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I cannot believe how ungreatful some people are


I had planned on not posting here anymore. But after some of the stuff i have read not just here but in other forums i felt that i had to comment.

While constructive critisim is very positive and to be honest there are a couple of things in the game that arent perfect i cannot believe how badly some people have come out and bagged Sidhe.

The Graphics are great, the stadiums look awesome the jerseys look awesome. It plays like rugby league in the 2 harder modes so you are rewarded for getting good go forward.

There was so much we were all asking for in this game and i fell Sidhe have delivered atleast 85% to 90% of what we wanted and im sure it will only improve if and when they release the second game. But honestly i wouldnt blame them if they took the money and ran after this one after some of the comments about the game and cretins who are going to pirate copy it.

My only complaint is its soooooo adictive ive only had 4 hours sleep since ive got it.



Well I wasnt goign to post here either and I completely agree with you Cliffy. I have already founf myslef posting here to get some feeeback becuase not everyone amde it back to Rleague - not yet anyway.

Anyway teh uniforms do not suck. Go and play ARL 96 and then tell me they suck.

And I think the people that thin the gameplay sucks are still playing on Reserve or Schoolboy. Once you get up to Seasoned and Legend it plays exactly like a league game. Get better, move up and THEN play league.

Reserve and schoolboy and good for improving your skills, and they feel like league. be seasoned REALLY feels like league, so maybe you should try it you ungreatful, disloyal, LU whingers.


I agree Cliffy, but I think you may possibly be overreacting. The majority of the posts which talk about bugs in the game, of which you must admit there are quite a few (but its still a brilliant game) are mainly just pointing them out in order to get them fixed either by a (hopeful) patch or at least for the next version. Some people are getting upset about them, but again most of them are saying that despite the bugs its still a great game.


EWS said:
Well I wasnt goign to post here either and I completely agree with you Cliffy. I have already founf myslef posting here to get some feeeback becuase not everyone amde it back to Rleague - not yet anyway.

Anyway teh uniforms do not suck. Go and play ARL 96 and then tell me they suck.

And I think the people that thin the gameplay sucks are still playing on Reserve or Schoolboy. Once you get up to Seasoned and Legend it plays exactly like a league game. Get better, move up and THEN play league.

Reserve and schoolboy and good for improving your skills, and they feel like league. be seasoned REALLY feels like league, so maybe you should try it you ungreatful, disloyal, LU whingers.

And you wonder why every one hates you and thinks you are an idiot. Most of the people you just insulted as LU whingers are old rleaguers, many of whom have been around far far longer than you have. Those same people also made rleague and the gaming forum what it is.

Would it be too much for me to assume that you are just bagging out LU to once again try to get yourself a mod position? I wouldnt put it past you. Why dont you f**k off back to rleague and give MattO some head, you'd definately get a mod jacket then.

You are a discrace to Wests fans and you shit me no end, not just for your idiot ramblings in the Wests and Gaming forums or your constant cock sucking in an attempt for power, but for every thing you do. You are exceptionally annoying. EWS, you are an IDIOT.


ripper73 said:
The uniforms suck.

Are you serious?

The jerseys are the 2nd best thing about the game. The Stadiums are a first class effort, they cannot be improved. I love how when I win, the crowd at my next home game gets bigger.

The jerseys are fantastic, and if you honestly think they aren't, then open the game again, and have another look.


Im not insulting LU. Im insulting the whingers that come here, some of which used to visit Rleague, some of which didnt. Why are constantly accusing me of trying to become a mod? How would insulting LU (which I didnt do) do this anyway. MattO doesnt come here or care what goes on here. He also encourages vsiiting many forums to get different opinions.

Matt M

From what I've seen from pictures, the uniforms are perfect, nothing wrong with them at all.


You can't believe how ungrateful people are? :lol:

I paid $90 for this game and it's the most flawed game I've ever bought on Xbox. I'm sorry, but if I pay out that sort of money, I expect something that is at least close in overall quality to other comparable games o nthe market. If it's not, it should be released at a budget price and I believe that should've been the case with this game. I'll bitch about it all I want thank you very much, and so I should. There is no way they should be able to get away with releasing such a bug riddled game next year. It seems that many people here have never even played another sport game if the comments about his being a quality game are anything to go by.

If you buy a car and it keeps on breaking down, you don't complain? Hey, I'll make you one myself, it won't be very good, but you won't mind. I'll put a lot of time into it, that should be good enough to satisfy you.

buster bunny

While browsing this forum since the game's release I have noticed that anyone who posts anything that is negative about the game is usually blasted. It is also evident that some people view HES and Sidhe as some sort of royalty. While I believe they have done a good job lets not forget that they did not enter the market simply to please Rugby League fans. A fair part of their mission would have been to secure a profit. As posted previously people payed an average $90 for this game and they have just as much right to criticise elements of the game as other people are allowed to highlight the positives of this game.


People play one game and say its shit... thats why we blast. They come back an hour later after a few, and praise it...

Don't judge a book by it's cover...


Cliffy GC:

You’re complaining that people are complaining about a game?

If I had paid close to $100 for a product and was dissatisfied with what I had received I have every right to voice my displeasure wether you agree with my opinions or not.


some people are making out the game is woeful

id have to say its one of the best games ive played.

Its not perfect but these blokes put their hand up and put the time in to making it when companies like EA totally barred us league fans.

Theres room for improvement thats what the sequel is for.

For the record consructive critism is postive and will give Sidhe a few ideas for next time. But out and out carving the game is just stupid


Out and out carving of the game isn't stupid if the person doing the carving thinks it's a crap game, and it seems many do.

It's an opinion, I don't hate the game, but I can certainly see why many would.


Cliffy GC:

If they think the game is woeful I for one would want to hear about it. A balance of opinion gives a better overall view of what the game is like to someone who may be interested in purchasing it.

I agree with you that constructive criticism is more positive then abuse directed at the developers but I really don't think someone expressing how disappointed they are with a game is being stupid.


for everyone that hates it theres another 10 who love it....

i can't wait until the ones that hate it get good at it..then everyone will like it..


Yeah if anyone says they hate the game I will automatically think they a cr*p it and playing on schoolboy, and then I will laugh.