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How the draft will work.

Misty Bee

First Grade
This is how the draft will work, and how you should submit your applications.

Firstly, you will note that clubs have been allocated a place in the queue for draft choices. Canterbury are first, therefore they have the first pick. That means the first player on their list will be selected. The second player selected will be from the list of the 2nd team, third from the third team, and so on, untuil the 16th pick, from Newcastle. The 17th player picked will be from Canterbury again, the 18th from the 2nd side etc.

In other words, you will have one player selected at a time.

If your player is unavailable, I will go to the next player on the list, and so on until I find an available player for you.

Therefore, every team will get a player before I move on to the next team.


Canterbury's draft choices: (1st on the draft)
Wally Lewis, Brad Clyde, Dally Messenger.......

Newcastle's draft choices (16th on draft) Wally Lewis, Brad Clyde, Dally Messenger

Canterbury would sign Wally Lewis. Newcastle would miss out on Lewis, but Clyde would be signed. When Canterbury come around again, Clyde would be gone, so they get Dally Messenger.

Jono asked if you could have a reserve, if your first choice is taken. I guess he is worried that a player he needs to build a team around might be taken, and if so he would need to then seek a similar player, that might not be in his original wish list. I can understand that problem.

I have no problem with that, except that teams lower down the draft ladder may be slightly disadvantaged.

Therefore, for the FIRST PLAYER ON YOUR LIST ONLY - I will allow it.

One draft submission PER CLUB. I want 16 draft submissions, not 32. Either coach can send it.

How long can your list be? Your list should include one player for every spot you need to fill. If your core squad has 17 players, your list should have 20 names (plus a reserve for the first choice). YOU CANNOT RECRUIT MORE PLAYERS THAN YOU NEED!!!! So if you are buying a core player off another club, leave a vacant spot on your draft.

Submit your choices by Email to mistybee@iprimus.com.au Subject heading to include your clubs name and the word 'draft' somewhere. I get a lot of spam, and would hate to see your wish list in my recycle bin!

make your list like this:

1. Wally Lewis (reserve Terry Lamb)
2. Brad Clyde
3. Dally Messenger etc.

As I have said on the timetable thread - first draft is required by 6PM next friday, 30-1-05.

Cheers, and a mery christmas to you all, and your families and loved ones.

Big Mick

to be honest...I have a major problem with it.

I've been given 16th pick...but i've also got two 8/8's, an 8/7 and an 8/5 off contract. Everyone else does not have that.

Cronulla has two 8/8's also retiring, but they have a higher draft pick.

The way this will pan out, i'll be lucky to even get one 8/7 player to make up for 3 quality players that have been forced out when other clubs only really had to make way for one or two at most.

I don't mind the draft system, but to take away two of my best players in Webcke and Kennedy, both 8/8's when noone else makes such a sacrifice in their team is a very big disadvantage considering the pick I have.


First Grade
Misty, is it possible to modify the "reserve" rule slightly? Eg. if there's no player similar to my first or second pick, can I name a reserve for my third pick?

What I'm suggesting is to change it from:
"Therefore, for the FIRST PLAYER ON YOUR LIST ONLY - I will allow it."

"Therefore, for ONE PLAYER ON YOUR LIST ONLY - I will allow it."
Big Mick © said:
to be honest...I have a major problem with it.
I've been given 16th pick...but i've also got two 8/8's, an 8/7 and an 8/5 off contract. Everyone else does not have that.
Cronulla has two 8/8's also retiring, but they have a higher draft pick.
The way this will pan out, i'll be lucky to even get one 8/7 player to make up for 3 quality players that have been forced out when other clubs only really had to make way for one or two at most.
I don't mind the draft system, but to take away two of my best players in Webcke and Kennedy, both 8/8's when noone else makes such a sacrifice in their team is a very big disadvantage considering the pick I have.
I was thinking about that also.....

But everyone has a CAP and I know I for one am having a hell of a time trying to stay under it.

It should workout BigMick.


First Grade
I dont full understand..

The draft is made up of what type of players,off contract etc?


First Grade
dragondad said:
I dont full understand..

The draft is made up of what type of players,off contract etc?

Yep, off contract plus unsigned. He will put up the list of available players this evening. These will be the ones for the draft. Those which are already in a team's core squad or juniors can be traded outside of the draft (as long as both coaches PM Misty).

Caged Panther

First Grade
UndertakerMike said:
I was thinking about that also.....

But everyone has a CAP and I know I for one am having a hell of a time trying to stay under it.

It should workout BigMick.

From my so far limited investigation of Panthers recruitment it's already obvious that overall to fit the squad within the salary cap my first grade side will on the balance of things be weaker.

Misty Bee

First Grade
Mick, I hear you, but there are 40 players on the available list that have a rating of 15 or higher. Shouldn't be a problem really.

Eeloquent - how about you make that ONE player your first pick? The rule is designed to allow you a second chance if the player you are tryiong to build your team around becomes unavalable. You can then nominate a replacement, without having to completely remodel your side.

CP and Mike, your side will be roughly as normal, plus 208 for the 20 PL players. You can, of course, recruit how you wish, but to get your 'firsts only' salary cap, as acomparison to last season, simply subtract 208 from your total.

You can, if you wish, pack your first grade with stars, and have no depth, or go the oher way, and go for a balanced club that can cover for injuries well.

Big Mick

yes...but there will be a problem you see.

I'm losing two players with a rating of 16.

there is only 7 of those in the draft, two of which were part of my team...every other 8,8 has remained with their respective teams.

So there are 40 with 15...i'm losing 3 players with rating of 15 or higher...so therefore i'll have 16th, 32nd and 48th pick....so all in all my team is gonna suck majorly because i've got two great players off contract and one 8,7, of which I will not be able to replace ANY of them adequately. Plus i'll be stuck in the situation with how would I be able to replace an 8,7 with 48th pick? I will only be able to pick up 8,7's for the first two if i'm lucky enough there are any available in the positions I want, because noone will be silly enough to let those with 16 ratings stay in the pool for long. All in all my team is going to be at least 5 points weaker because I wont be able to replace 2 guys that are vital to my team. 1 I can handle, but 2 is ridiculous when no other team has made that sacrifice or has a lower draft pick.

Big Mick

Thats cool....i'm not gonna have a whinge about this any further.

I'll just go with a balanced team and hope for the best unfortunately


So if the player you want is gone will you select the next most suitable player to replace him in that position Misty?

Say for example I want an attacking back rower but the one I have in mind is gone, will it skip backrowers and move to my next pick? My concern is that if this happens I could miss out on getting a good backrower altogether.