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Hindmarsh in for Tahu


First Grade
Pierced Soul said:
it was all a conspiracy to get ennis to the broncos :roll: . you're deluded drake. what made the dragons have to release ennis? they could have released any of their players, but i'm sure bennett knew they'd specifically release the player he wanted :roll:
Well, considering Bennett maintained a phone relationship with Ennis over the year, I'd say Benny had a fair idea that Mick would be happy sticking his hand up for a release.

Mr Saab

drake said:
Well, considering Bennett maintained a phone relationship with Ennis over the year, I'd say Benny had a fair idea that Mick would be happy sticking his hand up for a release.

know that for a fact do we?
i think you should stop passing the buck and realise that it is the dragons that are at fault with how they handle their players contracts.
If they didnt know that they would be over the cap mid way thru the yr then they should sack the accountant they have...he sounds like he is the Dennis Denuto (castle) of accountants.


It's all a conspiracy against the Dragons.

It's the Broncos fault they are $300 000 over the cap full of injury prone show ponies.

Misty Bee

First Grade
The handling of nathan Hindmarsh, the best forward on planet Earth, and the heart and soul of every team he plays for, is downright disgraceful. If he was unfit a week ago, no he's suddenly fit?

Hindmarsh has been placed below Willie Mason by Bennet. There has been no more consustent player on the rep scene in the last 3 years than Hindmarsh.

Bennet and the Australian selectors have been playing games at the expense of the one forward that can almost guarantee a series win by his presence.

F**king disgrace. If he was a bronco, he would never have been pissed around in the first place.

Mr Saab

Misty...it was on Doctors advice that Hindmarsh was dropped. Dr Hugh Hazard. So if you are going to blame anyone then blame him.
It is like me re 1990 with Wally...i dont blame Bob Fulton....i blame the Dr...Dr Nathan Gibbs.

Explain to me how Mason has been put above Hindmarsh?

Misty Bee

First Grade
What, explain again????

Hugh Hazzard failed to defer to a specialist, Dr Malouf, who gave him the all clear. A GP cannot do that.

In 1990, Wally didn't have medical clearance from anyone. Hi did have a large sling though. :roll: And when Allan Langer botched up in the early tests, they capably used the replacement, Cliffy Lyons, because Wally's arm was actually...broken!!!!!

Mr Saab

so what has wayne bennett have to do with anything? He has no thorough knowledge regarding knee injuries. He cant over rule the team Dr in Hazzard and play Hindmarsh. What if somehow Himdmarsh re injures the knee? Who cops a massive spray and possible legal problems? Bennett. No win situation with Wayne...but you cant see that. I admit it was a stuff up perhaps, but Wayne had no role in that.
So go and blame the Drs, not Bennett with regards to selection.

Misty Bee

First Grade
Bennet influenced the decision! he took the blame - saying he owed Mason!!!

Now Mason broke down, and Bennet (and his resident quack) all of a sudden are prepared to believe the specialist!!!!!

Mr Saab

please tell me where i have even talked about Mason in post 27?
Answer my post.
Not go off into another tangent.


First Grade
Willie Mason was freely admitting he was not 100% fit, but Wayne kept him in camp "because he owed him". Hugh Hazzard would never have sent one of his Bulldogs home, so it was up to Bennett to send Willie home, and he didn't do it. You can't keep someone in camp because "you owe them", that's bullsh*t.

Hazzard kept one of his 'Dogs in camp, and Bennett wouldn't send him home even though Willie said he's not fit. Hazzard said Hindy isn't hit, an orthopedic surgeon said Hindy is fit, and Hindy says he's fit, but Bennett took Hazzard's word over the truth.

Now Timana is injured, Mason is injured (and always has been, but now it's worse and exposed the fraud that Hugh Hazzard is) and now Bennett calls Hindmarsh back to try and cover his own rear end. It's a load of bullsh*t, and Bennett needs to go for it.

(And yes, Hazzard should go too, he shouldn't even be there).

Mr Saab

mason does not have a injury!!!!! (well before the shoulder injury he suffered 4 days ago). If he was injured then why did he play the last 7 games or so for the Dogs?
Hazzard is not a fraud (i think you should becareful what you say). Mason suffered his new injury (shoulder) on saturday and has nothing to do with his "suspect" ankle.
Is Hazzard a fortune teller? Was he able to predict the mason shoulder injury, which BTW is not that bad.
Again, you say Bennett called Nathan back into the team. Why single him out? Is it just Wayne? This is not club football where the coach has all the say. This is rep football where there are also 4 selectors. They are not store manequins who dont say anything. But hey, you can believe what you like Jay.


First Grade
Charlie Saab said:
mason does not have a injury!!!!! (well before the shoulder injury he suffered 4 days ago). If he was injured then why did he play the last 7 games or so for the Dogs?

Willie Mason said himself, "I am not 100% fit", and if you're not 100% fit, you're injured (and he didn't mean endurance fitness, he meant injury). He played for the Bulldogs injured, which is why he was so ordinary. He wanted game time because he was stuck on the sideline all year.

Charlie Saab said:
Hazzard is not a fraud (i think you should becareful what you say). Mason suffered his new injury (shoulder) on saturday and has nothing to do with his "suspect" ankle.

Hazzard may not be a fraud, but he DID play favourites. Hindmarsh was fit, an orthopedic surgeon in Dr. Michael Johnson passed him fit and I would take that on board before anything Hugh Hazzard said. Willie Mason told the media he wasn't fully fit (and they were Hazzard's words when he ruled Hindy out, he said "he's not fully fit") but was retained in the squad because Hazzard is the doctor.

More blame lies with Bennett, he could have asked for a second opinion when Hindy and Dr Johnson said he was fit. But he didn't, he just sent him home (and IMO, ultimately cost his team the match against NZ, Hindy would have made alot of difference).

Charlie Saab said:
Is Hazzard a fortune teller? Was he able to predict the mason shoulder injury, which BTW is not that bad.

No, but he knew Mason was not fit to start with. Mason's shoulder may have been ok, but he would not have been in the situation to injure it had he been sent home like he should have been.

Charlie Saab said:
Again, you say Bennett called Nathan back into the team. Why single him out? Is it just Wayne? This is not club football where the coach has all the say. This is rep football where there are also 4 selectors. They are not store manequins who dont say anything. But hey, you can believe what you like Jay.

Bennett has the final say, no matter what you believe. He's the figurehead, and the blame will always lie with him.

Mr Saab

ParraDude_Jay said:
More blame lies with Bennett, he could have asked for a second opinion when Hindy and Dr Johnson said he was fit. But he didn't, he just sent him home (and IMO, ultimately cost his team the match against NZ, Hindy would have made alot of difference).

you are unbelievable. So bennett is going to over rule the team Dr and ask for a 2nd opinion? Bennett has no say in medical conditions. He couldnt have said to Hugh "You have been a Dr for 40 odd yrs, but i dont trust your judgment, i want a 2nd opinion". Hugh with his medical expertise should have made that call, not Bennett.
I am suprised you eels fans are not blaming hazzard or bennett for the injury to Tahu...or blaming Bennett for the Hurricane in New Orleans...or the Tsunami last decemeber.
Yeah Hindmarsh would have made all the difference :roll:
stand back, superman is here. I will stop BK, Gower, Lockyer, Johns, King (twice) and ryles from dropping the ball.


First Grade
Charlie Saab said:
you are unbelievable. So bennett is going to over rule the team Dr and ask for a 2nd opinion? Bennett has no say in medical conditions. He couldnt have said to Hugh "You have been a Dr for 40 odd yrs, but i dont trust your judgment, i want a 2nd opinion". Hugh with his medical expertise should have made that call, not Bennett.

When an orthopedic surgeon passes him fit and your team doctor fails him, then you get a third opinion, it's just logic!

Dr Johnson is a well respected surgeon, and when he passes a player fit to play, you believe him. When another Doctor fails him, then you get a third medical opinion, that's what anyone with half a brain would do.

But I guess Supercoach doesn't need a third opinion, because he is so great he just knows how fit players are. Even though Hazzard/Bennett have had to admit they were wrong and recall Hindy anyway!

And for the record, Nathan would have made a BIG difference in that game, the fowards went missing and that's when Hindy steps up.

Mr Saab

i agree that Dr Johnson past him fit and the whole thing has been a bad event, but i dont see why/how you can point the finger at Bennett.
How many times have we seen players ruled out of squads because of injury?????? Plenty. How many of those got 2nd 3rd 4th opinions. None. There were ruled out, end of story.
This is a medical incident, not a coaching one. Blame bennett for putting waterhouse into the centres, thats fine, but this Hindmarsh debacle has nothing to do with Wayne.


First Grade
Charlie Saab said:
i agree that Dr Johnson past him fit and the whole thing has been a bad event, but i dont see why/how you can point the finger at Bennett.
How many times have we seen players ruled out of squads because of injury?????? Plenty. How many of those got 2nd 3rd 4th opinions. None. There were ruled out, end of story.
This is a medical incident, not a coaching one. Blame bennett for putting waterhouse into the centres, thats fine, but this Hindmarsh debacle has nothing to do with Wayne.

And as I keep saying, how many of them were passed fit by an orthopedic surgeon beforehand? That should have been enough for Bennett to send him for a third opinion. When one says yes, and one says no, you get a third person to say yes or no, it's just logical.

Bennett made the call to send him home, he could have taken him on tour, so some of the blame must lie with him. He was given bad advice, yes, but he should have just sent Hindy for a third opinion and this whole thing would have been avoided completely, and the Australian team wouldn't have been made a fool of.

Mr Saab

and as i keep saying, hindmarsh has/had/didnt a medical problem.
Blame hazzard, not bennett.
It was handled badly, i admit that, very badly, but i cant see how wayne can be dragged into that.
As i said, If wayne over ruled the team Dr he would have been up sh!t creek minus the paddle. Wayne doesnt do the medical tests, he has other people to do that.
It is not Waynes job to tell a Dr what to do. Hugh should have consulted with Johnson....he didnt by whats come out in the press.
Do you know for a fact that Bennett was the one to tap Nathan on the shoulder and tell him to go home? He might have yes. But that would have been advice of Hazzard.


First Grade
Fair enough, but Wayne Bennett is the face of the Australian test team, he will get blamed for alot of things whether you like it or not.

Maybe he doesn't deserve to be blamed for this though, but I still think it was up to him to send for a third opinion. Nevermind though, it's done now.

Mr Saab

that my point, he gets blamed for alot of things when in reality he should not be accountable. Some yes, like the coaching of the team, but not medical issues.
If the doctor ruled Hindmarsh out of the entire series just over a week ago.....and now....Hindmarsh is supposedly fit enough to take part in the entire series following a miracle recovering.....

How does that work?