There are just under 141,600 people over the age of 18 years participating in
touch football in Australia.
On average, touch football participants:
Are male, aged 34 years and under
Reside in non-capital city regions of New South Wales and Queensland
Are Australian born
Will be married
Work full time, as intermediate clerical and service workers or trades persons
Participants in touch generally play only this sport. Of those who do participate in
other sports and physical activities, the most popular are rugby league, golf,
netball and indoor cricket.
There are 141,600 adults play touch nationally; this is a participation rate of 1.1%
of the population aged 18 years or over. Whereas males make up 54.8% of all
participants in all sports and physical activities, nearly three quarters of players
are male (74.4%) and have a participation rate of 1.6%. Only 0.6% of Australian
females aged 18 years or over participate in touch football.
The greatest numbers of players are in the 25-34 year age group for both males
and females 45.9% of male touch players and 48.7% of female touch players
are in this age group. The sport is also popular with the 18-24 year age group in
which there are 42,400 participants, 30,100 males and 12,300 females.
Participation rates are high for both 25-34 year olds and 18-24 year olds, with
2.4% and 2.3% of persons in each respective age group participating in touch
football. The participation rate declines to 0.1% for the 45 years and older age
group. Overall, 1.65% of Australian adults participate in touch football.
There are 73,500 people who take part in touch in New South Wales and 50,400
people in Queensland. These two states account for about 87% of players
However, Queensland has a higher participation rate than New South Wales
(2.2% compared with 1.6%), but the sport is also popular in the Northern
Territory where the rate is also 2.2%, and the Australian Capital Territory where
2.1% of adults participate. South Australian and Western Australia have the
lowest recorded participation rates, with only 0.3% of their respective adult
population participating in touch football.
For all organised sport and physical activities, people living in non-capital city
regions have a participation rate of 31% which is higher than the rate for capital
city residents which is 26.2%. For touch, the rate of 1.6% for non-capital city
participants is double that of 0.8% for players living in capital cities.
Of the 141,600 participants, only 11.3% were born outside of Australia (116,100).
The proportion of Australian-born people who play touch football (88.7%) is much
higher than the percentage of Australian-born people in the population (72.6%).
The participation rate for Australian-born players is 1.3% which is higher than the
rate of those born in the United Kingdom, Ireland or New Zealand (0.8%) and for
people born in other countries (0.2%).
The participation rate of touch players who have never been married is nearly
twice that of married players 1.9% and 1% respectively. The proportion of
players who have never been married (38.4%) is significantly more than both the
proportion of never married people participating in organised sport and physical
activities (29.5%) and the percentage of adults who have never been married
(22.1%). The situation is reversed for married persons 57% of participants are
married, while for organised sport and physical activity participants and all people
aged 18 years or more, the proportions in this category are 61.1% and 64.5%
Employed players comprise 89.1% of all adult touch players. The proportion of
players who work full time (76.5%) is substantially higher than the proportion of
Australian adults employed full time (43.8%) and is also higher than the
percentage of participants in all sport and physical activities engaged in full time
work (53.3%). This position is reversed for part time workers. Indeed, 12.6% of
touch football players work part time, while the corresponding proportions for all
adults and participants in all sports and physical activities who work less than 35
hours per week is 17.9% and 19.8% respectively.
The most popular occupations of touch footballers are intermediate clerical, sales
and service workers, with 22.1% and 20.5% of touch football participants in these
occupations respectively. In comparison, the proportions for all Australians who
are intermediate clerical, sales and service workers or trades persons and
related workers are 12.4% and 9.1% respectively. Associate professionals is
another popular occupation group for touch players, with a proportion of 14.2%,
nearly two and a half times the proportion of all Australians with this occupation.
Nearly one fifth (18.4%) of touch participants work in the retail industry. This is
more than double the percentage of all people in the retail trade (9%) and higher
than the proportion of all sport and physical activity participants in this industry
(10.5%). The next most popular industry of touch players is construction with
12.8% of players in this industry. This is also more than double the percentage of
all people (5.1%) and of all sport and physical activity participants (5.8%) in this
The majority of touch players - 54.1% - earn more than $30,000, compared with
36% of all sport and physical activity participants and 28.2% of Australian adults
with this income. In fact, over 20% of people who participate in touch football
earn an income of over $50,000 per annum. For lower incomes, the position is
reversed 39% of participants in all sports and physical activities and 45.5% of
Australian adults earn an income of $19,000 or less while just 18.6% of persons
who take part in touch football have an income in this group.
The highest educational qualification attained by more touch football players than
any other qualification is a secondary school certificate, held by 42.1% of all
people involved.
However this percentage was lower than the proportions of all organised sport
and physical activity participants with a secondary school certificate (45.2%) and
of all persons with this qualification (51.6%).
Nearly 23.7% of touch players have a trade certificate or apprenticeship. This
proportion is almost twice that of participants in all sports and physical activities
(13.1%) and the percentage of all people (12.3%) with a trade certificate or
Touch is the only organised sport or physical activity undertaken by 42.2%
(59,700 people) of players. A further 37.6% (53,200 people) participate in one
additional sport or physical activity, while 11.5% (16,300 people) take part in two
other sports or physical activities and 8.7% (12,400) take part in three or more
other sports or physical activities.
Touch football players take part in a wide range of other sports and physical
activities, the most popular of which being rugby league (11,000 participants).
Golf and netball, both of which have 9,600 participants, indoor cricket (9,300
players) and outdoor cricket (8,900 players) are also popular with touch football