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How many team's in the World Cup?

How many teams in the World Cup?

  • 8

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • 10

    Votes: 4 10.3%
  • 12

    Votes: 19 48.7%
  • 16

    Votes: 15 38.5%

  • Total voters


southsman said:
I hear through the great vine that it will be a 10 maybe 12 Country comp.

Group1 Qualification(4 to go thru) England , Wales , Ireland , France , Scotland
Group 2 Qualification(1 to go thru) Russia , Serbia, Holland, Georgia , Italy , Malta
Group 3 Qualification (3 to go thru) P.N.G, Fiji, Somoa, Tonga , Cook Islands, Nuie
Group 4 Qualification (2 to go thru) U.S.A , Japan, Lebanon, Morroco, Jamiaca
Australia and NZ to automatically qualify as holders.

TOTAL 12 teams .

That works, but Group 1 shouldn't have 4 qualifiers, it should have 3. The final spot would be awarded through a repechage tournament. The 4th place team in Group 1 would play the runner up of Group 2, with the winner to against winner of the 4th place team in Group 3and the 3rd place team in Group 4.

I think that this format should be sumbitted to the RLEF and RLIF immediately for implementation. I would hold a multi tier qualification tournament, with for example, the lower level Europe teams competing to enter Group 2.

For 2007, there wouldn't be a Tri Nations or European Cup in the current format. Group 1, or Euro A, would feature all of the GB internationals, as well as players from overseas like Morley and Carney. Australia and NZ would play a three match Bill Kelley trophy series, commerating the first RL in the Southern Hemisphere.


Good idea's yankeeboy. Wales should be fairly competitive if Briers, Cunningham, Harris and a lot of young Welsh players coming through the ranks in NL1 , NL2 and Super League.

Maybe the Pacific Islander team is a good idea and the team would be one that would be a title contender.
unfortunately 10, the 10 better, the 10 which have a good home organization.
where is the interest with teams beaten by more than 80 or 130 points

1. Aus
2. NZ
3. England
4. Aboriginal (Australian NRL players)
5. Celtic (Wales + Ireland + Scotland)
6. France
7. PNG
8. Fiji
9. Tonga
10. Lebanon

or perhaps 12
1. Aus
2. NZ
3. England
4. Aboriginal (Australian NRL players)
5. Celtic (Wales + Ireland + Scotland)
6. France
7. PNG
8. Fiji
9. Tonga
10. Lebanon
11. Russia
12. xxx

Ari Gold

theres no way in hell that we can have an Aboriginal team.... the world cup would then have 0% credibility

Big Bunny

From the SMH..

THEN THERE WERE 10: Sin Bin hears there will be 10 teams in the 2008 World Cup. Richard Lewis, executive chairman of Britain's Rugby Football League, was in town at the weekend for talks with the ARL. ARL chairman Colin Love now needs to consult New Zealand on what was decided before making an announcement. The 2000 tournament had 16 teams, with 10 marking a return to 1995 numbers. But this time there will be a full qualifying tournament, with the series called the World Cup "finals".

Evil Homer

Staff member
So why not include them instead of an Aboriginal team?Or a Celtic team for that matter,either have GB or individual nations.
We go one of two ways.

We either have a real world cup.....or, we allow any old teams to join in an call it a world championship.

I prefere a World Cup...the original rugby world cup. :cool:

What we need to do is make it an attractive competition, and there are a few thing we need to do to make that happen.

First, you need the WC to be something EVERYONE works towards. That means instead of endless Tri Series and playing the same old teams, you need a system in place that means every Test against every nation you play counts towards your seeding in the world cup.

You also need regular competition between ALL test nations. One off Test....or no tests at all between world cup absolutely KILLS the world cups credibility. We need the top nations playing atleast three lower ranked nations every year no matters what the circumstances are.

You need the competition to be a COMPETITION. That means making some tough decisions for some teams and a chnage of mindset for others.

We need to merge the Pacific Islands. Alone, they are very week teams that hardly ever play and have no chnace at all of making any impact in the game. Combined, they become a force. They become something for islanders to workd towards. They have a good shot at doing something positive in the WC and all their reasources work towards a common goal.

Ontop of this, the RFL needs to get rid of its slow, 1800's methods and build quickly. Sack Noble, you sack a coach when they perform terribly. Sack Noble and throw money at the likes of Craig Bellemy and Rickey Stuart. Make them offers they cant refuse....the money spent on a quality coach like that would be made up many times over if GB were to be a success once again.

The NZRL needs to do the same. This idea that Australia plays an Australian style of League is wrong. We play the most successfull style and a style all other nations should look to improve upon. The NZRL needs to look at signings the best coach avalible no matter where he is from and become MUCH more professional then they currently are.

Another thing that need to be sorted out include this farcicle eligability rules we have in the game where by you can basically pick a team you want to play for and thats good enough.

Australia, New Zealand and Great Britain need to make it a rule that to play for their respective counbtries you need to become a naturalised citizen of that country.

Its very easy to see what needs to be done....but the games administration is so poor and so self important that it has no time to actually do anything positive for the game.

I think 2008 will be a low class failure. I hope Im wrong.....but the track record suggests Im right.


Merging the PI would be the worst thing you could do. They are all proud individual nations and should compete alone. Same as GB should be the different home nations.


I hope that an Italian team, similar to the mob going to the U16s world cup, don't make it. It would ruin everything.


rugby13france-livrade+sav said:
do you think that RL is credible having only less than 20/22 countries having home soil regular competitions ?
Ofcourse it is credible. Do you ever say anything positive about RL?


nospam49™ said:
We go one of two ways.

We either have a real world cup.....or, we allow any old teams to join in an call it a world championship.
I really dont think it has to be either or. The invitational tournament you sort of suggest featuring Qld, NSW , Abroriginals, Maori, NewZealand, Pacific Islands etc could be held in alternative yearly periods and it is a natural extension of the origin series that has the potential to be massive if done properly. If nothing else, all Qld/NSW games would get brilliant ratings.

I prefer a World Cup...the original rugby world cup. :cool:

What we need to do is make it an attractive competition, and there are a few things we need to do to make that happen.
Agreed... if it becomes a choice.

First, you need the WC to be something EVERYONE works towards. That means instead of endless Tri Series and playing the same old teams, you need a system in place that means every Test against every nation you play counts towards your seeding in the world cup.

You also need regular competition between ALL test nations. One off Test....or no tests at all between world cup absolutely KILLS the world cups credibility. We need the top nations playing atleast three lower ranked nations every year no matters what the circumstances are.
Agreed. But you also need to present these games/results properly. For example if Ireland have played Wales, commentators/media need to be aware of this fact when commentating. When/if USA play, constant reference needs to be made to the number of internationals players have played, the us team they play for, Tries they have scored. etc. If a US player or a PNG player is the leading try scorer in his competition, a big deal needs to be made of this.

You need the competition to be a COMPETITION. That means making some tough decisions for some teams and a chnage of mindset for others.

We need to merge the Pacific Islands. Alone, they are very week teams that hardly ever play and have no chnace at all of making any impact in the game. Combined, they become a force. They become something for islanders to workd towards. They have a good shot at doing something positive in the WC and all their reasources work towards a common goal.
Disagree. Look at the results of Samoa and Tonga in previous world cups. Both are very close to NZ level. Fiji and Cook Islands are not, but this is addressed by a proper qualifying system where it is doubtful they would be good enough to qualify (assuming 10 teams which is the current flavour of the month).

Ontop of this, the RFL needs to get rid of its slow, 1800's methods and build quickly. Sack Noble, you sack a coach when they perform terribly. Sack Noble and throw money at the likes of Craig Bellemy and Rickey Stuart. Make them offers they cant refuse....the money spent on a quality coach like that would be made up many times over if GB were to be a success once again.

The NZRL needs to do the same. This idea that Australia plays an Australian style of League is wrong. We play the most successfull style and a style all other nations should look to improve upon. The NZRL needs to look at signings the best coach avalible no matter where he is from and become MUCH more professional then they currently are.
Not disagreeing with what you say, but i dont think it matters. Both sides put up good enough fights and if we had 30 nations at their level it would be a great competition. I'd be happier if each nation found a reason why they were going to win and marketed this massively. Eg a 17 yr old whiz kid poised to tear apart australia, or England proving their dominance of the WCC isnt a mistake or something similar.

Another thing that need to be sorted out include this farcicle eligability rules we have in the game where by you can basically pick a team you want to play for and thats good enough.

Australia, New Zealand and Great Britain need to make it a rule that to play for their respective counbtries you need to become a naturalised citizen of that country.
Cant agree here. The only rule which needs to be changed is that it one country for life (possible exception only in cases such as an australian accepting citizenship in a minor nation or a Finland born player whose country wasnt playing league at the time they played and even thouse situations would be debatable).

The RL rules are as stringentor more stringent than soccer, RL, Basketball etc, with the only possible exception of Rugby union and who knows or cares what they are doing?

Its very easy to see what needs to be done....
Actually, i think that you missed the most important improvement. which needs to be made, imo. The standard world cup in most sports is group games and then a straight knockout. This means in RL that the group games are totally meaningless. I think the key is thinking outside the square and using traditional rugby league methods. Assuming ten teams. I would like two groups of 5 (totally random). Each side plays the ohters in the groups (possibly include a cross over game) but there is just one premiership table. Instead of a straight top 8 knockout, there is a traditional top 5 or top top 4. This means that if Australia, New Zealand, or England lose a group game (at least one will) they will be at a major disadvantage. So, The group games are not the same boring meaningless contests they would otherwise be.

but the games administration is so poor and so self important that it has no time to actually do anything positive for the game.

I think 2008 will be a low class failure. I hope Im wrong.....but the track record suggests Im right.

i'd like to disagree but you are right about the track record. Still, all signs are that they are improving in there attitude towards international league so you never know.


rugby13france-livrade+sav said:
do you think that RL is credible having only less than 20/22 countries having home soil regular competitions ?

Maybe you're just trying to goad people into an argument, or maybe you're not.....RL has X amount of countries with domestic comps because that's how many we've got. What's your point?

The problems the game has faced trying to expand over the years are well documented. What are we supposed to say? 'We're not credible as a sport until we meet [insert magic number here] so what's the point of pretending otherwise?'

Of course not. Since I've been following the game, from 1987, RL has never been better administered than it is today, and it's spread is genuine and sustainable.....and credible.


Looks like it's going to be 10 after the meeting in Sydney recently. Almost confirmed and futher info to come shortly.

Somoa or Fiji
Russia or Georgia
Ireland or Lebanon or U.S.A

Big Bunny

Samoa would be one of the more competitive Pacific nations but jeez I'd hate to see them in the cup ahead of nations doing the hard yards. Hopefully in qualifiers the likes of Fiji and Tonga and maybe even the Cooks will top them.

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