a high - of all the Parra players post-86 you deserved a premiership the most (but at least in our minds we can grant you 2009).

And 2001. I still reckon if we had 10 more mins, we would've won 2001.

I Bleed Maroon

And if it wasn't for Tony Archer's dud call with 6 minutes to go in '09 I reckon we would have won that.


Mate, you were robbed by a salary cap cheating Storm. Never mind a dud referee call. I know there's no point getting worked up over it, the NRL made the choice not to give you the trophy, but my point is don't even worry about the refs.

Hindy knows that Premiership belongs to him. The record books don't have to show it.

Eels Dude

Mate, you were robbed by a salary cap cheating Storm. Never mind a dud referee call. I know there's no point getting worked up over it, the NRL made the choice not to give you the trophy, but my point is don't even worry about the refs.

Hindy knows that Premiership belongs to him. The record books don't have to show it.

You guys were robbed too by the fact you were prevented in contesting the GF by the Storm's cheating. It's all hypothetical and nobody knows what could have happened if it was an Eels v Broncos Grand Final this year. It's nice to see supporters of other clubs coming in here and acknowledging what a great service to the game Hindy has been over the years. He will go down as an Eels legend, and he will also be remembered as one of, if not the best second rowers of the era he played in.

I Bleed Maroon

You guys were robbed too by the fact you were prevented in contesting the GF by the Storm's cheating. It's all hypothetical and nobody knows what could have happened if it was an Eels v Broncos Grand Final this year. It's nice to see supporters of other clubs coming in here and acknowledging what a great service to the game Hindy has been over the years. He will go down as an Eels legend, and he will also be remembered as one of, if not the best second rowers of the era he played in.

No secret there; Hindmarsh has never been a grub, and he's always been a workhorse for the Eels and the Blues. It is a shame that his career had to end on this note, with him admiting himself he was trying to take pressure off Kearney.

As for the hypothetically Eels vs. Broncos GF, that would have been a cracker, and I definitely lay some blame at the Storms feet, but I can't look past the disgrace that was Ashton Sims knock on in a completely unnecassary hitup. All he needed to do was stroll up and fall to the ground and the game would have been over.
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Parra Pride

Mate, you were robbed by a salary cap cheating Storm. Never mind a dud referee call. I know there's no point getting worked up over it, the NRL made the choice not to give you the trophy, but my point is don't even worry about the refs.

Hindy knows that Premiership belongs to him. The record books don't have to show it.

Even though if the record books did have us as 2009 premiers it wouldn't be the same, there would be no celebration, and I imagine it would feel quite hollow. As for being robbed by a cheating Storm, it wasn't just once, it was three times, now we may not have gone all the way in '06 or '07, but we were robbed of the chance by the Storm, who knows what could have happened, had luck fallen on our side Hindy could be going out with 3 premierships to his name.


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